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spike is rejected again so he leaves

Author dannibaby
#1 | Posted: 31 Aug 2011 21:50 
spike upset and hurt being rejected again gets drunk and ends up in LA he visits angel and while there discovers the blood he drinks is spiked with conners blood

Author Guest
#2 | Posted: 1 Sep 2011 02:04 
I think you are thinking about No Such Thing as Coincidences. It can be found here on this site.

Author 0hallie0
#3 | Posted: 1 Sep 2011 15:43 
No such thing as coincidences by All4Spike

After Buffy beats Spike up in 'Dead things' he goes off in a huff, ends up at Angel's... then there's a prophecy... and Buffy comes looking for him...

Loose Ends by All4Spike

Follows on directly from my story 'No such things as coincidences'. Takes place roughly in the same timeframe as the BtVS season 6 episode 'As you were'.

New beginnings by All4Spike

Third story in the 'Coincidences' universe, following 'No such thing as coincidences' and 'Loose ends'. Takes place in approximately the same timeframe as the S6 BtVS episode 'Hell's Bells'.

Resolutions by All4Spike

The fourth story in my 'Coincidences' series to round out my alternative conclusion to season 6 (you should really have read the other three first, or you won't have a clue what's going on) in which Buffy discovers more about her Slayerness and Spike comes to understand more about himself and his destiny. Together they discover more about their Claim, and Dawn comes to terms with her origins and the consequences of her Keyness. Warren and his nerdy lackeys are still out there somewhere too....

Author Pari

#4 | Posted: 31 Oct 2011 23:53 
I guess this one's found so I'm moving it!

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 spike is rejected again so he leaves

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