It had been a day not unlike any other day since he left Sunnyhell to make things right with his black goddess. The night before they had hunted the various homeless on the streets of LA, Dru had even caught herself a child to spice things up a bit. As with Drusilla’s games, it didn’t last long. She had befriended the child, told her that she was leading her to endless supplies of chocolates and candy, and eaten her when they got back to the motel room.

Spike didn’t quite understand Dru’s fascination with children, and did not want to ask. As daylight progressed they shagged like rabbits in the comfort and boredom of their hotel suite. He wanted it to be like it was, before the Slayer, before Sunnydale, before Angelus claimed her as his own once again. But that didn’t seem to happen, and all Spike could think about was killing the slayer. Whenever he did, Drusilla seemed to pick up on it and use a little more torture in their daily games, not that Spike minded. It put the passion back in their relationship and that seemed bloody right to him.

While Spike lay in the mediocre double bed with his dark princess tangled in the sheets beside him, something was nagging him in the back of his mind. Lately Drusilla had seemed more distant, well, more than usual considering she was a bit off in the head. It hurt him more than he would’ve admitted that she seemed to be losing interest, and usually he would have killed a whole town of innocent people to prove himself once again except…their was the slayer. Ever since he made that deal with her it seemed that she wouldn’t leave him alone! His bloody angel on his bleedin’ shoulders!

If only I had killed her when I had the chance! Show Dru that I’m demon enough for the likes of ‘er


“Yes, my ripe wicked plum” Spike looked at her face and was scared to see complete disinterest.

“Ashes, ashes, on my tongue.” She motioned to her tongue and ran her finger down it, showing disgust.

“What is it pet? Is something wrong?” He knew that this time would come, when his everything told him what had her down in her thoughts.

“Your head. It’s filled with her, the slayer. Nothing will bring your thoughts away. Will you go fetch me a newborn child to eat? No that’s right, you wont, wont, wont! There she stands with whip in hand and you are her faithful little puppy. Will you bring me a puppy…” Spike sat their slack-jawed, he could not believe what he was hearing! She was continuing to ramble about puppies and pixies and god knows what else when he decided he had enough.

“STOP! Dru…my sweet…I’m commanded by no one, I swear! You’re the only girl for me; I only used the slayer to help save you. Please understand, pet, its all for you.”

“I can’t hear anymore Spike! When I look at you all I see is the slayer. Your nothing to me anymore, you’re beneath me.”

Realization and pain hit him in the central nerve of his being as she said the last three words. The past came flooding back as he pictured Cecily standing over him, proclaiming that he was a lower being in that exact same phrase. It was amazing to him how one phrase was enough to bring forth so much rage in him. He tore himself out of the bed where they shared their days and picked up the nearest table.

“Beneath you! Beneath you! Bloody fuckin’ hell Dru! What do I have to do?” Spike roared as he threw the table across the room into the wall. Shards flew violently in the room, just barely missing Spike.

“There is nothing you can do now, nothing you will do to please me sweet William.” Drusilla knew she had hit a nerve in Spike and chose to play it through to the end, no matter what that might be.

“Fine! Drusilla, you play with you little dollies leave me the hell alone! I’m done bein’ your lap dog, just say the words and I’m gone from your unlife forever.” He started to waver when the realization that their love that had gone on for a century could truly be over.

Maybe she doesn’t mean it, maybe it’s just a suspicion, maybe there’s something I can do, maybe…

“No Spike, Miss Edith is cross with you and has made up her mind, you taste like ashes.”

“Make up your own mind baby, you don’t really want me gone, your black knight…”

Hints of desperation seeped through his cracking voice as he laid a trail of kisses up her arm.
“We cannot be together as sun and the moon, it is not how the earth is set. She has given you the sun, so the moon doesn’t want you.” The finality in Drusilla’s voice turned Spikes gaze cold as he stood up and walked out into the night.


Not demon enough for her! I bloody well knew it! Slayer always mucking things up for ol’ Spike! Well I’ve bloody had it with crazy bint anyway, don’t need her, don’t want her; I can take care of myself! Bloody had it with women! Listen up ladies! Love’s bitch is off the proverbial bleedin’ chopping block so you can all quit controllin’ his puppet strings.

It seemed nothing could lighten his dark mood this night, this was a great bloody day in frickin’ history it was! As he menacingly strode down the dark alleys in search of a meal to release some of his tension, although he could definitely see a trip to the closest bar in the near future. Like in all times of his life, the unexpected inevitably happened when he caught the scent of a Slayer. If he wasn’t mistaken, the Slayer was still Buffy Summers, the bain of his existence, the bloody thorn in his bloody side, the…

“Oof!” A clearly distressed girl bumped strait into him, which would have meant this was her last night on earth except…

“Slayer!” For what it was worth she seemed to be just as surprised as he was if not more to see her former ally, former former mortal enemy standing in her way. He knew he should be angry, but all he felt was familiarity and perhaps something less than loathing? That’s not right! She’s the reason Dru left me! I should be ripping her head off, but I don’t seem to want to. I have to prove that I’m not a soft wanker!

“Fancy meeting you here, away from all the comfort of home…” He felt a rush of desire overcome his senses as he looked her up and down. So goddam hot… wait, what am I THINKING! Think unsexy thoughts, think unsexy thoughts…55 old grannies in short skirts, the Master naked, Angel naked… The last one especially worked, so he was back on track, and wondering if Drusilla’s insanity was rubbing off on him.

“Speaking of egotistical poofters, what became of your precious Angelus? I assume he’s failed his master plan in destroying the world…with it being here, and all that”

That’s right, I know that’s a sensitive subject for you Slayer, and I don’t care because I’M EVIL!

Spike tried to convince himself of that fact but it was getting harder and harder as the Slayers eyes reflected the same pain and suffering that he had just endured.

“Stay away from me Spike.” He could not believe that the once spitfire Slayer of snappy comebacks and insults was giving in so easily. Must be because of my great sod of a grandsire, he really knows how to mess with a human’s mind, twist their psyche. Or maybe, he’s dead. I bloody well hope so, can’t have him tryin’ to destroy the world all of the time, I kinda like it ‘ere.

“So that’s how it is then? Peaches sure does leave a good impression when he’s gone, I gotta’ give him that. Not even up for a good rough and tumble slayer?” Spike was starting to feel very hot and bothered by this tiny-framed girl and wanted to get it out in a good brawl. That way he wouldn’t try other things that were so very wrong for a vampire to be feeling about a slayer.

“You don’t know shit! If it’s a fight you want, you’ll get one, but leave Angel out of this!” The obvious pain came charging towards Spike in waves and would have knocked him down if not for his vampiric strength. He felt the connection between himself and his slayer, and didn’t want to break that.

Why do I FEEL her pain, why do I BLOODY care! It used to be so simple. Vampire. Slayer. Vampire kill slayer. This is all Dru’s fault, and the only way to fix it is to see her again.

“Be seeing you round, Slayer.”

“Looking forward to it” She managed to recover after expecting a to the death battle scene.

“Bet you are, pet.” Was all he managed to say as anything else would have given away his sodden’ crazy affection towards the girl. Loving a grand exit, he used all the power in his legs to jump up onto the nearest building rooftop and disappear into the night.

I hate it when Drusilla’s right.

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