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Human fic??? Possibly AU???

Author SeekingSpikeFIC S
#1 | Posted: 9 May 2010 23:22 
This is probably wierd but I am looking for a fic and the only scene that I vaguely remember is a naughty one... =0

Spike is in a "relationship" with Buffy and has trust issues. He is suspicious of her love for him and her fidelity so ( I think after they had already made love once) Spike gets angry at her ( I think that he saw her with someone else who later turned out to be a friend or possibly gay). He tells her that if she wants to prove that she loves/faithful she needs to sleep with him NOW! I think he's really crude when he says this like "get on your back and spread your legs" I'm not sure. And Buffy is crying because she really loves him and doesnt understand why he is acting like he is. She does like he asks and he starts to do it (I think roughly) with her and at this point she gives up totally.

Does anyone have a clue where this came from? I think that I read this fic here... It's creepy that I only remember the dirty parts but it really stuck with me because it was sooo emotional. Please HELP!!!

Author SeekingSpikeFIC S
#2 | Posted: 9 May 2010 23:23 

I might be mixing fics but majority of it, I'm 100% positive came from one fic...


Author SMac
#3 | Posted: 10 May 2010 00:09 
I haven't read the whole story yet so I don't know if the scene you describe is in there but Healing by Pet has a Spike with very serious trust issues. I don't know whether he does that though....other than that this isn't ringing a bell for me but I'd love to read it once it's found.

Author Poucette
#4 | Posted: 10 May 2010 02:09 
It may be Quiet Summer by Sotia.
In this fic, Will is younger than Buffy.
A night, at a club, he sees her hugging Riley, her first boyfriend.
He gets angry, go all caveman, bring her home and take her rough, right on the kitchen counter, all dominant like.
It appears that Riley is now gay, and dating Parker.

Quiet Summer by Sotia
Summary: 23 year-old Buffy has to spend her summer with her teenage cousin Xander and his cousin Will... who's no longer the shy boy she remembers. Or is he?--------------------------------

Author b_loves_s
#5 | Posted: 10 May 2010 02:21 
What about "Something Real" by dampersandspoons? Deep angsty fic where Buffy and Spike have trust issues and are detached from sex and stuff like that.

Author Rose
#6 | Posted: 10 May 2010 14:37 
Carved Heart by greyangel here at SR has some of the elements, Spike not trusting her and being jealous of Riley who happens to be gay.

Author Patty
#7 | Posted: 22 May 2010 00:06 
'Rat in a Cage' by Brat - on Elysian Fields

Major trust issues and there's a scene very similar to the one described - saw her with Riley and got the wrong idea.

Author SMac
#8 | Posted: 22 May 2010 00:41 
I love that story.

Rat in a Cage by Brat link is:

Author Aly
#9 | Posted: 9 Jun 2010 11:45 
I recently reorganized my saved fics and I found one which kinda fits your description.

It could be "The best and the worst of Love" by Squawks

It has that scene where Spike tells Buffy she has to lie down and have sex with him if she wants to prove that she loves him and she doesn't really understand why he acts the way he does.
Anyway the story is a bit angsty. Angel forces Buffy to have sex with guys from their school so he can get drugs. William and Buffy are study buddies and one night sleep with each other. But Buffy can't be with him because she is scared of Angel.
The scene with the angry sex happens in chapter 4.

Squawks took all of her stories down, but I could send you a copy if you want to.

Author Aly
#10 | Posted: 13 Jun 2010 11:50 
SeekingSpikeFIC S
Send it. Did you get my email? If not just send me an email via my account so I can answer.

Author gopher101
#11 | Posted: 17 Mar 2012 16:29 
SeekspikeFIC S , did you find the story you were looking for.

Cold Cases Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Cold Cases /
 Human fic??? Possibly AU???

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