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Spuffy fic that makes you laugh

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Author Spuffygirl
#1 | Posted: 21 Jun 2012 17:11 
Like it says in the title. I want recs for some fics that are funny.

Thanks in advance.

Author SMac
#2 | Posted: 21 Jun 2012 19:41 
One of my favorite authors is starmouse over on Many of her fics are incomplete sadly, but they are often long for all that and almost always very funny in wonderful way and truly embody the best of non-angst yet still deep spuffy for me. It's hard to explain that, but they aren't fluff pieces but they are still funny. Some are all human and some are not. She stopped writing when she went off to college and her time was taken up with studying etc.

Irony Becomes Her By Starmouse

Summary: Buffy. Spike. Multiple Slayers, DemonBuffy, and a touch of rude language. Irony abounds.

It's Okay; I'm With the Band By Starmouse

(Fantasy Fic. Two members of the punk band XCOD have landed themselves in extended detox, leaving bandmates Xander, Oz, and Spike scrambling to fill in the blanks before the tour starts.

Buffy Slays the Newlywed Game By Starmouse

Summary: Buffy and Spike go up against Bob Eubanks in their most ferocious battle to date. AU-ish season 4. ish.

Addie Logan's pirate story always cracks me up:

A Pirate's Life for Me by Addie Logan

Summary: As the Slayer, Buffy Summers is certain she hates the vampire Spike. But when an enchanted book pulls her into a world where she's Lady Elizabeth Summers, trapped on the ship of famed pirate William the Bloody, things start to look a little different... Categories: Claim, Season 5, All Human/Fantasy, Alternate Reality, Time Travel

Author Spuffygirl
#3 | Posted: 21 Jun 2012 20:00 
I haven't read any of those stories except A pirates for life. I only read that one once though.

Do the others stories though end in at ok places?

Thanks So much.

Author SMac
#4 | Posted: 21 Jun 2012 20:44 
It's Okay I'm With The Band ends at a very interesting cliffhanger that is both frustrating and a very logical ending point. Newlywed Game ends abruptly. I don't recall about Irony at all. I was however highly entertained by reading them and do not regret them at all and they still top my list of fics to read to this day, if that helps. Otherwise I can't help you.

Author Spuffygirl
#5 | Posted: 21 Jun 2012 20:54 
Ok Thanks again.

Author SMac
#6 | Posted: 21 Jun 2012 21:38 
I recall thinking that this story was quite amusing:

White Lie by Brat

Summary: AU: Having had a one night stand, Buffy ends up pregnant. She has to go home for a wedding and tell her family except she's afraid to. Spike, her best friend, offers to pretend he's her fiance. Will their white lie become more?

Author Guest
#7 | Posted: 21 Jun 2012 23:56 
Gordion Knot by slaymesoftly

Oneshot, really funny.

Where Pies Go When They Die by ghostofsnickerdoodle

Most hilarious fix I've ever read! I ROFL'd in RL over this one.

Author Skipper
#8 | Posted: 22 Jun 2012 00:56 
Ghostly Inhibitions by Ariel Dawn

Summary: Response to Copykween's challenge #77 on the Bloodshedverse. Angel rough handles the amulet, causing Spike to come out of the trinket a little differently. Meanwhile Buffy's en route to LA to get Xander a new eye.

Author Guest
#9 | Posted: 22 Jun 2012 01:10 
Bojangles has several super funny Spuffy on here and EF. All of her stories are truly hilarious and worth it.

Author Spuffygirl
#10 | Posted: 22 Jun 2012 03:25 
Thanks everybody.

I haven't read any of those except White Lie. That's another that I've only read once.

It's great there is So much Spuffy fic that I still haven't read and is even worth reading over and over. I love this fandom.

I really need to laugh at something right now and thought of course there had to be lots of funny Spuffy.

Author Lou
#11 | Posted: 22 Jun 2012 08:48 
Sailorlum's The Slayer & The Poet never fails to crack me up.

Author Guest
#12 | Posted: 22 Jun 2012 10:41 
The High Stakes series by Chelle always makes me LOL. Available at EF.

Author Melly
#13 | Posted: 22 Jun 2012 11:26 
The Bath Series by Sabershadowkat

Drunken Spike taking a bath in Buffy's tub and all his other antics always makes me laugh.

Author Spuffygirl
#14 | Posted: 22 Jun 2012 17:28 
I read Chelle and Saber years ago. I can't even remember what happened now. So it will be like reading a new story.

I haven't read the one by Sailorlum.

Thanks So much for all these recs.

Author Guest
#15 | Posted: 22 Jun 2012 21:42 
I have several that are funny, but cannot do links, so will put what archive they can be found at.

The Girls in Question by Spikeslovebite can be found at Elysian Fields

'Til Undeath Do Us Part by Spikeslovebite can be found at Elysian Fields

Just A Teenage Crush by Addie Logan at Elysian Fields

Biting the Bot by Megan_Tam at Elysian Fields

Demon of My Dreams by Spikeslovebite and UncagedMuse (under either author's name) can be found at Just Rewards archive

Walking A Mile by Ariel Dawn at Just Rewards

Case Notes on Summers, Buffy at Just Rewards

If it's Tuesday it Must be Sunnydale by Miss Murchison at Just Rewards

Hope these make you laugh.

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 Spuffy fic that makes you laugh

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