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season 2/3 Scoobies go 100+ years into the future season 2/3 Scoobies go 100+ years into the future 7K  3
Author c_heels  27 Sep 2015 15:57 Latest reply nmcil  2 Oct 2017 05:31  »»
Post-Gift, Riley thinks Spike has Buffy's dead body in crypt, but she is really alive Post-Gift, Riley thinks Spike has Buffy's dead body in crypt, but she is really alive 2.9K  0
Author kittyfajitas  2 Oct 2017 00:32 —    
High school fic - might be working on an assignment together? High school fic - might be working on an assignment together? 9.3K  1
Author Lemmonjuice27  25 May 2014 11:07 Latest reply crazycanuck44  6 Aug 2017 11:14  »»
feral spike and angel feral spike and angel 1.7K  0
Author zivachick  22 Jul 2017 18:21 —    
Early Season 2 fic Early Season 2 fic 1.7K  0
Author cheekylilbint  14 Jun 2017 19:45 —    
Buffy isn't ready to deal with Spike's confession of love, but finds it hot when he says it in bed Buffy isn't ready to deal with Spike's confession of love, but finds it hot when he says it in bed 1.5K  0
Author betterthanrevenge  12 Jun 2017 05:39 —    
Season 6 Demon Eggs Season 6 Demon Eggs 3.3K  3
Author ginar369  17 Apr 2017 11:13 Latest reply ginar369  7 Jun 2017 14:26  »»
Spike teaches Dawn some games. Spike teaches Dawn some games. 3.5K  2
Author ILoveLamp  9 Jan 2014 05:57 Latest reply ScoobyDawn  30 May 2017 01:48  »»
Immortal Buffy Immortal Buffy 2.6K  4
Author Beautiful_Tyrant77  15 May 2017 00:26 Latest reply nmcil  21 May 2017 01:44  »»
wedding fic wedding fic 6K  6
Author dannibaby  19 Jan 2017 18:19 Latest reply dannibaby  2 May 2017 15:28  »»
Not Echoes Not Echoes 8.6K  2
Author Spuffybot  2 Jul 2015 17:50 Latest reply Sami  13 Mar 2017 20:58  »»
Post Chosen - Babyfic Post Chosen - Babyfic 6.5K  2
Author Kel  8 Feb 2017 02:57 Latest reply Kel  1 Mar 2017 03:54  »»
Buffy is a vamp maybe turned by dru the group thinks she's dead and they pay someone Buffy is a vamp maybe turned by dru the group thinks she's dead and they pay someone 4.6K  0
Author Harvardkid08  19 Feb 2017 18:09 —    
Post-Damage Buffy and Dawn take care of Spike Post-Damage Buffy and Dawn take care of Spike 2K  0
Author Kate of Katehall  10 Dec 2016 23:07 —    
Buffy jealous over Spike's tryst with Anya Buffy jealous over Spike's tryst with Anya 2.7K  2
Author steeveskat  15 Nov 2016 00:00 Latest reply steeveskat  20 Nov 2016 07:32  »»
AU Season 6 after Buffy's brought back, Spuffy friendship that develops AU Season 6 after Buffy's brought back, Spuffy friendship that develops 2.8K  0
Author jenna_lyne  19 Sep 2016 19:16 —    
S1, Spike set on killing Buffy; kidnaps Joyce;demon Buffy fought had a large claw instead of a hand S1, Spike set on killing Buffy; kidnaps Joyce;demon Buffy fought had a large claw instead of a hand 3.4K  1
Author 505birdluv  9 Sep 2016 19:23 Latest reply kittyfajitas  10 Sep 2016 17:57  »»
judge buffy and lawyer spike judge buffy and lawyer spike 3.3K  0
Author zivachick  17 Aug 2016 05:56 —    
Trying to find a story where Buffy is an author who writes romance novels Trying to find a story where Buffy is an author who writes romance novels 2.8K  0
Author MrsTommyOliver  1 Aug 2016 20:23 —    
Buffy marrying angel, then spike on a beach Buffy marrying angel, then spike on a beach 1.4K  0
Author JMjunkie  7 Jun 2016 14:05 —    
Key turned into 2 lockets, Spike goes on the run with his locket. Key turned into 2 lockets, Spike goes on the run with his locket. 3.4K  0
Author peck  25 Apr 2016 08:44 —    
Buffy wants to keep her memory loss Buffy wants to keep her memory loss 3.3K  7
Author Lambean  1 Jun 2015 09:14 Latest reply Mel_violet  4 Apr 2016 19:20  »»
Buffy and Spike captured, giant terrarium Buffy and Spike captured, giant terrarium  2 6.7K  18
Author Guest  20 Jul 2010 06:22 Latest reply steeveskat  14 Mar 2016 03:16  »»
Spike and Olaf (Troll God, Anya's Ex) are having a nice chat after Xander returns with Buffy and co. Spike and Olaf (Troll God, Anya's Ex) are having a nice chat after Xander returns with Buffy and co. 5.5K  0
Author EddyxMarvoloxRiddle  3 Feb 2016 11:54 —    
S6 Buffy and Spike are dating only Tara knows. they marry & Spike turns human and gets shot. S6 Buffy and Spike are dating only Tara knows. they marry & Spike turns human and gets shot. 47.7K  2
Author m_cookieme  14 May 2013 08:50 Latest reply ScxrletHeart  14 Jan 2016 13:35  »»
Affair fic Affair fic 2.1K  2
Author redridinghood21  28 Nov 2015 00:51 Latest reply smitty  13 Dec 2015 20:35  »»
Spike steal presents for Scoobies during christmas, then throws them away. Spike steal presents for Scoobies during christmas, then throws them away. 1.2K  0
Author EddyxMarvoloxRiddle  4 Nov 2015 22:34 —    
Spike says Buffy's "hot"? Spike says Buffy's "hot"? 1.7K  0
Author EddyxMarvoloxRiddle  4 Nov 2015 22:31 —    
Angels finds Spuffy in "As You Were" S6... Angels finds Spuffy in "As You Were" S6... 1.7K  0
Author Amber  24 Sep 2015 15:58 —    
maybe post-series fic, dawn says something like "ew, is this some weird kind of foreplay?" maybe post-series fic, dawn says something like "ew, is this some weird kind of foreplay?" 1.3K  0
Author holetoledo  5 Sep 2015 21:21 —    

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