Chapter 2:

The loud ringing that broke through Buffy's daze signaled the end of class. Finally, she thought, standing to leave English class. She walked down the hall toward the library. Hmm, she chuckled, just last week I wouldn't go into the library unless forced and yet here I am walking there. Just as she was rounding the corner to the corridor that the library was in she got ambushed by Cordelia.

"Buffy, where were you last night? I was worried, I would have called your house but I didn't want your mom to think you went missing when you were probably out being a dirty little tramp. Spill, did you meet up with Joe, because he wasn't there either?"
"Ahhh," Crap. "No I didn't see Joe, I felt sick so I stayed home. "
"You should have called me." Cordelia feigned compassion.
"Sorry, I literally passed out. I must have had that 24 hour bug thingy."
"So terrible, you missed an awesome night." Cordy looked around to make sure no one was listening, then leaned in and whispered, "Harmony wore this ugly pink dress, she looked like a peep, a fat mushy peep."
"Well, so sorry I missed that." Buffy's voice was oozing with sarcasm.
"What's with the 'tude?" Cordelia asked, crossing her arms over her chest in the manner that just spoke, 'I'm Queen C, bow before me'.
"Didn't sleep well." Before the conversation could continue Harmony walked over.
"Hey guys, Buffy I missed you last night. It was so much fun. You shoulda been."
"Yea, sorry, I was sick."

When did I start feeling uncomfortable around my friends, she thought. This is Cordy and Harm, they're always there for me. A little voice in her head told her otherwise, 'Yea right, like they care at all about you. They're just miserable and you know what they say about misery... it loves company.'
"Buffy, we're going to the salon today, you in?" Cordy asked.
"I would but I promised my mom some quality time." A lie but what was she going to say, 'I would spend time with you but I have to meet with the librarian so he can fill me in on my destiny, you know the one where I slay vampires and ruin expensive dresses.'
"Pfft, blow it off, Maria promised us free manicures today." Harmony said. Was she always this heartless, Buffy thought.
"Sorry, rain check."
With that Buffy walked off towards the library. Before she walked in she looked back to make sure Cordy and Harmony were gone and sure enough they were. She walked in to see Giles behind the counter cataloging books.
"Here I am, reporting for duty." Buffy said and hopped up on the counter. "Whatcha doing? Are you actually a librarian or is this just a cover, like undercover watcher, librarian by day, demon know-all by night?
"No, I'm an actual librarian. I'm also a watcher but there is no 'undercover' work." He gave her that incredulous look, almost as if saying 'are you that dumb'.
"Yea, yea. So, what am I supposed to learn today? Fighting techniques or are you going to bore me to death with a speech?"
"I'm going to inform you of your calling. Just basics, if we have enough time maybe a bit of sparing."
"Fine, bore me." She plastered a smile on her face. He gave her an impatient look.
"Alright. First, as you probably already noticed, you have preternatural strength. Accelerated healing abilities and the ability to sense when a vampire is near."
"Wait, I can sense vampires? Please don't tell me it works by smell." She cringed.
"No, it's like a sixth sense, a feeling in your gut. Some girls spoke of the hair on the back of their neck standing up. It's a very useful talent."
"Yea great. I'm just loving this. Can I fly or become invisible?" She looked almost curious but her sarcasm belied her words.
"No." He answered simply, walking over to unlock a cage in the corner and open a chest of weapons. She couldn't help herself, she oohed at the sight of shiny axes. She walked over to grab one but Giles stopped her,
"Ahh ahh, put your pads on first."
"My what? I'm not putting pads on."
"Do you have to disagree with everything I say? Dear lord, you are giving me a migrain." Giles took his glasses off his face and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Well, so sorry I'm not what you were expecting. Why don't you go find someone else to do this job? Oh, wait, you can't because I'm destined to be a slayer, so deal with it! I have to"

She was angry. He just dumps this responsibilty on me and expects me to deal like it's nothing! Like any of this is easy or normal. How do you just accept that your life isn't yours anymore. That you are just a pawn in some big game of life. She didn't ask for this, nor did she want it but does that matter, no. I'm just expected to jump right into this new world and be fine. I can't tell anyone how I feel. I'm alone and the only other person I can talk to about this is a stuffy old man who thinks nothing more of me than a ditz. She could feel the tears rising in her throat. Felt them as they slipped down her cheek.
Giles looked at her with sympathy. Maybe he was being a bit hard on her but she needed training, she needed to be prepared to battle demons. It was his job to keep her alive. He didn't know how to comfort her so he stood there with his hands in his pockets and his eyes on the floor. She spoke through her tears,
"Why me?" His heart broke at that.
"Oh, Buffy. I don't know why the powers picked you. It's just the way it works. I know it's not fair but you must train, you must protect the innocent. I'm sorry but there's just no other way."
"No, ofcourse not. I'm just a pawn. I'm not a person to these powers, I'm just a tool. They didn't consider my feelings when they chose to make me a slayer. They didn't care that it would give me a short life span. They don't care."
She started sobbing at that. Powerful choking sobs that released her anger and fright at what was happening. He didn't know if he should hug her so he grabbed a few tissues and handed them to her. She wiped her eyes and looked up at him through her tears.
"Thank you."
He smiled at her. She really was a strong, unique girl. He knew she was definately going to cause him many migrains but he knew she was going to be a great and powerful slayer.
"You ready to spar?" She looked at him and smiled.

"Well, Buffy, I must say you are rather spry." Giles managed to get out between gulps of air.
"Yea, years of gymnastics and cheerleading."
"Yes, well, I think that's enough for tonight."
"What, you tired old man?" Buffy teased.
"Old man? I'm still young enough to get carded."
"Right, didn't mean to spark a mid-life crisis." She added with a smile.
Giles couldn't help but smile as well, 'so long as she isn't crying or yelling at me' he thought.
"Well, I'm off. Don't want mom to worry, see ya."

She grabbed her school bag and walked out. It was weird, she thought, the sparring barely caused her to break a sweat. If only she'd had her slayer powers when she was a gymnast. I definately would have kicked so much ass then. Thinking about her life then, heck even a few days ago, made her feel almost nostalgic. It was strange how things could change in the blink of an eye. One second, I'm just Buffy Summers, cheering extrordinaire and the next Buffy, the Vampire Slayer. Atleast no one can mess with me now.

She walked down Revello closing in on her home, and bed, she thought, when she saw her mom on the porch talking with a very weird looking man.
"Mom." She ran up to her, knowing what goes bump in the night will make you a little cautious. "Whose this?"
The man in question looked her over, appreciatiatively. He had hair that could rival the moon in its brightness. Eyes so dark blue they appeared black in the night. He wore all black from head to toe. What kind of statement is he trying to make, she thought.
"You must be Buffy." He finally spoke, in a British tongue.
"Yea, that would be me."
"Buffy," her mom spoke, "William here was telling me he's your new tutorer, what happened to Carrey?"
"Ahhh, she went to Nebraska, to visit family." Buffy lied easily, crossing her arms and staring at this William.
"So William, could I speak with you for a moment... alone."
"Sure pet, Joyce, would you mind?"
"Not at all, I'll just be inside. Buffy, make it quick, it's getting late." With that Joyce walked into the house.
"Who the hell are you and why are you on a first name basis with my mother."
"The name's Spike, I was sent to help you."
"You were sent to help me pass math, I somehow doubt that Spike or William."

For some reason it was easy to banter with him, it felt natural. She felt an instant dislike toward him.
"No, you ninny, I was sent to help you with your calling and the name is Spike, William is my Christian name, also it's poncy."
She laughed at him.
"Ok, William, how is it you plan on helping me?"
"Fighting the good fight and it's Spike."
"Uh huh and what are you because with that hair you can't be human." He actually looked a bit hurt. He ran his hand through his hair almost self consciously.
"Watch your mouth missy, and no I'm not human."
"Figured as much, so what are you then?"
He looked almost hesitant to reply.
"Hear me out first without flying off the handle alright?"
"That's comforting." He just looked at her and began,
"I'm a vampire but I have a soul. I'm good, well as good as I can be." He wiggled his eyebrows at her. "I was sent by the council to aid you, but by no means am I going to be bossed around by the likes of you."
A vampire, she thought, and it just keeps getting weirder. Why can't I just have one day without any surprises.
"Why didn't Giles warn me you were coming?"
"Giles, your watcher I presume?" At her nod he continued, "He doesn't know I'm coming, doesn't know I exist actually but not to worry, just have him phone the council and they'll fill him in."
"Right, I'll do that. Why don't we take a trip down to the library and fill him in." Best find out if he's lying now she figured.
"Doesn't your mom want you in?"
"Yea, fine, tomorrow afternoon, when school ends meet me at the Sunnydale High library. Try anything funny and you'll be clogging up my vacuum for the next month."
"Wouldn't dream of it pet." He started walking off. He turned back around a second later. "You're pretty than the last slayer, feister too. Ta, love."
She squinted her eyes at him.
"Thanks" She replied sarcastically, watching as Spike disappeared from view.
"Damn arrogant, presumptious vampire"

A/N: Sorry for the long gap inbetween these chapters but real life had a hold on me for awhile and writer's block had me by the throat. I hope people are liking this so far, also thanks for the gracious reviews, they make me smile =) lol. I promise to post sooner. Also, does anyone like this so far?

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