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Buffy in LA raising her daughter

Author kgues
#1 | Posted: 16 Dec 2011 16:05 
One more offspring query from me. This story takes place during Angel season 5. Angel and Spike run into Buffy in LA. She decides to let them know that all reports of her in Europe are false and brings them to her home (I think its near the beach). I believe Dawn and Willow are there (maybe Andrew too). There's also a little girl who looks like she's four. It turns out she's Buffy's daughter with Spike, but ages rapidly until she will hit 18 or 21. Spike and Angel stay overnight while they wrap their brains around this new development. I forget if it was complete or still a WIP. Can anyone tell me the author and title?

Author kgues
#2 | Posted: 13 Jan 2012 07:30 
Any takers on remembering this one. I still haven't found it on my own.

Author Guest
#3 | Posted: 14 Jan 2012 11:40 
Ooo read it not too long ago...I wanna say its on sinister attraction or bloodshed verse. It is complete. I think buffy brings spike home and when he meets their daughter looks like she's 4 or 6....sorry I can't remember the names

Author kgues
#4 | Posted: 20 Feb 2012 20:32 
Hi, by any chance were you able to remember the title and author?

Author Guest
#5 | Posted: 23 Feb 2012 08:08 
no but i'm still searching sinister attraction for you. I know it was after AtS' big battle that buffy and the slayers came to help with. the house that buffy takes spike and angel to is a cabin of sorts *tho could still be by the beach, don't remember* I think there's also something about their daughter wanting spike to read the bed time story, but that might be from another fic. i'll keep looking.

Author Noelle
#6 | Posted: 26 Feb 2012 13:32 
This sounds like a good story, I'm going to inquire at Seeking Spike on Livejournal to see if anyone there can help find it.

Author Noelle
#7 | Posted: 28 Feb 2012 06:54 
Someone from seeking spike thinks it might be "Sapphire Haze by lilladybug".

Author Passion4Spike

#8 | Posted: 17 Mar 2012 09:46 
Is that the one you were looking for? Sapphire Haze?

Author kgues
#9 | Posted: 9 Jun 2012 05:11 
Sorry, it took me awhile to respond. I'd almost given up on this search.
But yes, Sapphire Haze is the story! Phew! Thank you all for searching for this story.
BTW, just a correction; the beach house is in San Francisco, not LA.

Author SMac
#10 | Posted: 9 Jun 2012 05:16 
Sapphire Haze by lilladybug

Summary: In response to challenge #329 on the Bloodshedverse, from Marika. "It's the last episode of angel and Angel, Spike, Gunn, and Illyria are the last remaining fighters. As they plunge into battle, Buffy suddenly comes in with an army of slayers. Buffy still doesn't know that Spike's alive. I was thinking maybe Buffy could see Spike for the first time during the battle, maybe they're both fighting and they turn around and suddenly BAM they see each other, or maybe Buffy gets attacked and Spike saves her, at first not knowing who he's saving...I don't know. Be creative. MUST HAVE a good excuse for why Buffy was going out with the Immortal, if the issue comes up at all."

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 Buffy in LA raising her daughter

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