A/N: I just thought you guys should know... I love reviews! :D

Light in the Dark
The shadow is what you see, behind the shadow is what she found

William was sitting at his home office flipping through the files on his desk. Angel, his lawyer was sitting at the chair opposite his trying to talk some sense into him since he came in to drop off his workload which seemed to have grown into a mountain the last couple of months. “Listen to me Spike, you have got to get off your butt. We have to take action now! Cause I know your in-laws are sure not just gonna sit back on this.”

“Will you please give a bloke time to adjust!” he hollered as he ran his hand through his hair and flipped briskly through the piles of documents he had to take care of. “We’ll deal with them when the time comes!” Angel raised both his hands as a sign of surrender. He knew when to back off when William’s really pissed. “And don’t call me that.”

“Don’t call you what?” Angel asked as he rose from his seat and walked over to the door. He could swear he heard a sound coming from down the hallway.

“Spike.” He spat out, as the sounds Angel heard increased, as it turned out it were cries, cries of a baby.

“Aren’t you gonna take care of that?” Angel asked as he turned back from the hallway.

“Joyce!” he called, “Joyce!” A woman around her early forties appeared on the door. “Didn’t I tell you to keep her quiet? I’m trying to work here!” He ordered her without looking up from the papers in front of him. The woman just nodded her head and went to sooth the crying baby.

“You know, Sp- Will. I think I have a solution for your little problem over there.” He pertained to the crying of a baby just before which seemed to have vanished.

“Yeah, and what is that exactly?” William asked still not looking up at Angel. “Get a nanny?” he scoffed with a sarcastic laugh.

Angel just had a devious smile on his face. “Why not?” This time he did look up.

to be continued...

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