Author's Chapter Notes:
i own nothing
Plans Pt. 1

Spike strode into Angel’s office and settled into his usual chair. When he looked around he didn’t see his grandsire. Lorne came through the door breathing heavily.

“Didn’t need to be down here in two seconds.”

“Well, it seemed important.”

“So where is the great brood himself?” As soon as Lorne finished his question Angel’s
office flew open revealing the boss.

“Sorry there was a... an issue with the staff again.” He brushed off his sleeves, littering the ground wise dust.

“‘Nother chum down the drain. Great staff, really.”

“Shut up Spike. And you’re here why?”

“Green guy told me about the meeting. Something about Rome ‘n all.”

“(shakes head) Right. Well there is a-.” Wesley, Gunn, and Fred all hurried into the room.

“Sorry lots of problems in the lab.”


“Harmony said something about an important meeting?”

“Yeah, was just getting there. Apparently there’s another demon clan war-.”

“That’s all!? Well if it was going to be that simple I wouldn’t have-.”

“(sharply) Quiet. What I was trying to say was that one of the clans is one of our clients.”

“Another evil client, I really don’t see what-.”

“Spike, either leave or be quiet! Other than that now we are involved in the war.”

“What clans are involved,” Wesley asked.


“The Onigumo and the Suikotsu clans.”

“Yeah, Well our clients the... Gunn?”

“The Onigumo demons. We’re looking into it right now.”

“Right, well our clients are saying that if the Suikotsu don’t agree to their terms that Italy will become a war zone.” Angel looked around at their faces waiting for a comment or question.

“So exactly what is this war about?”


“Basically our client tell us that the Suikotsu have taken over a piece of their land in Italy and destroyed it. Our clients feel that they need to be reimbursed.”

“That’s what they’re starting a was over. (lowers voice) Pillocks.” Angel rolled his eyes at Spike’s comment and sat down in his leather chair.

“Why are you still here? You usually don’t care.”

“Hey! I’ve helped people and I’ve saved the world... Besides I’ve got nothing better to do.”

“(shakes head) Whatever.” Wesley watched the two old rivals bicker and decided that he should just leave before violence occurred.
“Well I guess if the meeting is over than I will depart to my office and start researching.” He nodded his head a form of a good bye and left. Silence returned to the room, and Fred looked at everyone’s faces waiting for the next move. Gunn seemed to be deep in thought, Lorne had already left, and Angel and Spike were giving each other death stares.

“Since no one is talking anymore and it seems this case it kinda’ out of my area I’ll just be down in the lab. If you need me just call.” She waved a friendly goodbye and slipped through the door. Angel looked away from Spike and looked at his desk.
Gunn spoke up. “Well I’m going to go back to my office and try to calm the clients. Hopefully I can get them to back off their threat some. What should I tell them?”
“I’m hoping to go over to Rome and visit the Wolfram an’ Hart over there and see if they have any resources that might help us here.”

“Okay well I’m off.” He got up from his seat and left the room. Spike watched as everyone departed from the meeting. He noticed Angel stand up and walk out of the room. Spike quickly got up and followed after. When Angel saw Spike out of the corner of his eye he turned to his grandchilde and exhaled sharply.

“What are you doing here?”

“There’s trouble in Rome or where ever and I’m gonna’ help. ‘Sides might make a lil’ detour and visit Buffy.”

“Get over her Spike. Even if she did feel something for you, which I highly doubt, she’s over you. Just stay here and don’t get into any trouble.”

“I am not your’s to order around. You just can’t stand the fact she’s over you.”

“(growls) Fine. Just don’t get in the way.”

“Right. Just be lil’ ol’ nice me.” They both quietly walked into the elevator. Angel toke one look at Spike’s cocky grin and already wasn’t looking forward to the trip.

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