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6 Mar 2022 17:56
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Looking for 'The Book of Thespius' & 'Forever' by Bitterness
Looking for 'The Superstar And The Single Mom' by Katkin
Post S06 Spike comes back to Sunnydale as Buffy's Watcher. Found!
Minx DeLovely The secret of the boy you never kissed/ Blood Oranges part 1 & 2.
Post-Series? Spike is human and with Buffy. Drusilla kidnaps him to resire him. Buffy saves him with her blood.
Looking for 2 Post-Series stories with NFA battle scenes.
Zoegrace's fics
Time-travel from season 7/ Scoobies first look into different dimensions to defeat the First Evil
Looking for: 'Bought, Sold, Lost, Found', ' Secretary' & 'The Pen is Mightier...' by squawks
Becoming and Memories of another life by Mia Vaan
Unburied Hearts by Fancyflautist
Recent replies posted
Graveyard homework help
Possibly time travel fic?
Fics by squawks
Etched in Stone by flowerofthewolf
«So that's what this is» by Damperspoons
Scoobies connect via the internet to our world. Not «Lost in Cyberspace»... I think.
Imitation Of a Man by Darkapple
Dawn dies instead of Buffy.
Any stories that feature pets?
Fanfic with Wesley (and Tarot cards) and Spuffy
The soul's kind of a big deal. Why not treat it as such?
Spike has time to deal with his guilt?
Normal again based fic
Buffy goes to LA not knowing Spike is alive, Spike hides and she has a baby. Searching for this fic!!
S4, Buffy dreams she's married - posting for Readingismytherapy
El Diablo Rubio
Wikka Tara fics
Her Shoulder to Lean on by Katkin
Looking for 2 All Human fics
Spike and Buffy in a different dimension
Help Find A Fic, Spuffy but has Angel(us) and Dru. Managed to save tiny snippets of fic
A spell to separate Spike & Buffy
Please help!! All human fic, buffy meets spike at a nightclub
Fics where spike is dominating, possessive, jealous, stalkerish etc
All human. buffy has a young daughter and takes her to a comic con to meet her fav actor; Spike
Spike meets up with/goes with Buffy to LA after Becoming
Time Travel possibly season 1 or 2?
TT to season 2/3; Buffy kills Angel, Spike gets soul, Buffy takes him to LA,shackled in bathroom?
Spike Can't Remove Gem of Amara
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