Chapter 19

Another week went by and Buffy made her way to Spike’s locker after school. She saw him talking to a girl and walked over to them, with a smile on her face.

“Hey, how’s it going?”

Spike smiled as well, placing a kiss on her cheek.

Buffy turned her attention on the girl. “How’ve you been, Dawn?”

She flashed her a bright smile in return. “Things are good. I’m going to self defense class after school today. Thanks again for recommending it. It really comes in handy when anyone decides to pick on me. They would so regret it. It took me a while to convince my mom to take me, though. She eventually caved.”

Buffy nodded at her excitement.

Dawn admired Buffy for being able to fight back and wanted to learn some moves of her own, incase she would need them. So, Buffy talked to Riley and he agreed to give her some lessons. Dawn had been happier ever since. “It’s really great. Riley is so hot. Have you seen his arms? Those are good arms to have.”

Buffy smiled and wondered if Riley was the only thing the girl was really interested in. “Well, I’m glad you’re having fun.”

Dawn nodded. “Yeah, I have to get home now. See you guys later,” she said, then ran off in a hurry.

Buffy watched her go. “I think someone has a crush on her instructor, but at least it’s not you,” she stated, turning back to Spike.

“I miss all the attention,” he said with a pout.

Buffy put her arm around him. “Poor, Spike. I’ll give you attention.”

He smiled at her. “I think that’s the first time you’ve called me Spike.”

Buffy shrugged. “It’s an honest mistake. Don’t get used to it,” she told him, grabbing his hand and heading out of the school together.

* * * * *

Angel showed up at the house later that night with Darla.

She came over for dinner and to meet the family that Angel spoke so much about.

Buffy was there to greet them.

He made the introductions and then went into the kitchen to help his mother, while the girls talked.

“Angel told me what happened with Lindsey. I’m sorry about that. I hope he didn’t hurt you,” Darla said with concern.

Buffy shook her head. “Nothing I couldn’t handle. It wasn’t your fault, I’m just glad the jerk won’t be causing anymore problems.”

Darla had to agree with that. “Angel talks about you all the time.”

Buffy smiled. “Well, I am pretty important. If I do say so myself,” she replied.

Darla laughed, knowing that she would like this girl. “You remind me so much of my little sister. I really miss her sometimes,” she commented sadly.

“Where is your sister? If you don’t mind me asking,” Buffy wondered.

“She lives in New York with my parents. It was really hard for me to move far away to go to college, but I needed some time to myself. I’m really grateful that I met your brother. He has always been there for me, ever since the whole thing with Lindsey. He’s truly one of the good ones.”

Buffy nodded. “Yeah, I always knew that.”

* * * * *

Angel and Darla left hours later and Buffy grabbed her brother’s arm before he could leave.

“I like her, Angel. Hold on to that one.”

He smiled at his sister, pecking her on the cheek. “I’ll keep that in mind. Take care, brat,” he said, then walked out of the house.

“Same to you, loser,” she called after him.

Angel gave her one more smile, then got in his car and drove off.

She watched him go for a moment, suddenly feeling a sharp pain in her stomach. Buffy had been feeling pains for the last couple of days, but just shook it off and figured it was nothing.

* * * * *

Buffy was working on some new moves in self defense class the next day, but for some reason, she wasn’t that into it. She stopped what she was doing and took a deep breath, snatching up her bottle of water and taking a long drink from it. She then poured some of the cool liquid over her head, surprisingly very hot all of a sudden. She put the bottle of water down and wiped her face with a towel.

Riley noticed this and went to her side. He knew she never got tired that easily. “Are you feeling okay, Buffy?”

She looked at him and nodded, taking another deep breath. “Yeah, I’m sure it’s nothing. Just feeling a little drained, it’ll pass. I just didn’t get that much sleep last night.”

Riley wasn’t convinced. “Are you sure? We could stop if you’re not feeling up to it.”

Buffy shook her head. “I’ll be fine. We still have another hour.”

Riley nodded, not knowing what else to say.

Buffy continued to throw kicks and punches. She stopped again when another sharp pain stabbed her in the stomach. This one was stronger than the others. She yelled out and clutched her side.

Riley caught her when she passed out. He didn’t know what was wrong, so he quickly grabbed his cell phone and dialed 911. He hung up after telling them of the situation and giving the address, then glanced down at the girl in his arms. She was unconscious and looked too pale for his liking. “It’ll be okay, Buffy. The ambulance is on the way.” He wasn’t even sure if she heard him at this point. Riley really prayed that the ambulance would get there in time.

* * * * *

Yes, I am truly evil. No worries, we're almost to the end=)

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