One Week

One week. That’s all she wanted. One week of normalcy, happiness in the wedding planning while trying hard to convince Anya to change the dresses and therefore forcing Spike and Xander into camaraderie.

She wanted one week where she and Dawn could do girly things and she could hang at the Bronze with everyone she loved. And just…be.

And that couldn’t happen, could it?

No. The Nerdy Trio that had taken a nice long break came back full force. She and Spike had spilt up to search houses and they’d sent a demon after him.

The worst part was the delusions he’d had and that he’d tried to kill everyone while she was at work. Of course, she got home just in time to stop him from burning down the house, but it also made it obvious that Spike was chipless, a piece of information she’d fully intended to keep to herself.

Needless to say, the happy, careless air vanished and Buffy wanted to run away again. Maybe take Spike and Dawn with her.

If that wasn’t enough, a demon completely ruined Xander and Anya’s wedding, attacking the bride while Dawn went to find Xander before he did something terribly stupid. Like leave Anya at the altar.

They’d made it back in time to see Buffy and Spike fighting the demon, which ended with Xander killing it and apologizing to Anya.

Buffy then made sure everyone sat down and the wedding went on.

Now, the next part was the worst. Finding out there were cameras all over the house, at Spike’s old crypt, the Magic Box, UC Sunnydale, and Xander’s construction site.

That went by uneventfully until Willow found out about their plan to rob a truck coming from a bank. Buffy had gone alone, mainly because she wanted to thank the assholes for being such a pain in the ass this past year.

That didn’t go over well, leaving her shot and near death, wondering where the hell Spike was and why he hadn’t tried to find out where the gunshot came from.

She didn’t find out until later when Willow and Tara helped her heal. She went upstairs to Spike’s room, which they called his room mainly because it held all his stuff, and found Dawn sitting on the bed. She’d asked her what was wrong and Dawn had told her about Spike. Buffy and asked her to get Willow or Xander to help her up there. Dawn stayed for a moment before leaving and Buffy used that time to reflect on the past few months. She could never have things the way she wanted, could she?

All she’d wanted was one stinking week. But, no…

Life sucked.

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