disclaimer: HAH! me own this show?! you've gotta be freaking kidding me. i'm not that creative........


9:00 pm

Buffy leaned against the railing and stared up at the night sky. How had she come to this? How had she allowed him to go?

Had it really been six months since that day? That day when her life went to hell and dragged her love along with it?

She hated to think about it, but she knew he was in hell. After all, he had been in a HELLMOUTH wearing an amulet from god knows where....

She shook her head, trying to derail that train of thought. It normally led to much sadness and the inhalation of ice cream and sappy love movies.

She ran her hands up and down her arms, smoothing down the goosebumps that had formed. Shaking the hair out of her eyes, she watched as the meteors sailed across the sky. "Spike," she murmurred. "Are you up there, baby?" She looked down at the carpet. "Or are you down there?"

And then, as if a finger crooked under her chin and lifted her head, her gaze was drawn back to the meteor shower. She smiled, a tear making its way down her cheek. "Is that your way of telling me you're up there?" she whispered.

She shook her head, not allowing herself to get lost in the delusion. She walked back into her room, closed the windows and climbed back under the covers. Snuggling into the sheets, she sighed out, "Spike...."

12:07 am

A blinding flash lit up apartment 207, and a figure appeared in the bed next to the petite blonde. He opened his eyes, blinked slowly, and then registered who he was with. "Buffy...." he breathed. Scootching closer, he buried his nose in her hair, breathing in her scent. "Luv...."

She sighed contentedly in her sleep, and they drifted off to sleep.

All questions would be asked tomorrow.

But for now.....they would rest.

For the first time for almost a year...they could finally rest.



AN----i'm sorry.couldn't resist. this is based on a dream that i had last night and it wouldn't freaking get out of my freaking head!!!!

please review and tell me what you think!!!

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