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babyfic (all human or not)

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Author Hellion
#1 | Posted: 22 Jul 2011 14:59 
I'm looking for a really good baby fic...I'd prefer all human but I'll take anything. I'm just having a hard time finding a fic to get into right now. Thanks in advance!

Author SMac
#2 | Posted: 22 Jul 2011 16:11 
Here are some I like:

Baby Love by Niamh

here on TSR

Summary: Seventeen year old Buffy Summers is a High School Senior with a boyfriend and life is great, until she realizes one morning that, well, life changes fairly quickly, especially when you find out something you've been denying is real.

20 Months by Machine

Summary: Buffy and Spike share a drunken night then decide to marry after Buffy finds out she is pregnant. They don't love each other. They barely know each other. But they marry under the agreement to divorce one year and one month after Buffy gives birth in order to keep Buffy and the child away from Buffy's abusive parents.

Story Of A Heartbreak: Buffy Summers By Aaliyah

email me for this one - it doesn't seem to be online anywhere

Summary: AU, all human. Sixteen-year-old Buffy Summers has a one-night-stand with Mr. Can't-Keep-His-P*nis-In-Pants Spike Giles, he gets her pregnant...they think they'll never see each other again...*evil laugh* oh, how they're wrong...

Author Guest
#3 | Posted: 22 Jul 2011 16:46 
It Matters To Me by Ashlee

Summary: Buffy Summers has had a crush on Spike Giles since she moved to town. However, Spike never acknowledged Buffy while they were in school together. When Buffy starts working with Spike at the Magic Box, a tentative friendship is formed. The two grow closer until....

You can find it here on the SR

Author SMac
#4 | Posted: 22 Jul 2011 16:47 
Oh. I have one.

The Song Remains the Same by SMac

Summary: Life can be difficult when you are fifteen years old with a baby and few options. Fortunately Buffy Summers is a resourceful girl. WIP (but working on it)

Author Hellion
#5 | Posted: 22 Jul 2011 17:47 
Thank you guys so much!

Author Skipper
#6 | Posted: 22 Jul 2011 23:17 
You Never Can Tell by Spufette

Summary: Buffy Summers is the ultimate goody girl of Sunnydale California, circa 1963. She's the daughter of Hank Summers and her stepmother, Joyce. Buffy's boyfriend, Angel Crawford, is the High School football captain. However...Buffy harbors a secret crush for Angel's bad boy cousin, Spike Giles. Spike Giles harbors a 'love' for Buffy Summers, but there is the matter of his cousin? Also, Spike doesn't feel worthy of Buffy. There's lots of angst ahead for our Spuffy couple, but true love will prevail, right?

Author Guest
#7 | Posted: 23 Jul 2011 01:42 
unexpected blessings by pattyanne. There are also a couple of fic set after this one. You can find it on TSR.

Author Guest
#8 | Posted: 23 Jul 2011 02:42 
When You Need Me by BuffyXenaDQFan
Summary: Summary: Buffy Summers and Spike Pratt have been best friends since they were stealing each other's juice boxes in preschool. They've been there for each other's ups and downs. When Buffy's parents, who have always been her model couple, tell her they're getting a divorce, she runs to the one source of comfort she's got left. He sat on the edge of the bed, hands gripping the sides of his head as the dull ache pounded there like the battery of a marching band. His stomach felt horrid, his body ached, but nothing compared to the feeling deep inside that told him he'd done something so incredibly stupid that things were never going to be the same again.

The Surrogate by Mercy
Summary: What do you do when you find out that your wife has been cheating on you for the past year, with your so-called best friend and flown the coop back to London....leaving you with a hell of a mess! When you've just found out that you're about to become a dad, with you're wife's sister....who just happens to be your surrogate and the baby's biological mother...and you're the biological father. Mix that all up and what do you have...The Surrogate. Won Best Baby Fic at Lost in Spike Awards Round 6

Author Guest
#9 | Posted: 23 Jul 2011 18:53 
Summary: Life can be difficult when you are fifteen years old with a baby and few options. Fortunately Buffy Summers is a resourceful girl. WIP (but working on it)

And we are waiting (somewhat) patiently

Author Guest
#10 | Posted: 25 Jul 2011 01:43 

I adore The Song Remains the Same...would love see an update!

Author Passion4Spike

#11 | Posted: 18 Sep 2011 14:50 
The Unexpected Universe, AU Series has LOTS of babies for vampire Spike/Slayer Buffy ... starting right near the beginning with 'The Key', who the monks give to them by getting Buffy pregnant from Spike.

Author Liliana
#12 | Posted: 18 Sep 2011 16:23 
Story Of A Heartbreak: Buffy Summers By Aaliyah

email me for this one - it doesn't seem to be online anywhere

Summary: AU, all human. Sixteen-year-old Buffy Summers has a one-night-stand with Mr. Can't-Keep-His-P*nis-In-Pants Spike Giles, he gets her pregnant...they think they'll never see each other again...*evil laugh* oh, how they're wrong...

Hi where can i read this story ?


Author SMac
#13 | Posted: 18 Sep 2011 17:18 
It's not online any longer. If you contact me through my contact here at TSR I will email you a copy of it. Either click on my name or the little envelope next to my name here and send me a message. Please include your email address. Thanks.

Author Melly
#14 | Posted: 18 Sep 2011 21:14 
Scorched and its sequel The Devil You Know by Evenstar on EF. (The babies don't show up until the sequel)

Also on EF is Family In Law by sampoocomercialhair. Buffy and Spike are not the parents but the aunt and uncle.

Author Willow25
#15 | Posted: 22 Sep 2011 21:49 
Nanny Spike and Aunt Buffy by Ravenesque

Here at the Spuffy Realm. It's kind of adopted baby fic.

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 babyfic (all human or not)

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