A/N Hey everyone!!! Thanks so much to BuffyandSpikeForever, kerry, Caitie, llbean, Mariana, willy, stacie bower, Pante_Rei, sarah g, Jinkx, Aislynn, brandi, and Raven for leaving me those Awesome reviews!!!!!!!! i really really really really really appreciate it! And to answer a question, yes Faith is a little too old to be be staying at home, but she has a really bad history of living on her own. So, her mother doesn't want anything bad to happen to her. That's why she lives at home...hope that unconfuses some ppl...lol and here is chapter 2 (Future Husband?)

“Oh god…I’m so freaking tired…ugh.”,Buffy moans as she plops down at her desk.

Willow lets out a laugh and goes to pat her back while she says, “Well that’s what you get from staying up all night little Miss Buff. I told you to just go to bed, but nooooo…you had to stay up” Willow continues patting her back as Buffy lets out another moan.

“Hello all! And how is everyone this fine, Woah! Buff…Who took your favorite toy away?” Xander sits down at his desk and looks questionably at Willow.

Willow just shakes her head and mouths, “Faith”, and continues to pat Buffy’s back.

Willow and Xander hear Buffy let out a cry as she lifts her head back up.

She holds her head in her hands and mumbles, “well, Xander, buff had to stay up again all last night for her beloved sister. And once again, I only got one hour of freaking sleep. Then, this morning, I get yelled at from mom cause she thinks that I was out last night! Mom said she heard the door close last night at 5 o’clock in the morning and just figures it was me. Of course me being the nice sister, I took the blame cause I didn’t want Faithy to get kicked out of the house.” Buffy lets out a sigh as she finishes and plops her head back down on her desk.

Xander lets out a sigh and chuckles. He leans back in his seat and stretches his legs. “Man Buffy, that sucks. But I thought that you weren’t gonna stay up for Faith anymore. I mean, we all know what she does or who she does. That doesn’t mean that you have to baby her. She’s what…25 now, so she can take care of her self. But…how is she anyhow? She doing any better? I mean, how many new guys has she been with?”

Buffy sits up and looks at Xander with a frown. “I think she has been with…10 different guys this past month. But I only know this cause of the number of cars that I’ve seen pull up in the drive way.”

Both Willow’s and Xander’s eye widen at this. Willow speaks up first.

“Wow Buffy…I mean…that’s a lot of guys. She should be more careful. She could get like a disease or something.”

“I know Will, it’s just…I don’t want to mention it to her, cause then she’ll get all mad with me cause I’ve been “spying” on her. It’s not spying though right? I mean, just cause I sometimes follow her and watch her at night doesn’t mean I’m spying…right?” Buffy nods at them and sees both of them look at her weird.

“Ok…ok.”, she mumbles, “I get it…it’s spying, but it is all in good reason. I mean if I didn’t, then we wouldn’t know if she is dead or not. So she should be thankful.” Buffy stops talking to nod at her reasoning then finally gives up and lays her head back down.

Buffy lets out a groan as the bell rings signaling that class is starting. She looks over at the door and watches the teacher walk in. She glances back over at Willow and Xander and mouths, “We’ll talk later.”

Both of them nod and turn around in their seat to listen about the wonderful facts of Physics.

Buffy throws he bag on the couch as she enters the living room. She yells, “Mom…Faith! Anyone home?!” She walks further into the house and then hears her mom.

“Buffy, I’m in the kitchen honey.”

Buffy lets out a sigh and stomps into the kitchen, dreading having to talk to her about last night. She walks in and sees her moms “mean” face and Buffy has to hold in a groan. She sits down at the stool and places her elbows on the table.

“What’s up mom? How was the gallery today?”

Her mom sits down in front of Buffy and lets out a sigh. She starts to speak to her.

“Buffy…do you want to talk about where you were last night? I’m not going to be mad if you just tell me why you were out so late.” Joyce looks at her daughter and can’t believe she stayed out all last night. She prays she doesn’t end up like her sister.

Buffy Screams in her mind. ‘Tell her…just tell her that it wasn’t you …that it was Faith and you will be fine…just do it’ Buffy speaks to herself in her head then answers her mother.

“I was at Willow’s. We have this project due and I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to do it, so I went over to her house so we could work on it together. And by the time we were done, it was 4. So…I’m sorry mom.” Buffy hopes that by saying she’s sorry, that mom will forget about it and not mention it to Faith.

Both Buffy and Joyce jump as the front door is slammed. Faith walks into the kitchen wearing a black leather top that shows way too much cleavage for Buffy’s taste and black leather pants. Buffy refrains from rolling her eyes at her older sister’s ridiculous outfit.

Faith sits down in one of the stools and props her feet on top of the table. She grabs an apple off the table as she starts to talk.

“Hey fam! How’s it hanging!” she practically yells. She reaches over to Buffy and messes up her hair while saying, “How ya doing squirt! Life treated ya good?” But before Buffy can actually answer her questions, Faith starts rambling again.

“Anyhow, guess what mom?! I met someone and he is so great and hot, I must mention hot.”

Buffy and Joyce raise their eyebrows at the mentioning of yet another boyfriend. Buffy sits up to ask, “Whats his name, who is he and how old is he?”

Buffy crosses both of her arms in front of her and sits…waiting for her answer.

Faith lets out a laugh and stands up in front of Joyce. “Well, his name is Spike, he is a guy I met at the Bronze and he is 26!”

Joyce’s eyes widen at the name, Spike, and can’t help but yell, “SPIKE! What kind of name is Spike, Faithy?”

Faith lets out an angry cry and walks over to the other side of the table, “MOM! I told you not to call me Faithy! I’m not 16 anymore! I’m 25 years old so start treating me like one!”

Buffy sees her mom stand up as she begins yelling as well. “Well Faithy, maybe if you would move out and try to get a decent job, I would start to treat you older! You have never lived outside of this house, and the last time I mentioned that you should get out, you starting yelling at me and threatened me that if I didn’t let you stay, you were going to live with whomever you were dating at that time! So maybe, Faith, if you would start respecting me and if you acted you age, I wouldn’t treat you like a child!” Joyce stops talking to take a breath and looks at Faith, waiting for an comback.

Buffy can see the tears in her mother’s eyes, and she just wishes that she could say what Faith actually does at night. She wishes she could just tell her mother so she would kick faith out of the house. But she knows her sister is just going through something. So, she just sits there, waiting for the tears in her mother’s eyes to roll down her face.

Finally after a few minutes, Faith takes in a long breath and lets it out with a smile.

“Well…dearest mother, I must go. SPIKE…is waiting for me and I plan on bringing him here tonight to meet you both. I really think that Spike is the one mother. And I think that things will get better around here with him in my life so please, please try to act civil.”

She walks around towards Buffy and points at her. “And you…could you please clean up my room while I’m gone. I don’t want my future husband to think I’m a slob.” She bends down to kiss Buffy on the cheek. “Thanks doll face!” She turns and walks towards the front door. She waves back towards them yelling, “Bye fam! See you in a few!”

As the door slams shut, both Buffy and Joyce let out their breath that they have been holding since Faith walked into the kitchen. Instead of talking to her mother, Buffy gets out of her seat and heads for Faith’s bedroom. She turns back towards her mother and with sympathetic eyes she says, “Mommy…please don’t worry about Faith. I mean…she is going through a tough time but she will be fine. I’m going to clean up her room, and when she gets back, we will see her “Future husband…ok? No worries mommy” Buffy smiles at her mother and walks upstairs.

“Oh thank god! That took forever”, Buffy whimpers. She puts the last pillow on top of Faith’s bed and then plops down on the floor. She lays her head on the side of her bed and lets out a sigh.

“God…that took forever,” Buff looks at her watch, “Ok that took 2 hours…but that’s forever to me.” She gets up with a groan and just as she heads to the bathroom to take a shower, she hears her mother’s voice filter through out the house.

“BUFFY! Faithy and her new boyfriend are here.”

“GOD MOTHER! I SAID NOT TO CALL ME FAITHY…Sorry about that Spike.”

Buffy lets out a smile at her mother, then frowns when she hears her sister talk to her “future” husband. But Buffy knows that she has to be happy for her mother and for Faith, so she puts a smile on her face and heads down the stairs to face…the future husband.

“He better be rich… that’s all I’m saying. If he ain’t rich, then there is no way I’m gonna be nice to him”, she mumbles.

A/N Well, I hope that didn't suck too much. Please leave a review. If you like this story please tell me, and if you don't like this story, then please tell me!!! So please please please please please please leave me a review lol Thanks once again to all those people who left me reviews last chapter!!!!!! AND IF YOU GUYS COULD READ MY OTHER STORY THAT I JUST FINISHED RECENTLY CALLED "WHY ME??" I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE IT!!!! SO GO AHEAD AND READ THAT, AND LEAVE A REVIEW :) THANKS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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