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Happy, but well written & believable Post Chosen/NFA

Author WickedGirl
#1 | Posted: 11 Jan 2012 07:32 
Ugh. I couldn't sleep at all so I watched old episodes of Buffy, the last couple of episodes of season seven. Meh, after all that I feel majorly depressed. I NEED post Chosen/NFA happy, but believable and well written Spuffy. Please take pity on my poor soul!

Author Aly
#2 | Posted: 11 Jan 2012 11:48 
I totally get that. Season 7 was depressing. Here are some of my favourite Post-Chosen Fics.

Prior Claims by Dorians Kitten
Set post ATF, spoilers through Chosen and Never Fade Away, goes AU after that. Buffy is once again mourning the loss of the men she loved when she receives an unusual visitor. It appears she may have a second chance (or should we call it a fourth or fifth chance?). Will she take it? Does he want her to?

Drawn to the Fire by BuffyXenaDQFan + the Sequel "Let it burn"
After the events in "Chosen," Buffy and the gang go their separate ways in order to start building the Slayer army. When Buffy discovers that she's carrying Spike's child and a very heavy burden, she seeks out an old friend for help.

Wake up, I love you by slaymesoftly
What if the drug Dana gave Spike put him in coma? What if he couldn't or wouldn't wake up? What if Angel went into his mind and found out exactly how Spike felt about Buffy? Who would he call?

One of my all time favourites is definitely Chelle's "The weight of Love" and its sequel "The weight of forever" which are not exactly fluffy-happy but a great read with a good spuffy ending and not too angsty just very realistic. If you want to read a good Post-Chosen fic you should try these. You can find it over at Elysien Fields.

Hope you like the recommendations and haven't already read every single one of them.

Author Guest
#3 | Posted: 11 Jan 2012 12:16 
My Life Closed Twice.. by Anaross

On Just Rewards site

Pam S

Author Guest
#4 | Posted: 11 Jan 2012 14:48 
One of my favorites is "Crossing into Unchipped Country" by dutchbuffy. Its finished over on EF.
Jamesmfan has several post Chosen stories on her FF page.

Author Guest
#5 | Posted: 11 Jan 2012 17:21 
I find that both seasons 6 and 7 (despite the spuffy love of season 6) were highly depressing. If it weren't for Spike, I might not have been able to stand watching the whole series!

Author WickedGirl
#6 | Posted: 11 Jan 2012 22:42 
Depressing is right. But on the plus side, yay for yummy Spuffy filled goodness! *Claps.* Thanks guys. If ya can, keep em coming. Now onward to the Spuffy love!

Author Guest
#7 | Posted: 12 Jan 2012 23:18 
Dampersandspoons Only Time Will Tell is one of my favorites. Made me cry.

Believable? Clocks of the Long Now by Lostboy. Really depressing but it's necessarily so and it works through all that to a happy and satisfying ending. Humor through out of course. Some HILARIOUS Andrew and Spike moments both together and separate. This really puts the Scoobies back together and brings Spuffy together.

Author rukbat3
#8 | Posted: 24 Jan 2012 23:37 
Things that Go Bump in the Night by Slaymesoftly is a really good one.

Author Guest
#9 | Posted: 9 Feb 2012 20:22 
Try Possession, by Shadowlass--it's on this site.

The Hellmouth's collapsed, Spike is dead, and Buffy has moved to a peaceful new town. But all that's just about to change....

It's R or PG-13, I think. WIP

Author Guest
#10 | Posted: 15 Feb 2012 00:30 
cousinjean has at least one great post-Chosen one on Elysian Fields site. I also love dawnofme's "One Glorious Summer," found here.

Fic Recs Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Fic Recs /
 Happy, but well written & believable Post Chosen/NFA

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