Prologue -- Buffy

It seems to me that those nights that come out of nowhere just well come. It’s the same as what happened to me. It never just stops. No. It comes at you with a force that you can't seem to shake. A force that pushes you back into oblivion and makes you shake and cry all at the same time. It's my daughter's fifteenth birthday, and I couldn't possibly do something for her but tell her how proud I am of her. Which doesn't mean much to her. She hates me.

The front door slammed open and shut within seconds. I knew she was home. Mostly because Mr. Wong was yelling after her about her loud music. Lyn Marie was just about a clone of me when I was her age. It scares me how much. Average height. Blonde hair, except for the black and red that she streaked through it. Lean body. Very strong. And then there are those traits that she got from her father. The one that I refuse to tell her about. The boy from the wrong side of the tracks. The one my parents told me to stay far away from. She has his piercing blue eyes and his cheekbones. His choices of never listening to authority, and charm. She could charm a mother bear to give up her young.

I left home when I was four months pregnant; I was 15 and a half. Will, or Spike, as everyone called him, was a year older. He was gorgeous. Toned and lightly tanned from working at his uncle’s mechanic shop, he was dangerous in the most exciting of ways. We met at the town meeting and fell right then and there. I couldn't keep my eyes off him.

Suddenly the bathroom door opens and I reach for the curtain as fast as I can. "Jesus mom. Can't you leave a message on the door or something?"

"Sorry, I didn't know that you would be an hour early coming home from school. Did you cut school again?"

"What the hell do you care?"

"I care because I'm your mother and I love you."

"Screw you!" Lyn said as she slammed the door and walked down the small hallway to her room and turned on her Nickelback CD.

And so begins another day.

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