Author's Chapter Notes:
many many thanks to
Heidi, Cordykitten, ella and smlcspike for thier reviews. they keep my muse working You rock guys
Dear Dru,

I am so glad that you enjoyed your stay. If you were serious about moving here, there are a few properties for sale or to let at the moment. I can send details through to you.

I promised you I would play nice with William, and I did. He says he’s been in rehab, and is clean. Even brought blood results to prove it to me. Said it was like fighting for his soul.

I still don’t know if I want him in my life, though. Although the physical wounds healed, the sight of him standing there, denying ever having known me, with Harmony draped all over him, will always cause pain. It will take a lot for that to go away. When we were talking he didn’t even remember that bit. It took copies of the police report and the injunction he served against me to prove to him that I had been telling the truth. When it hit him he just broke down in tears, he was on his knees holding onto me and sobbing like a child.

I think that’s when it hit me how much I still love him and how sorry he really was about everything. He has promised to win me back, says he’ll do anything I ask.

I will let him try. It is the least I can do. My heart is his now and forever. I just don’t know if I could survive another break-up. If it hadn’t been for the babies, I wouldn’t have survived this one.

You were right, of course. You see so much, Dru; you said we’d be OK, next time I doubt you just hit me with something heavy, a church organ maybe?

William is looking into buying one of the old farms nearby, as well as the church. He wants to do the church up as a home, with the bedroom downstairs in the crypt, and the farm as a recording studio.

The babies miss the stories you told. I'm not so good when I have to read about fairies and not sit and see them and talk to them and tell Joy and Billy what’s going on.

I’m glad you and Tara hit it off, she’s a sweetie and I know she’s missing you. I know, no more matchmaking Buffy!

Anya and Xander have ‘set the date’: they applied for a special licence and are marrying on SATURDAY, here at the castle. We’ve had all of five days to get everything ready for them. Jenny has been baking up a storm and Anya is getting Bridezilla on us (do you have that phrase in the states?).

We all miss you. I’m glad you found the stone circle a help. Mind you, being around Tara and others who have gifts, not being the odd one out, must also be a help. I know Tara values your friendship as much as your love.

I’ve got to go. I’m heading into the village to pick up masses of flowers for the house. Our glasshouses couldn’t supply enough.

Watching Anya’s face when she realised the estate would cover most of the costs re the wedding. Lairds’ duty. Was hilarious. Caught between loving the free ride and hating the thought of us not making a profit. I wish I’d had a camera when it hit her.

Much love,

Dear Sam,

Well, things are definitely going well here. We are gearing up fast, only three months to go to the concert. HRH James, The Prince of Wales has decided to join us for the whole weekend, so we are going to have to rearrange the accommodation in the castle. James and Amy need the Sovereign’s Suite in the old part of the House, so that moves everyone else ‘down’ a room. Dru is staying with Tara and for some reason we have no lack of volunteers from the village youth to work up at the castle for the weekend. Maggie in the shop has sold more autograph books in the last week than in the last four years.

I am so grateful that you and Riley are going to supervise security. I feel so much safer with you here. I have reserved the gatehouse for you two so you can have a little privacy and still be at the centre of the web.
We have had the meadow cut and it is being painted out to be the helipad.
The babies are growing so fast. They are starting to babble and trying to walk. Halli has her hands full. I’m getting her some extra help for the month around concert weekend. She has a friend called Sarah who is looking for a short term job, so as long as I like her it could be the answer to that dilemma. I don’t want any problems and if I am needed with them they must be my priority. I’m also going to ask Cordy to come over and be my PA for the month or so. She’s brilliant at such things and it should relieve a lot of the pressure.

The house is ready for the influx of visitors. Camping grounds have been set up everywhere, and we are having shuttle buses to bring people to the main stage area.

The artists and bands will be using the tunnel from the house that was built as a Jacobite escape route. It leads from the old library to the caves near where we have set up the stage. The caves themselves have been set out as extra green rooms. I just hope I haven’t forgotten anything. Well, someone will remind me. Have to go now. Must write to Cordy and Willow today as well.

Much love,

Dear Willow

Just a quickie to say how much I am looking forward to seeing you. All set this end. William has offered to do a couple of intimate concerts in our Little Theatre, it only seats 80 people, and he thought that the tickets would sell for huge amounts on E-Bay, the money going to the Lifeboat fund. I have said yes, but he wanted me to ask Oz and the others. I think he is still too ashamed to ask them for anything after what happened. Do you think they will agree? I do hope so. The lads on the boat can use all the money they can get. They are after a new heart- start and a machine for doing cardiac compressions.

I’ve put you and Oz in the Lady’s chamber. It’s OLD, and thought the pair of you would like the history. It was built in about 1579 by an ancestor of mine who didn’t like his wife, so built her a whole suite of rooms away from his. With three corridors and his mistress’ rooms in between.

Things are going well with the twins, they are growing like weeds and are running poor Hali ragged. She wants to be able to teleport please, just to be able to keep up with them. They start at playgroup soon, and are learning to swim, the delights of having one’s own pool.

Anya and Xander’s wedding was a dream. Billy and Joy looked beautiful all dressed up in their best clothes. Big William seemed to enjoy spending time with them both and is pushing ahead fast with his plans for the farm and the Old Church. He’s renaming it The Crypt. It is wonderful on the inside. I didn’t think you could make such a lovely home from the building, but he has. Fully fitted kitchen, two bedrooms, the master in the Crypt itself and a guest on the main floor, a luxury bathroom ensuite to both bedrooms and a half bath off the utility room. There is even a fireplace in the main room. It’s a lovely combination of modern and ancient and looks like something out of Homes and Gardens. However the colours of black, red and white don’t hide the dirt well and the twins soon redecorate with chocolate and jam (jelly) whenever they go over. He has them over at least twice a week at the moment.

He is being very sweet, flowers arrive for me, poems attached. He seems determined to win me back, and I think I could be willing to try again. I’ve had to get a book on the meaning of flowers because every bouquet has different flowers and a special meaning.

Last weeks’ meant:

Arbutus: Thee only do I love.
Red Carnation: My heart aches for you.
Gladioli: Give me a break (I loved that bit, it sounded so much like Spike)
Primrose: I can’t live without you.
Pink Rose: please believe me.
White Violet: Let’s take a chance.

It was sweet, but I’m taking it slow. I can’t be hurt again. I don’t think I could survive it.

The farm is coming along as well. He’s going to have to finish it quickly. Big names are already booking in to do albums. Seems another industry is blooming in my little village. The shops and pub are getting used to seeing famous faces everywhere and are starting to ignore them: ideal for the celebs, and not nice for the papers. Reporters are getting sent on wild goose chases. It’s becoming something of a local sport, the winner being the one who can get the poor reporter to do the most miles with no result.

Must go, still have to write to Cordy. I’m hoping she’ll PA. me and the Prince during the show.

Much Love, Buffy

Dear Cordy,

Huge favour to ask you and it pays, I promise.

With the Prince’s Trust concert coming up in two months I was wondering, do you fancy a fully paid, all expenses, first class trip over here? $5,000 in wages, to PA for me and Prince James during the concert? We will put you up in the castle with the rest of us, and you can stay as long as you like. We only need you for about a month, and it’s for a very good cause and just think what it would look like on your resume.

Please say yes. You’ll love it. We’re planning on huge formal dinners, and most of the acts are staying in the castle so we’ve set aside the old ballroom as a music room: the acoustics are incredible. The lads from the village are coming up to entertain us the day after all the shows, and we’re having a ceilidh. And a jamming session no doubt.

And just think of the shopping. Glasgow and Edinburgh are so close…and full of brilliant shops, perhaps we cold fly over to Paris for a couple of days after it’s all over?

I bet you’re booking the ticket as we speak!

Got to go now… more flowers have turned up. Blue and yellow Iris: hope and passion according to my book.

My Love to Lorne and Angel,


Dear Jamie and Amy,
I’ve set aside the King’s Bedroom for you two. It’s huge with a party sized solid oak bed, which hopefully you won’t break. I’m not putting you anywhere near anything breakable after last time. That was supposed to be reinforced. Good job I don’t sell stories to the papers; I’d have made a fortune.

Security have been all over the house. There was a very nice man from Special Forces who kept calling me ma’am and smiling in that way at me…Major Wyndham Price. Keep him around if you can, it was getting William all jealous, well he can get jealous if he likes. He threw away his chance with me.

Sorry, bitch has arrived again.

We’ve had more nonsense from Harmony Kendal, seems she’s trying to cause more trouble again. William was trying to keep it from me; I think he didn’t want to worry me, but I hate the secrecy. It stinks of what happened before. She started to claim that I had kidnapped her’s and William’s children from her. The solicitors wanted to check they were mine! The police arrived and everything. Thank goodness for the DNA tests we had done.

Your Godchildren are doing wonderfully. They redecorated the kitchen with mashed banana yesterday. Xander got an eye full when he tried to stop Joy. Her aim is as good as mine… do you remember those water bombs we threw at the guards when I was staying over?

Must go now,

See you next month.


Dear Faith,

What do you mean you can’t come…never mind, I’ll write you a long, long letter and tell you all about it. And of course I understand about college and work. Got to go, William has arrived to take the babies and I out for the afternoon.


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