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Road Trip fics, NC-17

Author zoe101
#1 | Posted: 27 Apr 2011 21:22 
I read A Chance in Hell by dampersandspoons and thought it was amazing.

I'm looking for more road-trip fics. Pref with a bit of naughty Spuffy goodness too!

I was pointed in the direction of one called Driving to Distraction - but that doesn't seem to be available on the internet anymore.

Any suggestions are welcome!

Author 0hallie0
#2 | Posted: 27 Apr 2011 22:13 
There are some previous searches for this:

(This first topic includes a link to Driving to Distraction.)
Newer fics that involve funny road trips
Road Trip Fics!
Road Trip!!!

Author Lou
#3 | Posted: 28 Apr 2011 09:06 
You can't miss this one, a real cracker, absolutely brilliant!

Down the Road I Go by Megan Tam

A Slayer. A vampire. A 1959 DeSoto. Spike kidnaps Buffy and heads back to Brazil in a misguided attempt to appease Drusilla. What starts out as revenge turns into an experience neither will forget. If they don't kill each other first.

Author zoe101
#4 | Posted: 29 Apr 2011 20:14 
Does anyone have a working link for Driving to Distraction?
I'm working my way thru the links you guys provided, and that one doesn't work.

Author 0hallie0
#5 | Posted: 29 Apr 2011 21:33 
It worked for me, after a while.
I saved it in a Word document and uploaded the file to

Driving to Distraction download

Just click the link and there will be a timer that counts down from 45 seconds, once you've waited click "Regular Download" and voila. (Maybe. Did it work?)

(For those that don't have Microsoft Word you can download Microsoft Office Word Viewer 2003 for free.)

Author Guest
#6 | Posted: 29 May 2012 20:48 
I have read the fics listed here (with the exception of Driving to Distraction, I still can't seem to get that to work) and I've also read the fics in the other three posts (linked above).

Is there anyone that has any other road trip fic suggestions? I'm craving a new one. Don't get me wrong, some of these were phenomenal - but there isn't much that can beat reading a new story for the first time!

Author Guest
#7 | Posted: 29 May 2012 21:22 
On sinister-attraction

Getaway by CousinJean

Summary: Spike kidnaps Buffy. Hijinks ensue. Set after "Normal Again."

Rated: R

Author Niamh
#8 | Posted: 30 May 2012 20:31 
Couple from Spikeskat--

These are wonderful. Seriously wonderful, and Spikeskat doesn't get the recognition she deserves.

Author Guest
#9 | Posted: 31 May 2012 13:36 
Paradise Lost by Belladonnaroses

Summary:Post-Season 2. Buffy meets up with Spike on the road and he takes her with him. They are just beginning to heal when they realize that they have to return to Sunnydale.

Author lozza312
#10 | Posted: 2 Jun 2012 03:52 
Link for Paradise Lost by Belladonnaroses

I only have a link for this version, which is pretty rough with the punctuation. Hopefully someone else has a better link which has an edited version of this story?

Author Spuffygirl
#11 | Posted: 4 Jun 2012 18:51 
I've never been able to find another link to that fic.

Other Enemies by Chelle

(Buffy/Spike)(NC-17)FINALLY FINISHED!!!! This is going to be a series. It picks up where Enemies left off. Buffy almost murders Faith and gets scared so she decides to run away again and Spike shows up just in time to catch her and let her know he needs her help desperately. They embark on a road trip to Mexico that leaves them both out of sorts...

These 2 aren't NC17 but the first is a road trip.

New York, New York by Isabel

Summary: Buffy and Spike are forced to go on a trip to New York together... For the sake of this world. A New York based sect is planing on bringing the Apocalypse upon the world, and they are the only ones who can stop it. But can they get along? R

Remember New York? by Isabel

Summary: Sequel to 'New York, New York'. After coming back from New York all alone, Buffy tries to go on with her life, but her heart is not into it. She feels lonely. The love she gets from her friends, is just not the love she craves. PG-13

This one has them on the run together.

Battle Stations by VICNOIR s.html

Summary: Buffy comes to terms with her feelings for Spike as they hunt for/run from a particularly nasty vamp from Spike's past. NC-17

This story is WIP but updated often. Spike is very evil at first. To me pretty much in character for early Season 4. Slowly he is changing though now. Of course it has to do with being around Buffy.

A Gem of a Soul by spuffy luvr

Summary: Ever wonder what would have happened if Spike hadn't lost the Gem of Amarra to Buffy? If he'd won that fight instead? Warning, this story starts out very dark. Evil vampire, after all.

Author Spuffygirl
#12 | Posted: 12 Jun 2012 22:06 
I reread Battle Stations and it's not a road trip fic but still a good story. They are off together alone for most of the fic.

I also found another link to Paradise Lost by Belladonnaroses

It is better on the eyes. htm

Summary: Post-Season 2. Buffy meets up with Spike on the road and he takes her with him. They are just beginning to heal when they realize that they have to return to Sunnydale. NC-17

For some reason I couldn't edit my last post.

Author Spuffygirl
#13 | Posted: 23 Jul 2012 17:37 
I found this fic. It's great. Lots of fun Spuffy.

Wicked Ways by noaluvjames

Summary: It's punk princess Buffy with a snarky attitude and uptight Spike, a wall street broker who used to be a rebel (also answer the name of William). Buffy's stepbrother, Xander a pub owner is too lazy to drive her to college, a day's drive away. Choosing the easy way out he asked his old pal Spike for a favor...only things are not as easy as they seem. Will snappy Buffy drive reformed Spike completely insane or bring out the best in him? ... A Spuffy road trip with a twist.

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 Road Trip fics, NC-17

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