Chapter 3-

A/N: A reader brought something to my attention. I had made a mistake with Spike's age. Which would have made him a lot older when he was turned. So, I made the correction, making him 27 at the time he was sired.


The closer she got to her special spot, the closer she came to cry, but she held the tears back. There were two headstones next to a large oak tree, a bench and many wild flowers scattered around. She walked off the path to the left, and stood in front of the headstones.

One read:

William “Spike” Crawford
Rest in Peace.

The other read:

Joyce Summers
Beloved Mother.

Before they left what used to be Sunnydale, Buffy grabbed dirt from the ground as a symbol for her mother and Spike.

When she moved into the house, she found that place the first day. She had Giles order her the stones, and she buried the dirt in the ground. She felt connected to her mother and Spike. She came here every day and spent time. She even took up gardening, though she didn’t need to, she had a gardener that took care of everything for her.

Tears sprang to her eyes, she looked up taking a deep breath, almost willing the tears to go away.

“Hey Mom.”

Her voice was soft, barely audible.

“How are you?”

She pulled her long blonde hair around to lay on her right shoulder.

“I miss you. I didn’t know how hard it would be, now that I’ve had time to myself to think about you being gone.” She sighed.

“I wish you were here to see Dawn. She’s growing up to be a lovely young woman.”

Buffy smiled, then she turned her gaze to Spike’s grave.

“William…I wish you where here with me, I miss you so much.” “I miss just laying next to you with you holding me, I miss making love with you.” “I haven’t been with anyone since…” Buffy trailed off. It was a painful memory, but she’d long forgiven him.

“Sometimes it feels like you are near, then I wake up, and you’re not there…I dream about seeing you that last day and every night after, I save you.”

She got up and knelt by his headstone.

“Please come back to me. I don’t know if I can live without you.”

She began to cry, she hadn’t even heard Dawn come up to her.

“Buffy…are you ok?”

Dawn knelt down next to her sister. Buffy turned around, wiping the tears away.

“Dawn. What are you doing home from school?”

Dawn didn’t know that Buffy still came to this spot. If Dawn had to admit it, she came to this spot sometimes, when she was missing her mother and her friend.

“Buffy, it’s after four: I usually get out at two thirty, but today they let us out at one.”

“Where have you been?” Buffy asked, worriedly.

“We had a training session with the slayers, don’t you remember?”

Buffy rose to her feet and then Dawn did as well.

“Oh, damn, I forgot…I’m sorry; I should have been there to help you.”

“Nah, that’s ok, we did a few exercises and I let them go early.” “We agreed to me on Friday, if that’s ok?”

“Yeah, that’d be ok.”

“Why didn’t you tell me you still came here?”

Buffy interlaced her hand with Dawns, “Come on, let’s go back to the house.”

As the sisters were walking back, she explained her urge to visit, but was interrupted by Andrew and Giles standing on the veranda, standing on the veranda, waiting for them.
“Giles,” she turned to Dawn. “I wonder what he’s doing here.”

“They look serious.”

The girls ran up the path, and up the steps to the veranda.
“Giles,” Buffy hugged him. “It’s been awhile since we’ve seen you; how are you.”

“It’s good to see you too.”

“Andrew,” Buffy said, stepping back. “Everything as planned?”

“Yes, she’s already taken care of.”

“Good. Good.” Buffy said, pleased.

“To what do we owe your visit?” Dawn asked, curiously.

“Buffy, I think you need to sit down,” Giles instructed.

Buffy looked to Dawn, both looked confused, but felt it was some big news. Dawn grabbed Buffy’s hand and she squeezed back. Buffy was fearing the worst about Willow, Kennedy, Faith, Xander, and Woods. She and Dawn sat, waiting for the worst.

“What is it, Giles?” Buffy prodded, eager to know what was going on.

“Andrew, you should be the one to tell her,” Giles said, turning to him.

“I don’t care who tells me, just say it,” Buffy demanded.
“Where do I begin…” Andrew started but was quickly cut off by Buffy.

“Damn it, just say it,” She yelled.

“All right. Spike’s alive.”

Buffy turned white and fainted dead away.

“Buffy! Buffy!!” Dawn said frantically. “This had better not be a lie or you’ll be dealing with me Andrew.”

Andrew looked away, and then back at Dawn and Buffy.
Dawn turned back to her sister, who was laying in her arms.

“Buffy, wake up…BUFFY!” Dawn cried. “Please wake up.” She looked up at Giles, then Andrew and back at Buffy. She couldn’t wrap her mind around that news, but she hoped it was true. She missed Spike, but knew her sister missed him more.

“I hope to god that this is true. My sister loved him and lost him. This will ruin her if it’s not true!”

Giles hovered over Buffy, hoping that she’d wake up soon. Andrew felt guilty for telling Buffy, but he had a feeling that Spike would have kept it to himself, just so Buffy would be happy. He hoped that Spike would understand, but he knew Spike was gonna kick his ass when he found out.


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