Author's Chapter Notes:
This story will be re-posted, hopefully one chapter every 2-3 days for the next little while, as I'm completely re-doing it all.
Life As Told By Me By Buffy A. Summers

Author’s Note: okay, so this story was actually posted already, and I was on chapter 5. But then I re-read it and actually gagged at the bad writing and horrible quotes and stuff. So I’m re-starting=P It’s going to be different, with almost the same writing style, but better=P Bear with me as I get it done, okay? As it may take a little longer. Anyways here’s the first chapter of the revised version, so enjoy=P Disclaimers are in full force and effect, meaning all characters belong to the almighty Joss and I just like playing with them.

Chapter 1: Rainbows after the Rain.

“Oh god, Oh please god, don’t let me be late,” I whispered frantically as I drove home as fast as I could from school to the house. Our study session had run over, again, and I was late, again, which meant Ted was going to be in one of his moods, again. By our, I mean me, my best friend Willow Rosenberg, and our best friend Xander Harris. We’re the nerds of our school, and spend time in the library with Rupert Giles, the librarian after school, for studying, homework, and just hanging out. Giles is the coolest old guy ever, and we love him to death. Unfortunately that meant we were labeled the ‘Nerd Herd’ by those much more powerful than us.

Being a geek wasn’t so bad, however, since I have the two best friends in the entire world, but when the guy whom you have longed to be with ever since seeing him stretch after naptime in Kindergarten was one of the coolest guys in school? Being the biggest geek in Sunnydale was definitely not of the good. And to get the biggest geek standing was quite an accomplishment, cause it meant I beat out Andrew Wells and Jonathon Levinson for the title, the resident ‘Dungeons and Dragons’ Kings.

“Oh, no, please no, faster Buffy, pedal faster,” I whispered even more frantically as I rounded the corner, just as my bike skidded on the wet pavement and I flew over my handlebars into a big mud puddle. Crying furiously as I lay there, letting the wetness seep into my white peasant top, I suddenly found myself being dragged out of there by the one person who I’d much rather it be not.

Standing there in all his amazingly handsome 17 yr old glory, was Spike Giles, or as I like to call him, My Prince. But nobody but me knows that fact, not even Willow, but secretly I’ve always thought of Spike as being my Prince Charming, and have prayed so much that he’d come and carry me off somewhere. But, alas, I was still stuck in my horrible home, with my horrible stepfather and Spike was still dating Vampirella. Bitch. She didn’t even know how good she had it; she was the girlfriend of the hottest quarterback Sunnydale High had even seen; yet she insisted on sleeping with anything with a dick. Or without one, depending on whatever miracle drug she was on at that moment.

Quickly covering myself up for a modicum of modesty, I kept my eyes trained to the ground and mumbled, “Thank you.”

“Summers, why am I always rescuing you?” Spike asked, teasing me. He was the only one of the jocks that liked me. We had grown up together, and Giles, his father was Mom’s best friend since their childhood, so we had always been friends, even after we drifted apart. He always made a clear choice to say hey to me, and talk to me whenever.

I smiled at him, shyly, feeling exposed and naked, “I don’t know. Maybe it’s just my horrible fate to be always in trouble.” His face fell slightly as he thought about what I said, and I just shook my head, trying to steer him clear of the bad thoughts of my stepfather. “Don’t Spike, just don’t, I’m late as it is, so I’m going home to a lovely shiner, but just don’t. Maybe if I live in my bubble a little longer it’ll all go away?”

Spike brought her close to him, hugging her as she silently cried, rubbing his hand up and down her back. “Luv, I know you think that, but you have to realize Buffy, he’s not going to change. He’s always going to be a bloody insensitive prick that beats his wife and two step kids. What do you expect? He’ll wake up one night and realize the error of his ways? I highly bloody doubt that, pet.”

I nodded against his chest, and pulled back, picking up my bike, and getting on it. “Tell your dad I said hey, k?” I said, still not looking up at him, and slowly driving off. When I got around the corner, so he couldn’t see me, I broke down and hugged my arms around myself, getting everything out before finally heading home.

Pulling up Revello Drive, I stared at the house in front of me. “Welcome home, sweetheart, I hope you had a good time with Willow and Xander tonight. You should invite them over for supper sometime, I never get to spend time with them anymore.” I whispered, pretending that it was my father and mother in that house, not my mother and Satan’s incarnate.

Gathering up my courage, I finally parked the bike around back, and snuck in the back door, noticing all the lights off in the house. ‘Thank god’, I thought to myself, going upstairs and into my room. Changing into my silky short pajamas and Mickey Mouse tank top I went to climb into bed when I heard a whimper coming from the room next door. Leaving quietly, I quickly made my way to Dawnie’s room and lay down beside her, wrapping my arms around my 12 yr old sister. “Why didn’t you stay at Janice’s tonight like I told you?” I whispered into the darkness.

She just smiled sadly, and whispered back, “Couldn’t let mom take all the beating tonight.”

I laugh quietly, though it’s hollow and tear-filled, “What was his excuse this time?”

“You, again. He’s convinced that all this nights spent at the library are you off sleeping with random people. For god’s sake you’re 15 and a freshman in high school. And you’re the sweetest girl I’ve ever met, I just don’t see how he can think that.”

My heart broke a little more at my sister’s sad and mournful tone, and her beautiful words. “I know, Dawnie, but … I just wish you had’ve stayed at Janice’s like I asked, rather than come home. Was it bad tonight?”

She didn’t answer, just turned on her flashlight, knowing the lamp would cause Ted to start screaming from the adjoining room. She took her shirt off, neither of us caring about her nudity as it was such a common habit for me to inspect any and all wounds of hers, and she especially got it around her breasts, as he said they were so young and supple. So he hurt them so guys wouldn’t touch her. Or, that was his reasoning for molesting a 12 yr old.

I sighed, and my eyes filled with more unshed tears at the sight of her bruised and broken body. “God, Dawnie, I’m so sorry.” I whisper, carefully helping her back into her tee shirt, so as not to aggravate her wounds. “You should have called or something, I could’ve helped. Why didn’t you call, sweetie? Why didn’t you tell me you were coming home instead of going over there?”

Dawn just shrugged and climbed back into the bed, where we fell asleep, both of us with tears drying on our cheeks.

I woke up the next morning to Dawn’s frightened yell, and Ted smacking me across the face. Damn. I hate when he hits my face because concealer just doesn’t cut it half the time. “What the hell do you think you’re doing, sleeping with you’re sister like that!?! What are you some sort of incestuous pervert who gets off on their fucking sisters!?!” He hit me a few more times, this time in the gut and on the arms. Then he grabbed my arm and dragged me from the bed, shoving me into a wall.

“Get off me, Ted. You don’t want to rumple your suit for work do you?” Ted backed off, obviously my jibe at his appearance hitting him where it hurt. He may be an asshole, but if anyone else thought he was, he’d probably kill himself for sheer embarrassment. If he didn’t look his absolute best, then he didn’t leave the house.

After I made sure he was gone, I turned to Dawn, and wrapped my arms around her. “S’okay, sweetie, didn’t hurt.” Which was actually true. I was so used to it, that whenever he hit me it didn’t hurt anymore. She nodded then moved so she could get ready, and I took that as my cue to go get ready for school also.

Finally ready and presentable for the day, I left for school in a pair of khaki style flares and a turtleneck I used when he got left gashes on my arms. Which was almost constantly.

Arriving at school, I immediately went to my locker to grab books for first period, then went to the library to seek out my friends. They knew not to question the turtleneck, but every single one of them, including Miss Jenny Calendar, the school computer teacher and Giles’ girlfriend, shot me a glare, because I didn’t go somewhere, or get out of there with mom and Dawn. But Mom didn’t want to leave, and I’d never leave without her. He beat Dawn and me but he never laid a finger on her, so she turned a blind eye on our beatings, even though she knew they were going on.

Striding in, all cocky and swagger, about 15 minutes later was Spike, and he plopped down beside me, gently fingering the bruise coloring my cheek before shaking his head disapprovingly and walking to talk to his father.

Xander smiled at me, and mimed kissing, even though we all knew he was secretly in love with me. “Oh shut up, Xander,” I warned playfully, throwing a pencil at his head, which missed and hit Willow instead. “Sorry!” I said, my eyes wide, before she balled up a piece of paper and threw it at my head. Which also missed, this time hitting Spike. He turned to look at us questioningly, and off our giggles, bent down and retrieved the paper. Turns out Willow had wrote on it, which Spike found out as he opened it up and found “B & S = TLF” written inside a big heart.

Raising an eyebrow he dropped it on my notebook before heading off to find his psychotic girlfriend. Glancing at Willow, who was as red as her hair, I looked down then snapped my eyes back to Willow, who was studiously avoiding my ice gaze.

Then everyone in the hallway heard me shout: “WILLOW ROSENBERG YOU’RE DEAD!” including the ‘S’ of the note.

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