As she ran down the street after Riley, Buffy began to panic, “Oh my God, I kissed Spike!” She said out loud to no one in particular, “No, remember be hissed you, you were merely a victim.” A voice inside her head still whispered to her, “can’t rape the willing”

Buffy Slowed to a halt as she spotted Riley in the distance. A panic rose through her as she saw he was fighting three vampires all by himself, she was about to break in and save her helpless kitten, but suddenly Riley seemed to have so much rage built up in him that he decimated the vamps in minutes.

Tentatively, Buffy stepped up next to Riley. With great care she gently laid her hand on his shoulder, not gently enough. At the feel of her hand, Riley turned around quickly, slicing his one true love across the throat without even blinking.

It all seemed to happen in slow motion for Buffy; she was reaching out to Riley and next thing she knew she was on the ground. She felt cold, and didn’t know what was happening. The look in Riley’s eyes told her something was terribly, terribly wrong. Buffy opened her mouth to attempt to ask what was wrong, but found it impossible. For the first time in her life, Buffy felt helpless.

It took a few seconds for Riley to process the events that had just passed, but his heart told him one thing and one thing only. Help Buffy. Riley scooped her up into his arms and ran towards her house while immediately switching into soldier mode and assessing the damage. He knew one thing that scared him the most. She was loosing too much blood. It was against every bone in his body to make the decision that he did but he knew only one thing was going to give her even a small chance of surviving, or whatever you may call it.

Riley was basing his entire plan on a vampire and a legend. The vampire was Spike, and the legend was that of the Vita. The legend said that any slayer who was changed into a vampire would retain her soul, and also become a candidate for the Shanshu prophecy. The only was that Buffy could stay Buffy, was if she was turned into a vampire.

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