Author's Chapter Notes:
Okay...I know it's been forever since I updated. I'm on break from school so hopefully I can write on all of my stories. Please don't give up on me.
Fists flew. Punches made contact with skin.

Spike felt extreme pain on the side of his head before everything went black.


‘Apparently Spike Giles has decided to bring his bad boy attitude to L.A. A story has surfaced that a cast party turned ugly when Giles attacked hottie Lindsey McDonald.’ Attacked my ass. He was asking for it. ‘No reports have been released as to the damage the two men have sustained. Speaking for all women, let’s hope nothing major happened to damage their good looks.’ God, can you believe this woman. Who cares about anything serious as long as your still pretty?”

Spike feigned sleep as he listened to Buffy read aloud and rant. He couldn’t help but smile. “I always knew you were into the superficial, luv.”

“Oh, Spike, your finally awake.” she said dropping the article and grabbing his hand.

“Finally? How long have been out of it? The last thing I remember is kicking Lindsey’s ass. And why the hell am I in the hospital?” Spike attempted to sit up in the uncomfortable hospital bed..

“Well, as you were so gallantly beating the crap out of that idiot, you managed to hit your head on the edge of a very sturdy table. You’ve been out of it for almost 18 hours.” Squeezing his hand, she stood abruptly. “Give me a minute, I need to tell the nurse that you’re awake.”

“Buffy, have you been here the entire time?” Spike whispered.

Buffy gave him a gentle smile before leaving the room.


“Ah, Mr. Giles. Good to see your awake.” Dr. Prabhu said, shining a bright light in Spike’s eyes. “Well, it seems you only received a bump on the head, some bruised ribs, and you reopened the scar on your eye. Your body seems to have already recovered from the shock of the fight. I wanna keep you for a few hours, just as a precaution. I’ll be back by to check on you before you leave. Now...I have some restrictions that I’d like you to follow for the next couple of weeks, so I need for you to listen carefully.” At Spike’s nod, she continued. “Relax, your body needs to heal. So now I leave you to do just that. See you in a few hours.” she finished and hurried out the door.

“Well that conversation was certainly one sided. She needs to lay off the caffeine.” Spike laughed.

“Actually, I think that’s just the way she is. You should have seen her when you first got here. Don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone get bandaged up that quickly. Anyways, what about your restrictions? What are you going to do for two weeks?” she asked, sitting down in the chair she’d occupied the night before.

“Pet, you don’t honestly think I’m gonna let this stop me from doing my job?”

“You really don’t have a choice. Tara called earlier and told me they were postponing filming until everyone is healed up?”

“Meaning me and that asshole.” Spike said with disgust.

“More him than you. Spike, your stitched eyebrow looks cool, could even work for your character. But Lindsey supposed to be playing the pretty boy. I don’t think that includes a black eye and broken nose.”

“Hey, I’m pretty” Spike gasped.

“No honey, your hot. That’s a completely different category.” Buffy patted his hand as if soothing a child.


“Well, you, about those two weeks.” she said, sitting back in her chair.

“I don’t know, pet. Guess I’ll just hang about and follow docs orders.”

“Well...I was thinking about going down to Sunnydale. I haven’t spent two weeks straight with Jenny and my mom since Christmas. Sometimes I feel like the most neglectful mother in the world.” she choked out.

“Pet, Jenny loves you. She’s probably the sweetest little girl in the world, if she’s anything like you. There’s no reason why you would think that you’re neglectful.”

“Yeah, the feeling just hits me sometimes. I really want to go down there though. I was wondering if you would like to come with me? Relax, and visit my mom, meet Jenny.”

“Well, I’ve nothing better to do. Plus, it’d be nice to visit the old haunts.” he said staring off into space.

“Please, our old haunts were the back corner table at the bookstore and the dressing rooms of the theater.”

“The Bronze, we always had fun at The Bronze. Yeah, pet, I’ll go with ya. When ya plannin’ on leaving?”

“Soon, probably tomorrow. But if you wanna come later....”

“Nah, pet, road trip tomorrow sound grand. When Dr. Speed Demon gives me the okay, you can drop me off at my place...I’ll drive to your house...”

“Remember you left your car at my apartment.” she interrupted.

“Oh, right.” Spike sighed, trying to think of another plan. “Okay then. We go to your place, I get my car and drive...”

“No!! I don’t want you driving. The doctor wanted you to relax. Driving around in L.A. doesn’t fall into the relaxation category.”

“Then what’s your plan, Dr. Buffy.”

“Ooh, sarcasm, gotta love it. No really. The only solution is for me to drop you off at you place so you can grab the stuff you need and then you can stay at my place tonight.” She could tell by the look on his face that he was about to refuse. “Come on Spike, you know it’s the only way to do this.”

“I never have been able to say no to you, pet.”

“Great, now all we have to do is wait.”


It had taken a few hours longer than expected to get the release papers filled out. When the doctor and hospital finally gave the okay for him to leave, Buffy and Spike practically ran out the doors. Neither could stand being the hospital one minute longer. Buffy drove carefully as Spike gave directions to his apartment.

“Are you sure this is where you live?” Buffy asked. From the looks of it, she assumed she had taken a wrong turn somewhere.

“Nah, this is it. The Alley Lofts. This place used to be an old factory. Doesn’t look like the nicest place but there’s a lot of space and I have some very interesting neighbors.” He answered as the walked to his door.

As the door creaked open, Buffy felt as if she entered an entirely different world. Beautiful paintings and bookcases lined the brick walls. Contrasting that elegance were the brightly painted mannequins, posed in various positions.

“Give me a just a minute to get that bag, pet” his voiced echoed through the vast space.

“No problem. Spike, can I ask you a question?” she asked as her shoes made a dull sound on the concrete floor.


“What’s up with the mannequins?” she tilted her head to look at the statue from a different angle.

“Those would be the works of the fabulous Anyanka, actress and artist extra ordinaire. She gave me those for helping her run lines for auditions.”

“Why mannequins? They are so creepy.”

“This used to be a mannequin factory. She rounded up all the ones she could get her hands on. She uses whatever material happens to be handy. It bloody well scared me when she first gave me one. They grow on you though.”

“I’ll take your word for that.” she said turning to see him carrying a suitcase. “That’s all your bringing?”

“I’m a man. We don’t travel quite as heavily as you lot do. Just the essentials.”

“Whatever you say.” she said following him as he headed for the front door.


“You know, after being in your loft, makes me feel like my little apartment is sort of plain.” Buffy said as they enter her apartment.

“You can always have one of my mannequins to spice the place up a bit.”

“I think I’ll pass, but thanks.” she said, going into the living room. “So, I have a sleeper chair that you can sleep on tonight. It’s really comfortable. You wanna help me pull that out?” She started to take the cushions off of the chair. Spike helped pull the bed out of the chair and readjust the cushions on the back. “I’m gonna go grab you some sheets. Why don’t you make yourself comfortable. Oh, maybe pick us out a movie.”

Spike watched as she walked out of the living room before quickly changing into a pair of loose sweat pants and a wife beater. Buffy was slightly startled to see Spike just sitting on the sofa.

“Here we are. Um, wanna help, the, um, quicker we get you a bed made, the quicker we can relax.”

“No problem, pet. Already picked us out a movie and everything. It’s one of yours, I hope you don’t mind. I think I may be one of your biggest fans and I’ve only seen one movie, pet”

“Your just being nice.”

“Nah, just honest. Watcha say we make us some bowls of cereal for dinner? Got any, pet?"

“Are you kidding me? With my schedule, I have to have something quick to eat. I got Corn Pops my personal favorite, Captain Crunch, or Corn Flakes.”

“I’ll have whatever your having, luv.”


“Oh my god, that was like the best part of the movie to shoot. I got to play my evil twin. So much fun.” Buffy laughed as they laid on the chair after the movie had finished.

“She’s very sexy, love the smirk, pet.”

“Well I learned it from someone a very long time ago.”

“Oi, it wasn’t that long ago.”

“Oh, you know what I mean...well it’s getting late, wanna get an early start tomorrow. Best get to bed.”

“Stay.” Spike said simply.

“I don’t...” it only took her a second to process the look on his face “okay.”

He nodded and smiled as she leaned over to switch off the lamp.

“Night, Spike, sleep tight don’t let the...” she was cut off when he gently pressed his lips to hers.

“Good night, Buffy.”


A/N: Please review...tell me what you think...I'm really hoping my writing has improved with age.

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