A/N: Someone wrote to ask if Buffy was being ‘wise’ in her methods of sexual protection. Yes, she is. I’m not real comfortable with describing the ‘patent’ method that she and her ‘lurv’ partners (yeah, right, lurv partners; sarcasm intended) use for protection against STDS, so this being fantasy…we’ll just take it for granted that she’s being smart.

Buffy’s Revenge: Chapter 8 ‘Riley’

Sunday morning dawned sunny, bright and early for Buffy Travers. She had not slept well after her ‘marathon’ with Xander, right here in the bed that she and Angel shared. Everytime she closed her eyes, she saw Xander’s face, those dark eyes, so full of adoration for her.

“Yeah,” she groused out loud, “I’m really adorable, huh?” Buffy threw the covers off of her, suddenly quite hot and almost quesy; she could smell Xander’s cologne on the sheets that surrounded her and it made her ashamed. In her mind, but knew that Xander should have remained off limits, but it was too late now and she feared that her newest conquest would not let this whole thing slide easily.

The cordless phone on her end table rang, the shrill snapped her out of her thoughts.

“Oh, great,” she mumbled, “that’s all I need, Angel!” When Angel’s voice, quite cheery for early Sunday, then Buffy remembered it was at least two hours later in Chicago, sounded on the other end, she felt like throwing up. Guilt hit her in waves, but was soon assauged when her ‘darling husband’ explained he’d be back home later then he thought, “something’s come up with the new case, babe,” he explained quickly.

“Right,” she replied, silently, “I just bet ‘something’s come up!” Angel explained that he wouldn’t be back until at least Thursday and perhaps Friday, it all depended on the client.

“Wonder who that client might be?” she mused. Like a good little wife, she nodded at the phone, mechanically told her husband ‘she understood’ and walked through the rest of their conversation in a daze.

“I just bet he has unfinished business!” Buffy muttered angrily. If nothing else, Angel’s little phone conversation reinforced her determination to ‘get to’ Riley Finn on Monday night. Again, any second thoughts went right out the window after Angel had called and Buffy was well aware of Officer Finn’s regular Monday night activities.

Riley hung out at ‘Tito’s Bar’ on the outskirts of the Sunnydale city limits. It really wasn’t anything more then a redneck kind of place, a comfortable stomping ground for the local police force, especially on Monday nights. Actually, it was little more then a dive, but there, the likes of Riley Finn were king.

Sunday came and went in a rather oblique mannor, except that Xander called three times, evidently on his cell phone. Buffy’s caller ID on her own line alerted her to his persistence, and finally, on the third call, she answered. “Hey,” Xander greeted her, his voice tinged with the old shyness that Buffy was so familiar with.

“Hey,” she replied, her own tone unsure, almost embarrassed. “Buffy,” he began, “we have to talk, soon. About last night.” Buffy was more nervous then she’d been in ages, “yeah, I know Xander, it ‘probably’ shouldn’t have happened.”

The silence spoke volumes, then, “Buffy, we’ve been close for years. Longer then you and Angel, and…” his voice drifted off.

“I know, I know, Xand, but, God, what happened. In my marital bed!?” She hoped she sounded morally outraged, but the sentiment was hollow and she knew it.

Buffy half expected Xander to hang up, but he was a persistent man and he held on.

“Buffy, please,” he stammered, “just see me, soon…talk to me. I need you.” How could she ignore something like that?

“Kay, Xand,” she whispered, “I’ll try to work something out. We’ll meet. Give me your cell number, I’ll call as soon as possible.”

He did, she wrote it down, but the uneasiness she felt in her tummy frightened her. Xander, like Connor, would not let this just go away that easily. One thing was for sure, though, Riley was a whole other story.

Riley Finn was a horse’s ass and everyone who knew him, knew it. Why Cordelia Chase ever hooked up with him was a mystery, even to Buffy. Not only was Officer Finn a big oaf of huge proportions, his IQ probably matched the size of his feet…two digits at most. However, Cordy seemed to love him, at least so everyone thought, and Riley relished the status that his future bride and her family gave him.

After finding out about Angel and Queen Bitch Cordy, Buffy had come to the conclusion that Riley was the ticket to respectibility. The kind of social respectibility that Ms. Chase needed to perpetrate the notion that she and her family had some real class. Faith Chase, Cordelia’s only sibling, her younger sister, was a laughing stock in Sunnydale. The rogue Faith had been in more trouble, legal and otherwise, then anyone in the memory of all of Sunnydale society. There had always been talk about Faith, true and rumoured, but Buffy had overlooked most of it as idle gossip.

Actually, Buffy Travers could have cared less about Faith, Cordelia or their dashing, widowed father, Frank. At least, not until recently when she had discovered just what a skank Cordy really was.

Sunday came and went and by the time Monday morning rolled around, Buffy had figured out how she would target Officer Finn and what she would wear. Precisely at 9:00 PM, Monday night, with the excuse of meeting her good friend, Willow Rosenberg, Buffy showed up at the parking lot (more like a dirt road) of Tito’s Bar a few miles from the Sunnydale boarder.

Buffy wore a pair of tight black jeans, a gold halter top, her hair up in a loose bun, more smokey makeup and kitten heeled black leather boots. She parked her red camaro in the parking lot, and waited impatiently for Riley Finn to exit Tito’s, as he always did, drunk, careless and stupid.

Sure enough, at 9:15 PM, Riley half stumbled out of the bar and towards his 4X4 Dodge truck. The same one he had for years. Buffy had parked right next to the truck and casually leaned on her car, a slight smirk on her face. It took only a minute of fumbling with his keys before Riley noticed her there, a surprised, albeit happy grin on his face.

“Buffy!” he slurred her name slightly, “what you doing here?” If she had any doubts that the honorable Officer Finn was ‘soused’ she lost them when she heard his jumbled speech.

“Well,” she purred as she stood up and approached him, “I was waiting for Willow, but I don’t think she’s coming,” then, “you okay Riley?” she finished, her smirk widening.

Riley looked her up and down like a starving man at a Vegas buffet, “well, I’m firn, I mean fain, I mean, fine, now!” he finished, frustrated.

“I didn’t expect to see anyone I knew here,” she lied easily. He smiled, looking forever like a court jester, “yeah, I come here most Mondays, to be with the boys, and with Cordy out of town until the weekend well…” he didn’t finish his sentence, apparently he was too drunk to.

Buffy caught the ‘Cordy out of town bit’ and realized that the skank was probably with her Angel right now. “God!” she thought to herself angrily, “I’m as stupid as Riley is!”

Changing the subject quickly, Buffy suggested that ‘she’ drive Riley home. “After all,” she continued, “you’re not quite up to snuff, Riley Finn and I haven’t had a drop all night. You come on now, I’ll take you home.”

It didn’t take too much convincing on Buffy’s part before Riley had secured his truck and flopped onto the passenger seat of her Camaro. “One of the guys’ll bring me over tomorrow to pick up my truck,” Riley said, “you’re some guardian Angel, Buff, showing up like this.”

Buffy chuckled under her breath, “yeah,” she agreed, “that’s me, an Angel.”

Later, when Buffy really did drop Riley off at his house, she practically pushed him out onto his driveway.

“Time to get inside, Riley, dear,” Buffy chuckled as she shooshed him up to his door. “I don’t think you or Cordy would like the neighbors to see me hanging around here, huh?”

Riley gave Buffy a rather silly grin and stumbled to his door. “Bye, bye, Buffy,” he whispered, loudly to her.

“Bye, bye, Riley,” Buffy waved back and took off down his driveway. When she hit the highway, Buffy never looked back, she just sped all the way home.

A/N: Okay, that’s the worst of it, promise. Next, Spike will come back into the picture, present tense. Not to worry, Buffy will not seduce our ‘boy’ for revenge, I do promise that. However, neither of our two beloved blondes are innocent in this so…Luv, Spuf

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