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Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum
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Registration date
19 Mar 2008 01:11
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Original Characters
BDSM, Alpha dominant male/female, Billionaire/Millionaire (any mixed with baby is a plus)
Injected/enhanced by Watchers Council, other group, military, or Initiative
Buffy is injected with sperm of vampire by Initiative and becomes pregnant.
Faith walks into Spuffy's home after knocking when no one answers, pregnant Buffy seated on couch.
Buffy takes a potion and no one can enter her room
Spike is forced to turn Buffy
PyroDeScorpio Fics
Any Spuffy fics where Oz plays a central part?
Spuffy Children Fics: (not baby fics) Toddlers, kids, teens, etc...
Season 6 Time Travel Fiction
Season 6 Tearjerker, Drama, Romance, Hurt, and Comfort
Season 6 Humor, Comedy, Dramedy
Season 6 Holiday Fiction
Season 6 Episode Based & Rewrite Fiction
Season 6 (very) Dark and Angst Fiction *READ WITH CAUTION*
Season 6 Alternate Universe/Reality/Crossovers and Altered Canon Characters
Season 6 Claiming Fiction
Season 6 Challenge Response
Season 6 Baby Fiction
Season 6 Masterlist
2 Fics
Supernatural fics Inquiry
Speaking of Dracula fics...
Tara living with a guy not in Sunnydale
Faith swaps body with Buffy
Recent replies posted
Buffy comes back from the dead
Buffy and Spike's kid(s) come from the future
Hungry eyes by ya_lublyu_tebya
Buffy with Spike unknowingly hugs Angelus in graveyard
Spuffy with a baby, a hybrid child and Spike is royalty
Dawn is made from both Buffy & Spike
Historical fic with arranged marriage and spanking
Victim!Buffy Fics
Spike suffers from abuse
Spuffy 'Shades of Grey'
Buffy and Spike captured, giant terrarium
Buffy has twins and shows up at wolfram and hart with them to see angel and spike.
Spike helps Buffy with her money problems
Spike as described by Kita in 'Equinox'
claimed buffy/grows fangs
Looking for 2 Stories. The story of buffy and spike and Spike Eliminati member in Egypt
Buffy is kidnapped and being held by Riley; Spike and Angel rescue her
Season 6 Baby fic...Buffy gives birth in the Magic Box
Time travel fic
Spell gone wrong, not necessarily Something Blue
something blue. spike not affected.
Season 7: Buffy poisoned by demon, then Anya infected
Your Favorite Spuffy Stories
Looking for a Buffy/Spike + Giles/Joyce fic? Help!!!
Pike and Spike
Buffy kind of crazy, found and taken care of by Spike and Dru...
Old Buffy goes back in time to Season 2(?) Buffy to change the future
Fics with Lawson as Spike's minion/friend
Buffy Season 8: The Gleaming
Forum activity
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Fic Recs
Cold Cases
Season Six
Fic Exchange
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