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Author nina1074
#1 | Posted: 10 Oct 2013 20:16 
Does anyone have Greyangel's fics saved? I'm specifically looking for The Hunters and The Gambler. I didn't see it on the "do not exchange" list, so I'm hoping someone can help me out.

I could've sworn I had them on a removable drive, but alas...

Author nina1074
#2 | Posted: 10 Oct 2013 20:21 
AUGH! I thought I had this in the right forum! My bad. Please move it.

Author SMac
#3 | Posted: 10 Oct 2013 20:31 
Moved the thread, no problem.

I have a copy of those.

If you contact me through my contact here at TSR I will send you a copy. Click on the little envelope next to my name for PM'g me here in the forum or click on my name to email me through the contact on my author page. Be sure to include your email address so I can send it.

Author Anne1014
#4 | Posted: 12 Oct 2013 12:43 
I would also like to get a copy of Greyangel's stories.

Author SMac
#5 | Posted: 12 Oct 2013 15:26 

If you contact me through my contact here at TSR I will send you a copy. Click on the little envelope next to my name for PM'g me here in the forum or click on my name to email me through the contact on my author page. Be sure to include your email address so I can send it.

Author DaniellaWidget
#6 | Posted: 15 Jan 2024 07:32 
Is there any chance you still have any of greyangel's fics? Please and thank you

Fic Exchange Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Fic Exchange /

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