Dear William,
This is probably the hardest letter I have ever had to write.

You hurt me so badly; and I don’t know which bit hurts the most, the bit when I found you in bed with someone else, or the bit where you told the Security you didn’t know who William Giles was, and your name was Spike Devlin, and you had never seen me before in my life. You treated me as though I was a crazed stalker and not your wife.

I was arrested. And it was only when the police went to handcuff me that they found that I hadn’t been lying, and I did have a broken arm. Made worse by having it twisted behind my back by Security. The pain nearly made me lose my babies. So no, I can’t forgive you yet and I don’t know if I ever will.

As for not knowing I was pregnant: telling you was one of the reasons I came to America that time. I tried, but you, and I quote, ‘didn’t want anything I could give you, now or ever,’ so please don’t even try to lay this one on me. It was you through and through.

I did think about an abortion, I considered all options, but knew in my heart that I would never get another chance to have a family, so chose to keep them. They are my children. They might bear your name, and you are on the birth certificate; why do you think I dragged out the divorce? But they are mine, and no matter how good your lawyers, there are certain facts you can’t get over.

You very publicly and officially denied that they could be yours by denying knowing me.

You have been involved in drink and drug problems and no judge would give you custody and your constant changing of girlfriends doesn’t exactly give you a lily white reputation. If the judge found out you paid for them I doubt he would even consider the case.

And thanks to the injuries I sustained, and other high profile fights you have had, you would be seen as unfit for anything other than supervised visitation.

They were born in, and are citizens of, the United Kingdom Of Great Britain, and Northern Ireland, and as you will find it very hard to prove me an unfit mother, you will not get sole custody.

Please don’t think I am threatening with no back up. I will keep these children safe from you or anyone else that threatens them. If Harmony comes near me, or the children, I will have her arrested and I really think that Lady Traymour has more pull with a Scottish court than a bleached Californian blond. If necessary I will claim Lairds’ Rites and have the King and the Lord advocate judge my case. And I really can’t see my Uncle and My Godfather handing my children over to the man who hurt me so badly can you?

So, less of the threatening about taking the children away from me. I honestly thought, after we spoke at Giles’ wedding, that we had come to a civilised arrangement; but the letter that arrived from your lawyer showed me otherwise. Don’t play games William, I promise you where it comes to these children, you will lose.

Lady Elizabeth Giles,
Lady Traymour

Dear William,

What do you mean, what letter? And, what lawyers? Seeing as your memory is so bad, I will include a copy of your lawyers’ letter, threatening to take the children away from me, with copies of the police and hospital reports regarding that night.

Please contact me in future through my American lawyer Angel O’Connor, Wolfram and Hart.

Lady Traymour

Dear William,
I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said that about your memory. Are you still getting headaches. I’m glad you got the all clear from the medics but it still doesn’t alter the fact you denied knowing me or that you asked for DNA tests

Dear Dru,

It was most unexpected to receive your letter.

As you requested, I am enclosing photos of Billy and Joy. They are doing very well. Halli has been a Godsend.

I was very upset by the latest missive from the lawyers. I can’t understand why William, Spike, has decided to take the children off me. The lawyer’s name is Lilah Morgan, and I enclose a copy of her letter to your ‘Dark Prince’, as you can see he wants total custody, but claims when I last heard from him it wasn’t his idea. I really don’t understand your relationship with Spike, but you said to trust you and for some reason I do. My Grandmother, Anne, was fey, so I do understand the temptation to make the voices go away with drugs and drink. My Gran found meditating at the stone cist helped and Tara, the one you liked, is a Wiccan. She might be able to help as well. I loved the gift of the beautiful antique doll you sent Joyce. And yes we will call it Miss Edith. The bear, Dalton, is not allowed out of Little William’s sight.

I must go now, Anya needs me to go over all the details for next week’s hunting party.
Your Sunshine

Dear William,

I have received yet another letter from your lawyers, they have explained that it wasn’t you, but Harmony that set the whole messy business in motion. I’m surprised that she was able to do that. I understood that she had been fired.

You can thank Dru for the fact that I’m writing to you at all. She has filled in all the details. She has also told me that she has persuaded you to contact the police. I am very grateful, we have enough problems without anyone else interfering. Dru has said that she is coming over for a holiday and she is more than welcome.

If you want to see the children, I suggest you come and see them. Being a parent doesn’t come with a gilt edged invite. You are either involved or not. Your choice. And if you’re wondering, yes I am still angry about the lawyer thing. You signed it even if you didn’t realise; you should read what’s in front of you. And you are still allowing Harmony to interfere with us after she hurt me why do you trust her so much?.

I must ask, though. Why did you want the paternity test? Do you think so little of me that I would lie about something like that? You are going to have to do better, William, if you want us to be friends.

Elizabeth Giles

Dear Riley and Sam,

Hope things are going well for you at the moment.

We have instigated most of the security ideas you came up with, but would love it if the pair of you came over to work for us during the Princes’ Trust concert later this year. We’ll pay all expenses of course, and you just charge us something reasonable.

The twins are growing fast. We’ve been having a few problems with Harmony: William’s ex, the one that put me in hospital. She has been giving instructions to lawyers on William’s behalf. She has been talking to the papers. No doubt you saw the stories about my wild lifestyle. I’m sorry if you got dragged into any of the mess. I could do with some professional help in America. Could you recommend an agency to keep an eye on her and help ‘spike her guns’ any time she starts anything else? I want to stay legal though. That’s important.

See you, hopefully, very soon.


Dear William,

Thank you for the wonderful book of poetry you sent me. You must be so proud having it published; and I’m glad you have finally got your PhD. Thank you for the forward, it meant a lot to me.

A bit of bad timing though, as it arrived on the same day as the results of the DNA tests. I enclose a copy for you and have sent one to my solicitors. As you can see there is no doubt about the children’s paternity. I find the mere thought that you could have doubted me abhorrent. However we will survive.

I trust the results will put your mind at rest.

I will speak to you if you phone, of course, and I will happily put aside one of the cottages when you wish to visit.
I have received the letter from the councillor you have visited. I do understand that you want to make things right but that doesn’t happen over night.
I will try and be patient with you, but it is up to you to put the pieces of your life together again. And I need you to be patient with me as well.


Dear Dru,

Thank you again for all your help. William has finally pressed charges against Harmony. That woman is a vampire: she sucks the energy from anyone near her. It seems she was forging his signature every time she wanted to cause trouble, hence all the requests for DNA testing and trying to get half of the property. Sam and Riley found evidence of her practising. It wasn’t William at all, but her all the time. I wouldn’t have thought she was clever enough. My mistake, or should I say William’s; but I do feel an idiot. I was so angry with William but if he’d told me I doubt I would have believed him. Again, thanks with the help in sorting it out. I won’t even pretend to know how you knew that he was being true to me when everything pointed to him being the problem.

We are really looking forward to your visit next week. Tara has said that as the school is closed for half term she will happily act as tour guide. I thought you’d like that.

I have put you in one of the ‘new’ bedrooms. That part of the house was built in the 1870’s, so for this building is modern.

William has told me he wants to buy a house here, to be close to the children. I think it’s a good idea. He needs to join in with their lives more; if he wants to play daddy, so be it. But he’d better be good to them. We really don’t need any more of his crap here.

I will send a car to the airport, just let me know flight times.


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