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Does anyone have Kidnapped by greyangel

Author EffyAnn
#1 | Posted: 18 Aug 2015 23:02 
Kidnapped by her Lord and Master by greyangel.
I have been looking for this well written story to reread. If anyone has it please message me

Author ScoobyDawn
#2 | Posted: 19 Aug 2015 14:53 
Yep I have it, drop me a pm with your email address and I'll send you a copy.

Author Asharah
#3 | Posted: 22 Aug 2015 19:51 
I remember not liking Spike very much in that fic.
He just seemed like a selfish rich brat who thought he was entitled to whatever he wanted.

Author DaniellaWidget
#4 | Posted: 22 Jan 2024 09:21 
Is there any chance you still have a copy or any of greyangels fanfic please and thank you

Fic Exchange Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Fic Exchange /
 Does anyone have Kidnapped by greyangel

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