A/N: Serious writers’ block was my problem for an entire month. And this is probably the lamest plot point ever, so sue me.

The Plan

Kita: Operation, Separation

Kita had to work quickly. Her sire was depending on her to make this right. To get what was rightly theirs back. She was “the beautiful girl who would bring back her Spike and hurt the nasty Slayer.”

Drusilla wanted her Spike back, and when she met Kita, she knew Kita would be able to do it. She knew her childe would do anything in her power to make her sire happy and used it to her advantage.

She’d already performed a spell to give Buffy nightmares once she had Spike in her possession. Then, she’d do the spell to change his memory and get the hell out of town. To where Prague never happened, and Drusilla didn’t sleep with Angelus. To where Spike didn’t ally himself with the Slayer, and he didn’t threaten to kill Drusilla in order to prove his love to Buffy. In basic, changing his memories of the past four years, and giving him new ones that Drusilla and Kita would also have.

“Now, in order to keep him away from Buffy…”

It was a simple, really. An incantation, a candle, and voila, done.

“Goddess of Darkness, hear your child.
Allow my wish, bring him back.
Once a faithful child of the night.
Draw him from the path, stray from the light.
Once again in the darkness.
So mote it be.”

She extinguished the one candle and a sinister smile crossed her face. “Dear, dear, ‘brother’, it’s time to come home to mommy.”

Spike: The Call of the Darkness

He was walking through the cemetery, on his way to Buffy’s house when a wind blew through him, settling inside him. He automatically forgot about the patrol/date he and Buffy had set up for tonight.

He made and abrupt turn in the opposite direction and headed that way, as if under some spell. He stopped in front of the Crawford Street Mansion, dubbed in his mind as the Poofy House of the Equally Poofy Angel.

“What the…?” he trailed off, confused.

“Come inside…” a female voice seemed to float in the air around him.

Spike tried to convince himself that the only reason he was going inside was to see the hell he’d come to the mansion. Then he’d go to Buffy’s, apologize for being late and they’d go like planned.

“So, you came.” She came out of the darkness slowly. She wasn’t particularly beautiful, but she was unique. Lavender eyes locked on his, brown hair framing her face.

“Who are you?” Spike asked warily. She may have looked gentle as a flower; but he learned from Glory, Drusilla and Buffy; looks have nothing to do with deadliness. And the little slip of a girl in front of him was no exception.

“Name’s Kita. Can’t you feel it?” She asked in a soft voice, drawing him closer. “The bond? We’re family. And family looks out for family.”

“Dru sired you.” Spike said, wondering what hold she had on him.

Kita nodded. “Yes. She talked so much of you… I just had to meet you.” She smiled as Spike unconsciously moved closer. Drusilla wasn’t the only one able to do trance-like magic.

“She wants her family back, Spike. Can you help give her that?” her voice became a mere whisper, dragging Spike deeper.

No! Date with Buffy…can’t fall in… Spike thought as his eyes drooped. He stumbled into Kita’s arms. They sank to the floor. “What…what did you do to me?”

“Nothing serious. Or for you to worry about, Spike. Just let it come…” she whispered in his ear. “Let it take over you. When you wake up, everything will be fine.”

Despite the fact that; logically, somewhere deep done inside; Spike knew she was lying, he could still feel himself sinking deeply into the magic being performed on him.

“No…” he muttered, trying to shake the cobwebs in his mind away.

“Yes…” Kita said, smiling as his eyelids closed and he went limp in her arms.

“Catch Spike: check.”

Buffy: Stood Up

“He’s only an hour late. I’m okay with that. An hour doesn’t mean a lot. It’s just an hour.” Buffy repeated to herself as she paced her room.

“That’s it.” She grabbed her jacket and was only a blur as she left her room and ran down the stairs. “Patrolling!” she called out to Willow and Dawn as she left. Her first stop was Spike’s crypt, the most obvious place to look for and find him, other than her house or the Magic Box.

She pushed the door open and entered looking around. No signs of a fight, I’m so gonna kill him.

“Spike, there better be a good reason for that damn hour!” She checked the lower level, though there was no point. It was a wreck.

The silence disturbed her as she thoroughly searched his crypt. She headed upstairs and was startled by Clem entering.

Clem was also startled and dropped his snacks. “Buffy!”

“Oh, you dropped your snacks.” She helped him pick them up, feeling bad for frightening him. Look at the mighty Slayer! She feels guilty for frightening a “good” demon.

“That’s okay. How come you’re not with Spike?” the demon asked.

“Huh?” It was obvious that she was confused. She was about to ask him where Spike was. She looked around as he explained.

“Spike left an hour and a half ago, figuring it’d be good if he was early.” Clem saw the look on the Slayer’s face as his words sunk into her brain. “What’s wrong?”

Buffy looked up. “He didn’t get to my house, Clem.”

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