Author's Chapter Notes:
Thanks to those who reviewed. It means a lot
Dear Lorne,
When we met at the Princes’ Trust concert last year you said if I ever saw any likely talent to let you know. Well I have. They play in Sunnydale at the Bronze regularly and I feel that they have that certain something. They are called Dingoes Ate My Baby and I would recommend them to you. I’m sure these guys would be great for Caritas.
Please don’t tell them I told you. I’m trying to hide a little here. So any letters or enquires should be addressed to Miss Buffy Summers. If you send Cordy please tell her that she shouldn’t ‘know’ me. It would be too hard to explain to everyone.
Lady Elizabeth Summers

Dear Tara

Well as promised on more than one occasion, a long letter. It was wonderful to speak to you on the phone the other day. I really miss our chats. Life is wonderful here. William is sweet and kind. I came home to find rose petals everywhere. It seems he’d got the key from Willow and ‘did’ the room out to mark our 3-month anniversary. There were candles, and wine, strawberries and more roses. And a bath run with vanilla bubbles. He bathed me, wrapped me up in a towel and we watched DVD’s until late. I am so much in love it hurts sometimes. Mom seemed to like him lots when she came over. I caught them sharing hot chocolates and chatting a couple of times. His band is doing really well. They are seeing some people from the record industry next month, doing an audition for them, so are rehearsing non-stop at the moment. Things are going exceptionally well. Willow has fallen for the base player. Dan Osborne, known as Oz. So she’s out quite regularly, when William is free. And surprisingly has the same evenings free that I doJ

Riley is still watching over me. He and Sam came with me to LA last week. William thought there was something going on between us and it took a while to make him realise that he is the one and only. There are a few skeletons hidden in his closet from a previous relationship. Her name was Cecily and she kept telling him that she was way above him, he was below her; you know the type. It seems her father had money. How am I going to tell him about me without him feeling inferior? Well I will let you know how that goes as I’m sitting him down tonight and laying it all out. I love him too much to lie, even by omission. It was really great of mom not to let anything slip while she was here. It couldn’t have been easy. Anyway Tonight is the night!!!

Riley has had strict instructions to stay back and not hover. I made out to Will that Sam was a girlfriend from school. I’m going to wear that wonderful wine coloured dress I bought in Paris..The one with the scoop neck line. I hope he likes it. It cost a fortune, but well worth it. I’m cooking. Now don’t laugh. Jenny Calendar gave me lessons last time I was home after I set fire to the kitchen.

Check list for tonight. Hair down, shoes high heeled, dress gorgeous, makeup perfect. Deep breath and here we go.

I will add more tomorrow when I know how things have gone and I will either be over the moon or in tears.

Love to you for now,

Dear Tara,
NO TEARS, one happy dance here. William and I had the most wonderful evening. He turned up looking incredible in a blue silk button down dress shirt and slacks with a single blood red rose in his hand. Not of the crimson ones I hate. But a fragrant blood red one I love. We had the meal, which I hadn’t burnt, I made lasagne, garlic bread and salad and we had some wine that he had bought. I then said we had to talk. I’ll try and write it verbatim:

‘Will, we have to talk.’

‘Nothing good starts with that sentence,’ he says and his face fell. I think he thought the break up speech was coming.

‘OK, talk: or do you want me to finish with you?’ he says, playing with the stem of his glass. AAHHHH, I panicked at that point. ‘No, No finishing of any kind, not what I mean… Secrets to be told, truths.’ I think I went ‘cave Buffy’ for a moment!!

So he relaxes and says OK.

Me..Deep breath.

‘I think that we are no longer just seeing one another, I think something is growing between us and for it to grow true it has to, you have to, know the truth about me. Sam and Riley aren’t just friends, they’re my security detail, them and others. The ones you have seen watching me when we’re away from the dorm, you said you thought we were being followed. Well we were. I didn’t lie to you once. But I didn’t want to go around flashing my ‘secret identity’ the whole time to everyone. I am Lady Elizabeth Summers, Lady Laird of Traymour. I own a huge estate in Scotland, land in England. Parts of London. I’m rich and I’m closely related to The Queen Consort. She’s my father’s sister. The Prince of Wales is my first cousin. And King Charles is my Uncle by marriage. Your Uncle knows, as do Willow, Anya and Faith, but no one else.’

Will’s face was a picture at this point. I wish you could have seen it.
I also told him that I don’t have the option of staying here after my year is up. That I have to go home to run the estate and home is Traymour, an 800 year old castle in Scotland. With over 400 people relying on me and my family for jobs and their livelihoods. We have a brewery (he seemed to like that bit: Something about decent British beerJ). A hunting, shooting and fishing estate, tourism and craft workshops, the works, everything.

I think I completely shocked him. Anyway, William seemed to take it all OK. He seemed very stunned though.

I care for him so much and I don’t even want to think it out loud but I could so easily love him, but its only 3 months.

He stayed, all nightJ, and treated me wonderfully. I must say I was a bit worried when I woke up alone, but he was busy cooking breakfast for me. We’re off to the Bronze tonight. His band are playing and I intend to dance lots. Faith and I have such fun on the floor. We drive all the men wild and then let Riley hold ‘em off. I know it’s wicked but at least it’s legal fun.

I am so happy Tara; life is good at the moment. It feels like a dream and I don’t want it to end.

Love Buffy

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