Penname: ohgodspike [Contact] Real name: vicki henry
Member Since: 03/27/2008
Membership status: Member
major major fanfic reader. have basically read nothing but b/s fanfic for at least 4 years now. i don't even want to read anything else. I have learned a lot from reading over the years, not only about sex and kinky! sex. I have written only one fic but would dearly love to write more. I have ideas but I don't have a muse, wah!
Web Site: http://
AIM: 0
Beta-reader: 0
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Favorite Authors
1. Sandara
2. Sarah Aless
3. Schehrezade
4. Slaymesoftly
5. Soul of the Rose
6. Spikes_Deb
7. tahmoe
8. Tasha
9. vamptasticA