One half of the blonde duo sat nervously shaking on her watcher’s couch as her counterpart sprawled next to her without a care in the world. Spike figured that he had time to get out of the line of fire if the watcher decided to dust his unworthy corpse and as the watcher hadn’t pulled out any weaponry that resembled anything sharp, pointy and made of wood, he figured he was safe enough. He tilted his head to the side as he watched the slayer…uh-hmm, his wife, twitch nervously every time the watcher wiped at his glasses or moved around the room to look at one book or another as they waited for the rest of the little Scooby gang to arrive.

“Buffy luv? You alright there?” Spike leaned over towards the twitching girl and nudged her softly.

“I think I left ‘alright’ a couple exits back…I’m not even in the vicinity of being alright at the moment. God, what am I even doing here? About to tell my watcher and best friends that because of one of my best friends and her stupid little magic kick I’m married to my sworn enemy and not just my sworn enemy but the stupid bleached one that tried to kill me just a couple of weeks ago and ugh…I still have to tell my maybe boyfriend that I can’t date him because I’m already married…” Her hands waved wildly as she yammered on about all of her issues with the bleached blonde beside her and her friends who had just walked through the door.

“Are you quite done yet? ‘m bloody shocked that I ‘aven’t dusted just from listened to that soddin’ tirade ‘bout the virtues of the bleeding slayer. ‘f you want the divorce I’ll grant it to you no questions asked and you can go play house with the soddin’ soldier boy…and why the hell do you give a damn about what those tossers think of you anyway? It’s not like their relationships ‘ave been any better. Witch was shaggin’ a werewolf and the whelp’s been involved with how many demons now? Don’t let those little buggers get to you ‘bout this luv, ‘s you’re life.” Spike grunted as he noticed the little Scoobies huddled in the corner of the room, mouths agape.

“Did the bleached wonder just say d-divorce?” Xander blinked at the blonde pair on the couch as he tried to find another word that sounded like divorce but didn’t mean his beloved Buffy had actually touched the decrepit vampire.

“B-but I stopped the spell before they…I did stop the spell in time, right Buffy?” Spike glared at the redhead as she tried to pull off her most innocent expression. He nearly laughed as she tried harder at her friend’s blank expression and came off a bit constipated.

“No Willow, just like always you screwed up and in turn it screwed up my life. Do you hate me for some reason that I don’t know about? And my God Xander, could you be any more of a stuck up dumbass with a superiority complex?” Buffy rolled her eyes at the shell-shocked expressions of her best friends as she waited for her watcher to weigh in on her decision.

Giles continued to pace the room all the while cleaning at smudge-free glasses as he listened to the young people in the room and tried to hide a smile at his slayer’s backbone emerging. Sure, the scoobies had their place in the group but the weight of the world truly only rested on the shoulders of the slayer with her watcher as a support.

“Buffy, are you quite sure that you want to stay legally bound to…a vampire, even one as impotent as Spike?”

“Oi! ‘m not impotent, jus’ a bit dysfunctional at the mo’ but give me time ‘n I’ll be drinking you dry and dancing on your graves!” His protesting simmered as Buffy’s hand came to rest on his shoulder and she gently shook her head at him in a bid to calm him down.

“I’ve thought about it Giles and wouldn’t I be safer with a master vampire backing me…especially one as revered as William the Bloody?” Buffy held her breath as she waited for her pseudo-father to respond. She nearly fell out off the couch at his blinding smile.

“I’m just sorry that I wasn’t able to give you away at your wedding like you wanted even if it was to a vampire, an un-souled one at that.” He took a minute to glare at the bleached blonde menace before engulfing Buffy in a tight embrace. “One step out of line and I will make Angelus look like an amateur.” Giles whispered menacingly over Buffy’s shoulder to Spike who only nodded his head in agreement.

“B-but G-man, you can’t let her stay married to this monster!” Xander’s face puffed up red as he flustered his disapproval, looking to Willow for help but she said nothing to support him. Instead she walked to her best friend and hugged her hard as she tried to convey how sorry she was in just one embrace.

“W-what about Riley? Safe, human Riley…why can’t you…”

“Do shut up Xander! Buffy has, for lack of a better phrase, made her bed and now she must lie in it. While I do not believe this is the most ideal situation, I do believe that it could very well keep my slayer alive longer and I see nothing wrong with that.” Giles sat down heavily on the waiting recliner as he studied the young boy in front of him. So young and so unwilling to see the world for what it was and change with it.

“Thank you Giles. Xander, I’m sorry if you can’t accept this but as far as I’m concerned it’s not changing. I believe that I chose to marry Spike under the spell, not because Willow forced it into being. If that were the case we could have just continued planning the wedding, not run off to Vegas and I-I’m in love with Spike.” Buffy shifted uncomfortably under his gaze for a few moments before she relaxed when she felt Spike’s arm wrap around her shoulders as he shifted closer to her on the couch.

“Sorry Buff but I just can’t accept you throwing your life away to be with this demon.” With that, Xander stormed out of the house and into the night without a single backwards glance.

“Um, Buffy, what are you going to tell Riley? He called earlier to confirm your date for tomorrow night.”

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