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Spike and his infectious Personality, making Buffy happy

Author Guest
#1 | Posted: 2 Jan 2012 19:50 
In the middle of reading Breaking a Slayer by Dark Rhiannon, and (so far) Spike is the care-free, light-hearted jokey one - and Angel is the broody troubled one. And this got me wondering!!

I'm looking for any fics where Spike is portrayed this way: as himself really.
I.e. He makes Buffy laugh, he jokes about and doesn't take things too seriously.
Just anything where he makes Buffy happy with his infectious personality :)
Preferably NC-17, but anything will do. Include synopsis and complete/WIP if possible.

Author 0hallie0
#2 | Posted: 4 Jan 2012 19:42 
I highly recommend...

Running from the Inevitable by The Enemy of Reality

With a tub of ice-cream in her lap, Buffy wallows in misery over Angel disappearing out of her life in a puff of overly dramatic smoke. Her life gets turned upside down when her hated enemy staggers drunk off his face to her front porch. Not only is he demanding her help, he is invading her personal space. She's had enough!

Post-S3. Angel and Drusilla are a no show. Meanwhile Buffy and Spike embark on an adventure full of childish bickering, UST and reluctant camaraderie that will change what they thought were unshakable perceptions.

Author Guest
#3 | Posted: 5 Jan 2012 07:56 
A Day Out by Kantayra
Summary: Early summer after Season 4. Buffy decides to spend a cloudy day at the mall, only to discover that a certain annoying, hyperactive, peroxide vampire had the same idea. Much wackiness ensues.

Not my cup of tea, coz it's really fluffy, but a lot of people like it and it fits your request well. Long oneshot. You can find it on Nocturnal Light.

Fic Recs Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Fic Recs /
 Spike and his infectious Personality, making Buffy happy

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