Chapter 2-- Buffy

*Ring*Ring* I ran out of my room as fast as I could to get the phone. “Hello?”

“Elizabeth?” It was my mother’s voice. She was the only one that I would allow to call me by my full name.
I eased against the wall. “Hey mom.”

“How are you honey?”

“I’m good mom. I got a new job at a bar down the street. Lyn is doing... well. What is this about ma?” I knew she was up to something.

“William’s doing well. He asked about you the other day. You know that since his Uncle Ethan passed away, god rest his soul, he owns Rayne Mechanics. He’s doing very well.”

“That’s good mom.” Knowing that my child’s father is doing better then me didn’t really brighten my spirits. I loved him still but it was too hard to talk to him just yet.

“Why don’t you come and visit?” She asked, bringing me out of my self-pity.

“I don’t know ma. I mean I got a new job and Lyn Marie has summer school.”

“Well couldn’t Lyn stay with a neighbor?” I rolled my eyes. When she had said Lyn she had said it as a whisper like saying a swear in church. I was the first girl from Sunnydale, California that had gotten pregnant out of wedlock, and even though not many people knew it was still a crime.

“Mom I know that you’re not happy that I got pregnant, but I did and Lyn Marie is your granddaughter, so deal. Hang on I got to get my other line.” I sighed quickly and pressed the flash button and pulled the phone to my ear again. “Hello?”

“Hello, Ms. Summers. This is Officer MacDonald; I picked up your daughter Lyn Marie Summers for possession of cocaine. She claims that it isn’t hers and because of her age I let her off with a warning but she’s here at the station. When would you like to pick her up?”

“Lindsey?” This was not Lyn’s first affiance and she always got Officer Lindsey MacDonald to call her mom. He was from Sunnydale and we had lived with him when I first got to New York.

“Yeah Buffy?” Lindsey said with a slight smile.

“How long would you leave her there?”

“I wouldn’t pick her up until morning.”

“Alright tell her I’ll be there at nine.” I hung up. “Mom?”

“Yes sweetie?”

“Me and Lyn will be there in a couple days.” It’s going to be one long week.

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