Chapter Twenty-two – William

Lyn pushed through the front door like she owned the place. Such a little body but so much of me in her. “Mom!” She shouted into the dinning room.

“Quit screaming. Jesus you sound like you’re a dying moose.” Buffy said wiping her hands on a wash cloth as she stood in the doorway of the kitchen. “How are my working people?”

“It was fine dear,” I said kissing her on the cheek.

“What are we the Cleaver’s?” Lyn asked sarcastically pushing through Buffy and me. “Oh, you made cookies!” Buffy rolled her eyes. I pulled Buffy into a loose embrace. Just having her back in my arms, was heaven enough.

“Hey since today is Friday, can I take Lyn up to my uncle’s. He’s got a few more horses and it’s so pretty up there.” Buffy looked at me like I was going to kidnap her daughter and asking permission. “I just want her to get to know me and maybe even think of me as ‘Dad’.”

Buffy sighed, “That’s so sweet.” She practically had tears in her eyes.

“And then when I get back,” I picked her up and sat her on the dinning room table, inching my way between her legs. “We’ll have so me and you time. If you get my drift.”

Buffy inched closer and grounded herself into my cock. “I think I’m beginning to understand.” Her mouth was inches from mine. “My question is: Do you think you can handle it?”

“Eww. Get a room.” Lyn said as she passed through the dinning room with a glass of milk and a plate full of cookies. Buffy seemed to find it hilarious and threw her head back laughing. I on the other hand thought it was really frustrating and pouted.

We backed off of each other and I followed Lyn into the living room. I found her sitting on the couch intently watching a game on the Tele. “What’re watching?”

“Yankees game against the cubs.” She mumbled almost emotionless. “It’s the bottom of the ninth, bases are loaded and Jetter’s up to bat.” She got real quiet until she heard the crack of the bat and she jumped up on her feet still watching the game.

“… And it’s a home run! Yankees win!” the TV went on. Lyn on the other hand flew back on to the couch and heaved a big sigh.

“That was almost orgasmic.” She had a smile on her face that was priceless. After awhile of silence she spoke. “So what do you need?”

“How did you know I was going to ask you something?” I asked almost amazed.

“You have the ‘I-have-to-ask-you-something’ face. And plus I heard you and mom talking about something but I was too absorbed in the eating of the cookies to actually eavesdrop to my full potential. Wow, that made me hungry.” Lyn got up out of her slouched position looked down at her now empty plate and got up to bring it to the kitchen. She got up to the door, when she looked behind her to see me still sitting on the couch. “Follow?” I got up as well and did as she said.

By the time I got into the kitchen Buffy was making dinner furiously and Lyn was sitting on the counter eating a carrot. “Alright, Lyn, I have to ask you something.”

“I know that part. Skip to the part that I don’t.”

“I want you to spend the weekend with me.” I couldn’t believe that I was nervous asking my fifteen-year-old to spend time with me.

“Um. Okay, what exactly would I do? Spend the weekend at your house?” Lyn asked, grabbing another carrot.

“Not exactly. I was thinking that we could go up to my uncle’s ranch. It’s a lot of fun up there. There’s horses, and cows and pigs.”

Lyn looked at me in contemplation, not saying a word. “Okay.” She hoped down from the counter. “When are we leaving?”

“After dinner?”

“Alright I’ll go pack.” Lyn walked around the island and stood in front of me. “You’re kinda blocking my door.” I mumbled in shame and moved out of her way, knocking into the shelf on the way. When she closed her door I drew a breath and relaxed.

I turned to see Buffy looking at me expectantly. “Did I make you that nervous?”


“Payback.” She nodded. “Damn.”

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