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Scary Spuffy?

Author Guest
#1 | Posted: 18 Jul 2012 18:11 
It's a dark and stormy night where I am and I was wondering if there might be some truly scary Spuffy fics out there somewhere?

Author SMac
#2 | Posted: 18 Jul 2012 18:40 
I hope this is what you have in mind. It's what came to mind when I saw your posts. 'Scary' spuffy is hard to quantify since it already usually has spooks and vampires in it. You know? Anyway, here's some things in case it helps. Have fun!

Beneath The Shadows of Evil by Sandara

Summary: Set in 1300's of Romania. Spike is the known and feared William the Bloody. Wealthy land owner, and heartless Lord, who has a taste for blood and cruelty. Many suspect his true origins. Buffy is a poor Gypsy girl, but her family has much magic in its own right and it is rumored that Buffy will bring those around her great wealth and power when she reaches eighteen. Spike stumbles upon her one night on his land, and decides he must have her for his own. With the magical help of Dru, his sister, he plans to create a son with the wild Gypsy. One who will help him rule the earth as he lives out his life of eternity. Will Buffy's innocence shatter the fierceness of Spike's heart and drive the cruelty from him, or will he cast her aside once she gives him what he seeks? ***Warning, underage sex in future chapters. Rape in a future chapter. Bloodplay/claiming.**** A/U, not human. **NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART!**

Mastery by ComedyofErrors tery1.htm

To read the rest of the chapters you'll have to change that address manually -- the part that reads "mastery1.htm" to "mastery2.htm" etc. There are 15 chapters total.

Summary: Season 2, with Angelus as her sire, please do not expect her to have a happy existence. The same can be said for the wheelchair bound Spike.

Winters Storm By greyangel

or, complete with it's epilogue, chapter '71', A Winter's Wedding, at

Summary: Angel and Spike are members of a gangster type family ruled over by Masters (in NY) Angel runs the LA branch of the 'family' and after an affair with Buffy he disappears. Masters is furious and is determined to bring his wayward child back to be punished. Spike and Dru are lovers and have been living in NY working for Masters but when Angel vanished he took Drusilla with him...Spike is enraged and seeking revenge...then he discovers Angel's one true love (Buffy) and the perfect revenge is within his grasp...this is a Spike and Buffy hate and revenge turn into lust and desire and finally into trust and love...

At Sinister Attraction it is 'complete' in the sense that it 'ends' with an 'epilogue to follow'. But the epilogue is actually A Winters Wedding, which has it's own title and is not on Sinister Attraction. But the sequel, A Winter's Tale, is on Sinister Attraction, so go figure. Hope this is clear to everyone. The reason I still like using Sinister Attraction's version is that several chapters are combined together for those who want to make a copy of it while at the second site it is seventy chapters each on their own page and it's just more work to copy there. But that is where the epilogue is, so.... Clear as mud, right?

A Winter's Wedding

Dark Sail on the Horizon by jamies_lady

Summary: William is in a monastery wondering about his future when fate takes a hand and he and his cousin are taken in a Viking raid Set a millennium ago

Author Guest
#3 | Posted: 18 Jul 2012 20:10 
The Evil Inside
Phantom Whispers
Stalk Her

by Lisa

All available at Sinister Attraction.

Author SMac
#4 | Posted: 18 Jul 2012 20:38 
Ripping Down The Walls by Peta

Summary: In another dimension, Buffy is friendless and fighting a battle against evil much too close to home, and it is one that she knows will almost certainly bring about her end. But will being sent to fight the evil in another world bring her death faster? Or awaken her to possibilities she'd never even considered? Set AU Season Three and during NFA.

Roundabout By Devil Piglet

Summary: Buffy channels her inner psycho, sending Dawn and Spike on the run. But homicidal mania never stood between Buffy and Spike before.

Influence of Demons by gabrielleabelle

Summary: Goes AU after S5's Checkpoint. Five years ago, Buffy and Spike fell into a portal to a dimension ruled by demons. Finally, reunited, their goal is to get back home. However, the years in this dimension have changed them. Spike's long isolation keeps him distant, and Buffy's enforced life at a brothel has caused her to forget the Slayer she used to be. Somehow, they'll have to find themselves again to defeat a powerful enemy and make it home.

Spiegel Im Spiegel By Fallowdoe

Followed by 'The Protecting Veil' and 'Near to Me'

Summary: Buffy never makes it up Glory's tower. The experiences of Spike and Buffy in an apocalyptic world.

Author Guest
#5 | Posted: 18 Jul 2012 22:26 
Fallowdoe's fics also available at AllAboutSpike.

Author Guest
#6 | Posted: 20 Jul 2012 23:55 
Mastery is also here, all on one page
http : // offline . buffy. cd / www . bringonthebloodshed . com / bloodshedverse / fiction / mastery . htm

Author SMac
#7 | Posted: 21 Jul 2012 00:13 
Out of all the ones I recommended, I would have to say that fallowdoe's epic series starting with Spiegel im Spiegel is my favorite and probably also the most poetic, disturbing, and 'scary'. That's just my opinion of course. The others are great and have great plots and action and are definitely worth the read but it's fallowdoe's that creates a really disturbing universe where things are frightening and surreal that always does it for me.

There are two ways to read it on Tea at the Ford and the link I gave above has the commentary on it which can be distracting if you're not into that. The link below is the story without the commentary:

So....there you go.

Author Shadows babe
#8 | Posted: 21 Jul 2012 01:32 
Since most of the ones I would have recommended to you have already been mentioned, here's a short one that always gets to me.

Descent ---- by GoldenUsagi

Alternate reality, human Buffy. Buffy is abducted by Angelus to be his newest plaything. She hopes Spike might be the lesser of two evils. If he is, it's not by much. Starts when Spike finds a girl tied up in the bathroom, and she pleads with him to be set free...

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 Scary Spuffy?

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