Gettin’ all dressed up

Spike awoke with a start. The presence was back. And there was something pounding on his door.

“Spike! Wake up!”

“(mutters) Sodding wanker.” Spike glanced at the clock and saw that it was 6:30.
He got up and stretched slowly just to piss Angel off.

“I swear Spike get up! This is important!”

“Sorry can’t hear you!”

“Spike!!” Spike rolled his eyes and opened the door.

“Someone needs to chill out.”

“Do you want me to kick your ass!?”

“Actually that would be fun. ‘Cuz then I could do the same ya’ ponce.”

“(growls) You have half an’ hour. Then we’re leaving.”

“Aw. Our first date.”


“Ta.” He shut the door in Angel’s face. A smile appeared on his face as he heard his grandsire stomp off. Nothing like annoying the pansy. He decided he mine as well change before the “party”. He smelled like the plane. Not a nice smell.

When he stepped into the shower the presence appeared again. Only this time stronger.

“Bloody hell. Why won’t you stop messing with me!? If I can’t have her then why are you torturing me!” He slammed his fist against the wall. The Powers were pure evil. He stalked out of the shower and dressed quickly. Can’t wait to get out of this sodding country. He grabbed his fags and lighter and walked out of the room. He saw Angel storming his way and he groaned.

“There you are. Ready yet?”

“(growls) Yeah. You need time to primp your hair?”

“No. Just be quiet and this night will be over soon.”

“Right, ‘cuz you can’t wait till you can go off and brood.”

“Do you always have to insult everyone?”

“No, just you.” Spike gave him a snarky smile and stalked off


~ ~ Buffy & Andrew’s room

“Buffy? You need to wake up.” Buffy slowly rolled over and tried to block the annoying voice out.

“Buffy... don’t you want to get ready?”

“(growls quietly) Go away.”

“The party’s in like thirty minutes.” Buffy sat up and gave him a warning glare.

“Ok, then I’ll just go get the Slayer and have a Zima.” Buffy didn’t seem to care so Andrew pouted at her.

“Oh c’mon Buffy. Please.” Buffy groaned and stood up.

“Fine, since you won’t leave me alone I won’t be able to go to sleep. And stop with the pouting... it’s ooky.” Andrew’s look brightened and he excitedly got up from her bed.

“Aren’t you excited? An actual Italian party!”

“(groans) Just peachy.”

“Someone’s all bad moody.”

“Yeah I am. Sleep is needed. Sleep not given. All that’s left is sleepy Slayer.”

“(mumbles) Party pooper.”

“(growls) I’m going to the damn party ok. Also I’m letting you come. Do not push me.”

“Fine. I’ll just go outside and walk around.”

“Fine.” Buffy stalked into the bathroom. She waited for the door to close before she came back out.

“Stupid Andrew.” She opened her bag and attempted to find something partyish.

“Nope... just plain Buffy.” She grabbed a pair of black pants and her red halter, She stood in front of the door. She rested her head against the door.

“Why me?” Of course she had been asking that question for years now and still hadn’t been given an answer. Buffy gave one last wishful look back and the snuggly bed and then opened the door and left. She locked at her watch and noticed it was 6:50.

“Just one more day then I’m home free.” She began to walk down the hall en route to the hotel lobby. When she arrived a quick look around revealed Andrew’s location. He was standing with a group of random people jumping around. The boy really needs meds.

“Hey Andrew.”

“Buffy! Look at the people I met. Isn’t it awesome? Actual Italians to hang out with.”

“It’s... neat.” They all went through the normal introductions and small talk. Soon they all made their way out of the hotel and moved on towards the Blue

~ ~ Angel’s room

“I can’t believe you forgot the papers. You’re the one who keeps making a big deal about them.”

“Spike... Shut up!”

“Sing me a new one mate. That one’s gettin’ old.”

“If you could just be silent for a minute I’m sure hell would probably freeze over.”

“Bloody ha ha.” Angel looked at Spike and shook his head. For like the billionth time he wondered how that could have ever been his grandchilde. And sadly was still his grandchilde. He saw the papers on the counter and quickly grabbed them.

“Let’s move.”

“(salutes Angel) Yes sir.” Angel rolled his eyes and stalked out the door. Spike looked over the room quickly and followed after.

When they got to the lobby Angel stopped and read over the papers.

“(mutters) Shit.”

“What now?”

“I’m guessing you don’t know where the party is. We’re sort of screwed.”

“What is up with this ‘we’ crap!? There is just a you. I’m simply tagging along because I get bored easily.”
“You came with me. We got on the plane. We have to get these papers signed or you might not see another night.”

“Oh... I’m so scared. The brooding forehead threatened me. (growls) Now I see why you chose this huge hotel. Your ego can’t fit in a normal one.”

“I swear-.” Something tapped Angel on the shoulder.


“S-sorry, but I was wondering if everything was alright. You’re disturbing the other guests.” Angel stared at the girl for a few seconds. Finally someone who speaks English.

“Oh... sorry. Um no everything’s ok.”

“...Okay. Well I hope you two enjoy your stay.”

“Thanks.” Angel watched the hotel worker walk away and turned back to Spike.

“As much as it pains me to say this... but can you do me a favour?”

“Me do you a favour? I don’t know. What’s in it for me?”


“(growls) Fine... just this once. What is it?”

“Call Ms. Blanchi and ask where the meeting is taking place.”

“And why exactly can’t you do that?”

“Because you probably have to communicate with people that don’t speak English.”

“(growls quietly)Fine. Be back.” Angel watched Spike walked towards the hall and then finally disappear. He wondered to himself if Spike would even bother to come back with the right information. Or even come back at all.

~ ~ 10 minutes later

Spike emerged from the hall with a piece of paper in hand. He got into the lobby and spotted Angel, asleep in a chair. How pathetic. I was gone for a few minutes and he fell asleep. It was too tempting. Spike leaned in close to Angel’s ear.

“Oh my god! You’re on fire!” Angel fell out of the chair with a high-pitched squeak.

“What?! Fire get it-.” Angel was taken out of his panic by the sound of Spike’s laughter.

“(laughs) You were so pathetic. You fell out of the... and the squeak.”

“(growls loudly) You! I could just kill yo-.”

“Sirs! Please remove your loud activities from my hotel lobby at once.”

“(strained) Sorry.” Angel tried not to get furious at the small man. He gave the man an apologetic smile and made his way out the door. Spike just kept laughing and watched.

“You, Mr. Leather Coat. Get out!”

“(growls)I will leave when I want. I paid for my room.”

“I do not care of your payment. Leave at this moment or I will call the police.” Spike gave the man a look over. If only he could drain him.

“Fine. But I will be back.” He gave the man his trademark cocky smile and left. He found Angel waiting for him.

“You almost got us kicked out. Don’t you ever pull anything like that again!”

“Yes da, I’ll be a good boy.”

“Whatever. Where’s this thing happening?” Spike didn’t answer him. He just walked across the street towards a building titled the Blue Fish.

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