Chapter 5

Buffy was walking home when she thought she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around and didn't see anyone so she kept walking. After a few seconds she thought she heard it again so this time she turned around and raised her fist ready to strike whoever was following her when they suddenly grabbed her fist. "Good reflexes. Sorry to have scared you, love." The man said as he let her go and she then got a good look at him and recognized him as the guy at the park that the others said was stalking her. She now realized that they could have been right, but tried not to show him how scared she was.

"Were you following me?" She asked him and he smiled at her.

"Why would I do that?" She shrugged.

"I don't know, just had this feeling that you were. I've been seeing you around at a lot of the places that I have been at lately and now I'm thinking that it might be more than just a coincidence." Spike looked caught.

"So, guess you have noticed me. I thought I was doing so well, too." Buffy didn't know what to think about this.

"Who are you?" She figured that was a safe question.

"Right, where are my manners. The name's Spike, what's yours?" Buffy wasn't sure about telling a complete stranger her name, but for some reason he didn't seem that threatening to her even though he in his own way admitted to following her.

"I'm Buffy and don't laugh because I get that a lot. That really is my name." Spike smiled at her.

"That's a cute name. I think it suits you." Buffy blushed at the compliment and hoped that he didn't notice.

"Thanks, but somehow I don't think Spike's your real name." She said and he nodded.

"It's a nickname, I don't reveal my real name to just anyone." Buffy nodded in understanding.

"That's fine, I should probably get going." She replied as she started to walk past him when he grabbed her hand and stopped her.

"It's William, but we'll keep that between us. I have a reputation to keep." He said as he smiled at her and Buffy smiled back.

"Your secret is safe with me." She said as he let her hand go. "So, I noticed you watching me at the park the other day. My friends were starting to think that you were a stalker that liked to prey on high school girls." Spike laughed at that.

"I'm not a sex crazed maniac or an axe murderer if that's what you're thinking. I was just curious." He told her.

"Curious about what?" He then looked into her eyes.

"You, I've been noticing you a lot lately. For the past few months to be exact." Buffy was surprised by this.

"Why? I'm really not all that interesting." Spike smiled at her.

"I beg to differ. I've seen a lot of the stuff you do after school and on the weekends when you're not spending your time reading at the park. How you go out of your way to help people. I saw you helping out at that orphanage on Crawford Street and you were so good with the kids and I could see how much they loved you." Buffy smiled.

"Yeah, I love kids. I think it's sad that they don't have families so I want to help out as much as I can. Lately everyone these days just adopt babies and I want to make the other kids that don't get adopted feel that they're loved, too." Spike smiled at her again, she was really everything he thought she was.

"I could see how much you love them. Watching you just always made me feel good. You're just different from other girls and you seemed like someone that I would like to get to know." He told her and he hoped that he wouldn't freak her out by that.

"How old are you?" Was all that she could think about saying.

"I'm 23." Buffy nodded at that.

"Yeah, why is a 23-year-old bothering to follow some 18-year-old girl around? I mean you're a young guy; you should be out having fun with your friends and living life to the fullest. Not bothering to get to know me. I'm not really worth it." Spike looked at her.

"I think you are. I know I don't really know you all that well, but I feel like I do just by watching you around town. I don't think I have ever seen a bigger heart before." Buffy smiled at that.

"Well, I try. Life is short and you never know when yours will end. So, I want to do everything that I can." Spike nodded.

"Yeah, well I don't think you have to worry about that right now. You're young and have your whole life ahead of you and should be living it to the fullest, like you just told me to do." Buffy looked down trying not to cry and looked back at him.

"Yeah, I have all the time in the world." Spike couldn't help but notice how sad she seemed when she said that, but he just shook it off and figured it was nothing.

"Well, I don't mean to be keeping you. You should probably get home; I could walk you if you like." Buffy shook her head.

"That's sweet of you, but I'll be fine on my own. Maybe I'll see you around." Spike nodded.

"Yeah, you just might." Buffy nodded also and started to walk away when she turned back to him.

"It was really nice to meet you." She told him as she continued her walk home. Spike smiled as he watched her go.

"The pleasure was all mine." He said to himself as he turned and walked in the other direction.

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