disclaimer: if any of it were miine, then Spike wouldn't have died, and he and buffy would've gottne married cuz in my world spike is human and all things are spuffy and they should stay that way, DAMMIT! but sadly, i own nothing.


She climbs upstairs tiredly, dropping the smile they all wanted to see. Crawling into the unfamiliar bed, she sighs and lays on her side. Waiting to feel the familiar cool arms wrap around her waist.

His arms.

She twists in the bed to reach over and pull her love to her....

...only he's not there.

The only thing left to hold for comfort is a pillow. No more Spike. Ever.

Her compassionate, caring, loving warrior is gone. Not temporarily......forever.

And he's never going to wrap his arms around her ever again. Or his whisper in her ear that he loves her. Never again will she feel his kiss.....His love.....

Because he's really gone.

And now....she can cry.

For the man she lost.

And the man she loves.

She can cry.




tell me what ya think!!

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