Author's Chapter Notes:
I don't own aything Buffy-wise! I had started this story a long time ago, and I just found it at the bottom of my folder! He he! I hope you like it, let me know!

Buffy Summers dreaded getting up that morning. Not only did she hate school, but she really hated mornings, especially if they started before 11 am.


Buffy sighed, as she got out of bed, "Okay, mom! I'll be down in a second!"


Twenty minutes later, Buffy hopped down the stairs, wearing a black mini-skirt, hot pink tank top, knee-high boots, and her hair hanging on her shoulders in messy, but cute, curls, "Okay, let's get going."


"Buffy! Buffy! Buffy!"

Buffy turned around to see her two best friends running towards her, "Hey guys! What's the what?"

Willow and Xander stopped in front of her, "Oh my god! Have you seen him yet!?"

Buffy gave her a confused look, "Seen who?"

Willow turned her around and pointed to a guy across the campus. Buffy stared at the vision in front of her. He was tall, muscular, had platinum blonde hair, and the most beautiful blue eyes that she had ever seen, "Oh. My. God. Look at him. He's...Oh. My. God."

Willow quickly jumped in, "I know!" she squealed. Continuing, "And you know who would look really good on his arm?"

Buffy looked at her, afraid of the answer she would get for her next question, "Who?"

"You and him," Willow smiled at Buffy.

"What!? Me and the new guy!? Are you insane!?"

"You know, Buff, I think you would be great together. And as much as I would love to stay and talk about how hot the new guy is some more, I've got to go to class, " Xander turned to Willow, "I'll see you later?"

"Yeah," Willow kissed him good bye, "Bye."

"Bye. Later Buff-ster."

"Bye, Xand," Buffy said, waving good bye to her friend as he left her and his girlfriend to gawk at the new, hot, guy.

Xander walked towards the building. Willow grabbed Buffy by the arm and started to drag her towards the new guy, "Come on."

Buffy's eyes widened when she realized what was going on and where Willow was taking her, "No! You are so not taking me over there!"

Willow stopped dragging her and looked her in the eyes, "You need to get back out there. You need to come out of hiding."

"Hiding? Have you seen this skirt? Look at it, I am not hiding. Far from..." Buffy stopped dead in her tracks, "Oh my god."

Willow smirked, "I told you he was hot, Buffy."

"No, not that. Oh my god!" Buffy ran away from Willow, towards this group of girls with one guy, "ANGEL!" Buffy jumped into a hug with the man. She pulled out after a moment to hug the rest of the group, "What are you all doing here!?"

One of the girls, with long brown hair, replied, "Well, we thought we would come see you. Is that okay?"

"Are you kidding!? It's more than okay! It's great!"


Buffy looked to find Willow, but she was already gone. She looked back at the group, "Look, I have to get to class, can you all comeback at lunch?"

They nodded, "Great. Okay, it's at 12:45. I have to go," Buffy hugged everyone again, "Okay, bye!"

"Bye," The group said together.


Buffy walked into her first period ten minutes late, "Nice of you to join us Miss Summers."

Buffy looked at the teacher and smiled, sheepishly, "Sorry, Ms. Simons. It won't happen again."

Ms. Simons decided to give her a break since it was the first day of the new school year, "Okay. Have a seat between Miss Rosenburg and Mr. Prescott."

Buffy saw where she was pointing to and noticed that it was between Willow and the new guy, which she assumed was Mr. Prescott. Buffy quickly took her seat and smiled at Willow.

When the teacher wasn't looking, Willow passed her a note, 'Who were those people that you went running to this morning?'

Buffy quickly wrote her response and passed it back, 'Oh, that was Faith, Fred, Angel, and Cordelia. Angel's that brother that I told you about. Cordy is his wife. I went to school with Faith and Fred at Hemery. Why do you ask?'

Willow smiled, pleased that it wasn't some secret boyfriend that Buffy had been keeping from her, 'Well, it's just that I saw the new guy watching you. I was just wondering.'

Buffy eyed Willow suspiciously, 'Oh, okay. Yeah, that's just my bro, sis, and friends. They live in Los Angeles, so I rarely get to see them.'

Buffy passed the note back. Obviously, Willow was pleased with her answers and didn't pass the note back all class. Instead, they focused on the English assignment that they were getting this early in the year.


Sighing, Buffy stood up, thinking **This is going to be a long year**.

Buffy stood up to leave the room when she hear Ms. Simons calling her, "Buffy? Buffy could you come up here for a moment?"

Buffy grabbed her bag and headed towards the teacher speaking, "Sure. What's up?"

The teacher gave her a sly smile, "Mr. Prescott here," she pointed to the new guy standing next to her, "is a new student. He doesn't know where all of his classes are and I took the liberty of checking to see if anyone has classes with him. Oddly, you both have the same classes. So, I was wondering if you would mind showing him around?"

Buffy gave an understanding smile, partly for the teacher and partly for the thought of spending every class with him, "Sure."

Ms. Simons looked relieved, "Great. Now, here are passes for the rest of the week. Use them to look around the school. The principal told me to inform whomever was going to show him around that he would be contacting them later today. I will email him and tell him you are showing Mr. Prescott around. So, expect a call from him today, Miss Summers. Now, best get to class. Wouldn't want to be late, right Miss Summers?"

Chapter End Notes:
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