im really sorry this story is dragging on a bit, i promise the gang come in the next chapter and that will be out soon in a day or two

The next day at school, every where buffy went there were giggles and whispers that surrounded her, she was in a nightmare. She was so embarrassed by the fountain and the kiss she tried to fake being ill for the week till it all blew over.

But like the mother she was Joyce could immediately tell she wasn’t ill, and began the 101 questions of why she didn’t want to go , was she getting bullied? Is she not doing well in school? Is she going through her rebellious teenage time?

By the time her mother went on to worry about if she was a good mother that spent enough time with her daughter Buffy was begging to get out of the house and away from her crazed mother, even if it meant facing all the torture at school.

She walked towards the toilet to get away from it all, only to interrupt a gang of girls talking about what happened, they all looked up and went silent when they saw who it was, Buffy gave a groan and was about to walk out when someone asked a question.

“Is it good?” A girl Buffy recognised was from her history class

“Is what good?” Buffy asked wearily wondering why she didn’t just keep walking out the door like any smart person would.

“The sex with Spike?” The girl asked, jealousy clearly in her eyes.

“WHAT?!” Buffy yelled outraged.
“ I’m only asking, jeez calm down” Harmony said

Buffy turned white with shock then bright red with embarrassment. She knew people were wondering that but no one dared to ever ask her, too afraid her friend would kick their ass to tomorrow.

“I don’t really think it’s any of your business, do you?” Buffy said getting annoyed at the looks she was getting of the other girls. She didn’t have a clue why she didn’t just tell them that she wasn’t sleeping with him.

“Well you seemed eager enough to show your little grope fest in public, so why can’t you share the details of what you get up to behind closed doors?” The girl sneered looking at Buffy with disdain.

Buffy suddenly realised whom this bimbo was, Harmony, one of Spike’s ex girlfriends that left him broken hearted. For some weird reason she felt the need to defend Spike and make as much of a fool out of Harmony as she possibly could.

“I mean Spike was very generous and attentive to ALL my needs if you know what I mean,” Harmony winked at the rest of the girls not noticing the look Buffy was giving her.

Buffy knew that Spike didn’t have sex with Harmony when they were still friends because he would have told her.

“So when did you have him then?” Buffy asked casually.

“When I went out with him, you two were still joined at the hip then, why did you stop being friends?” Harmony asked, curiosity getting the better of her.

“Harmony, everyone knows Spike wouldn’t have touched you with a 10 foot barge poll, he only went out with you because he felt sorry for you. So don’t flatter yourself by thinking he ever wanted you like that” Buffy spat.

Just then her friends came in the room to see a group of girls surrounding her, Faith misinterpreted the situation and thought they were upsetting Buffy. She stepped in front of Buffy to protect her, if glares could kill the girls behind Harmony would be positively dead.

“Harmony,” Faith said in a false sweet voice “if you ever touch our Buffy or so much as look at her again you WILL regret it, I will make sure you become even more of a nothing in this school than you already are, got it?” Faith threatened all while keeping a sickly sweet smile on her face.

“Faith, what hole did you come out of? Or should I say what boys bed did you get out of? I’m surprised any decent boy would shag you” The girls behind Harmony didn’t giggle or even smile at what Harmony said, too afraid Faith would beat them within an inch of their life

Faith didn’t seem upset by this in the slightest, and replied.

“As a matter of fact it was your boy Riley, he’s sweet with all the talk, but it does annoy you after a bit, don’t you think Harm?”

Faith smirked at seeing Harmony’s face red with barely controlled anger.

“How dare you! I haven’t done anything to you! Riley would never touch you when he has me!!” Harmony screeched.

“Is that so? Then why have I got his number, his boxers and t shirt from when I was at his place, and a date with him for Friday?” Faith said smugly.

“You bitch!! Your just a slag, that has fun ruining peoples life,” Harmony glared at Buffy “You two are such whores, I cant beli….”

“Don’t you dare involve Buffy in this, she doesn’t act like me so don’t call her a whore.” Faith said in a deadly whisper, looking Harmony directly in the eye.

“But every one knows you’re easy, you may as well be a whore, maybe you could get some better clothes than that cheap shit.” Harmony said looking Faith up and down.

No one saw the look Buffy was wearing.

Ever since Buffy fell out with Spike, Buffy was alone most of the time, she didn’t really feel like making any new friends. It was the idea that when she made friends she was forgetting Spike, she felt as if she would be betraying everything they ever were, and betraying what the friendship stood for.

##################Flash back################################

Buffy was walking back from the library, she had spent four hours revising and doing essays and her brain was frazzled. She really was not in a good mood, and just wanted to get home and crawl in her nice warm comfy bed and sleep for the next two weeks if she could. It was ten pm and getting darker by the minute.

“Hi sexy, you wanna have a good time?” The spotty boy said emerging from the shadows.

“Yeah but I’m sure your not gunna give me one” Buffy snapped walking past him.

“No need to be like that, im sure we could have a great time together.” The boy persisted

“I have a feeling we wouldn’t, I’m not into having sex with strangers, and if I were I would pick a nicer looking one than you.” Buffy said picking up her pace a little

The boy was clearly angry at what she said and stepped in front of her, blocking her with his body preventing her from walking home.

“Now id be careful what you say about me, notice your alone and I reckon I’m a lot stronger than you” The boy said smugly, grabbing her by the arms in a bruising grip.

“Get out of my way before I move you out of my way.” Buffy threatened with confidence she didn’t feel.

“Don’t you wanna feel me touching you, bringing you pleasure you’ve never even felt before. Having my cock give you the best fuck of your life?” Buffy could feel his warm breath against her neck as he whispered in her ear, she felt nauseous and began to feel sick.

“Am I interrupting something?” A girl walked up to them.

The girl had dark hair that rested on her shoulders in waves, she had a dark beauty look about her that screamed mysterious and strong, with a hint of vulnerability that would enchant any man that came across her. Her clothes clung to every curve she possessed and she was the image of rebellion. In other word she was everything Buffy wanted to be and every thing she was meant to be against, because her mother disapproved.

“Yeah go away now” the boy said impatiently

“I’m Faith by the way in case you wanted to know” The girl said cheekily as she walked towards them.

Faith looked at Buffy to see if she was all right. They locked eyes and Faith felt a sense of protectiveness pass through her, for some reason she seemed to have the need to protect this girl she barely knew. She looked so small compared the boy, but it was clear to Faith there was a strong determined woman that laid just beneath the surface of the mask of innocents and venerability that seemed to surround her.
“I really don’t think a pretty girl like you would ever choose a slime ball like that, so is he bugging you?” Faith said maintaining eye contact with Buffy, ignoring the bot as if he wasn’t even a threat to them.

He boy looked confused at why this Faith wasn’t going away and kept talking to his soon to be fuck, it was as if she were having a normal conversation on a sunny day.

“Yeah, I was going to go home but this shit thought he could man handle me. So I was thinking kick the crap out of him and call the cops, or kick the crap out of him and chop his dick of so he wouldn’t need to frighten girls to get a fuck anymore” Buffy said casually. “I’m Buffy by the way,”

Faith laughed out loud at the girl, she could really get to like her. Buffy suddenly kneed the boy in his vital parts and punched him in the face, he gave a groan and fell to the ground.

“See no harm done….. to me anyway, im sure he’s gonna be a bit sore for a few weeks” Buffy giggled, walking away towards Faith.

“Watch out!!” Faith ran forward and punched the boy before he could get a hold of Buffy, the boy yelped and held his nose running away, the heard a muttered of “crazy bitches” in the distance.

“Thanks,” Buffy said linking her arm with Faith” You go to sunny d high school don’t you?”

From then on they were inseparable and became best friends and like sisters.
#############End Flashback##################################

Faith looked down, a brief look of hurt and shame at what she did flashed through the mask that protected her heart from getting hurt from anyone.
Buffy noticed this and anger boiled up inside her.

When Buffy first met Faith she was distant and didn’t talk about her past, always finding an excuse or snapping at her to keep her nose out of her business. Over 3 months later when they were both drunk, Faith had finally told Buffy about her parents leaving her when she was 14, and her 19 year old boyfriend Pete saying she could live with him. At first he was caring, giving her money for when she needed things, rent free house to live in and for the first time in her life she felt loved, she felt special.

He let her live there but after about a month he pressured Faith to have sex with him for letting her have a home, he argued with her for over a week about it and finally said if she didn’t sleep with him then she had to get out. Faith didn’t know what to do, she didn’t want to sleep with him yet but needed the things he provided, she decided to sleep with him and told him. Faith said
“He had a self confident smug look about him as if he knew he could control me, it was then I realised he had wanted nothing but sex from me from the beginning, and I felt too trapped by him to say no any more.”

She described that night the worst night of her life.

At first it just happened at weekends when he was drunk from the pub. But eventually led to her having to do whatever he wanted at that night if she needed something from him, which was every day. He was too rough with her and thought of only his pleasure, he liked to make her do things she was reluctant to do, and by the time she had spent another month with him she had done all of the most degrading things that people her age would never think of doing.

She was so used to it she thought it was normal for her to do this to survive, but the nagging word prostitute kept wandering in her mind and she didn’t like that at all. It ate her up inside and shattered any respect for herself or for any man to the ground in pieces, she finally decided to make a life without him around, when she told him he laughed in her face and told her he owned her, that she was going nowhere. Faith was doomed to spend her life with him in misery, but she couldn’t handle it and ran away. She knew he was angry with her and if he found her she was too scared to think what he might do to her.

Force her back, beat her, rape her or even kill her.

By the time she had finished they were both crying, Buffy wrapped her in a hug and promised she would never have to do that again, that she would make sure nothing happened and would look out for her, that they would look out for each other.

And they would keep that promise….till the end of the world.
keep the superb review rolling in, good or bad there all worth alot 2 me and help to see what i canimprove in

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