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Alternative dimension/reality

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Author ScoobyDawn
#1 | Posted: 24 Jul 2012 16:17 
Some of my favourite fics are where Buffy/Spike get pulled into alt dimensions or realities and I haven't come across any new ones for ages. I am sure this isn't exhaustive(!) but the ones I can think of off the top of my head are...

Writing on the Wall by Holly
A Different Light by dreamweaver
West of the Moon, East of the Sun by Knifeedge
Pinch Hitter by dreamweaver
Fractured fairytales, part 1 by paganbaby
A Pirates Life for Me by Addie Logan
An Alternate Attraction by PJ
Whispers of a dream by Schehrezade
Not your ordinary walk in the park by sandy
Running Wild by dreamweaver
400 Days by passionfish
Influence of demons by gabrielleabelle
Normal Again by richard bachman
Riders by winsomeone
Rhapsody in Oil by Eurydice

Any others anyone has heard of that are complete would be great!!!

Author Frina

#2 | Posted: 24 Jul 2012 16:36 
To Hell and Back by Palerider
Summary: Buffy and Spike are sent on a mission to hell. Set somewhere in season 4.

Love Comes to Town by Soul of the Rose (WIP)
Summary: Spike's burning love for Buffy attracts Cupid's attention from the higher realms. Intrigued, he investigates and decides to lend him a hand. Her stubborn refusal of Spike's affections brings unexpected consequences that may lead to the loss of both Dawn and Spike from her life. Meanwhile, a prophetic dream brings her warnings of her own death and Riley is proving to be the worst boyfriend ever. How will our hero triumph? Stay tuned for sexy banter, adventure, romance and some really good smut...

Author Guest
#3 | Posted: 24 Jul 2012 17:49 
[/b]Demon Seed[b]by BuffyMeetsSpike.

It's on the Bloodshedverse.

Author SMac
#4 | Posted: 24 Jul 2012 22:03 
Peacemaker Chronicles By Nimue

Summary: Based on the idea that in Normal Again, Buffy jumped not from one dimension to another, but rather between two coexisting realities. Also, takes into account Spike's comment about Buffy glowing in Hell's Bells. Put them together and an entirely new world unfolds.

Author SMac
#5 | Posted: 24 Jul 2012 22:11 
This one's a little different in that Buffy and Spike don't meet each other in the series way, but in a completely different way. But it is other-dimensional so I think it counts and I love the story itself, it is very compelling:

Possession by icemink

Summary: Response to BSV challenge 157. AR When Spike loses in a high stakes poker game he ends up in a demon slave market, where a mysterious human girl purchases him.

We also have:

A Promise To His Lady by Mrs Muir

Summary: Buffy and Spike are pulled into another dimension. Here without outside influences they are able to see each other in a new light
Author's Notes: Author's Note: Moralynn is a world of my creation. Although it is based on the Middle Ages in Europe it is not meant to be that time period. Therefore any differences between that period and Moralynn is a deliberate change on my part. These changes were made for Buffy's comfort and story content.

Ripping Down The Walls by Peta

Summary: In another dimension, Buffy is friendless and fighting a battle against evil much too close to home, and it is one that she knows will almost certainly bring about her end. But will being sent to fight the evil in another world bring her death faster? Or awaken her to possibilities she'd never even considered? Set AU Season Three and during NFA.

I don't know if you count the stories about one of them being pulled into an altered reality and the other one going after them to rescue them or not. There are a few of those.

Author SMac
#6 | Posted: 24 Jul 2012 22:20 
Oh, and of course there is:

Stupid Portal By elementalv

I think it's on

Summary: Buffy and Spike find themselves in a 'verse not their own. Giles follows. Prophecy happens.

The Dimension Adventures by maryperk

Summary: Starts in ATS5 goes AU (really AU) from there. Angel does a spell that unleashes Black Willow. Spike, Buffy and Dawn must escape the dimension to keep Dawn safe from Willow. What adventures will our daring trio face as they move through the dimensions? Will they find their way home? Follow them as they meet old friends and make new ones. Scenario 5 of the Immortal Guardian series, as described in Chapter 7 of The Dimension Adventures.

Author ScoobyDawn
#7 | Posted: 24 Jul 2012 22:27 
Wow, thanks guys. Some of these I have heard of but forgotten about and some are totally new. Great stuff.

Author SMac
#8 | Posted: 24 Jul 2012 22:30 
World Spins Madly On by Vanilla

Summary: One slight mistake in a spell intended to re-soul Angelus lands Buffy in an alternate universe where no one is who they should be, and nothing makes sense. She's desperate to return to her home, but when she starts to fall for her new Watcher, William Pratt, she begins to wonder where she really belongs. AU after the events of Innocence.

Manifest Destiny by Uisge Beatha

Summary: Turns out that an ancient coin, a pissed off vampire, and a Slayer with an attitude are not mixy things.

Author ScoobyDawn
#9 | Posted: 24 Jul 2012 22:40 
Eeeee most of these aren't finished unfortunately and I always get sad if the story isn't completed. (Manifest Destiny I was absolutely loving when I first read this months ago, it is such a shame it is incomplete) .

If anyone has any more that are complete that would be fab. Thanks everyone.

Author SMac
#10 | Posted: 24 Jul 2012 23:08 
All of the ones I rec'd are complete except

Manifest Destiny
The Dimension Adventures
World Spins Madly On

But they are all very very long and satisfying reads for as long as they last so I stand by the recs.

And this isn't a criticism necessarily just a notation for informational purposes, but when a requester asks for recs we aren't always just rec'g for the original requester, our recs serve others who read and follow after. And not everyone is upset by recs of incomplete fics so I never simply limit myself to responses that are complete even if the original poster demands only complete fics. That's just my deal, and I also don't have time to track down all the fics that come to mind to find out if they are finished anywhere on the internet and I may have missed it. I mean, it's good to know, but I don't limit myself that way.

But I get why someone may not want to read a WIP. But it's easy enough to check a rec and see if it's a WIP and skip it rather than for everyone to not know the fic exists at all because of that condition of placing it in the thread.

So, that's why I do it. Feel free to skip my recs if that's a problem. Again, this sounds snarky in a post but that's not the intent, I'm just explaining myself and my recs, I mean no offense to the original poster.

Author Spuffygirl
#11 | Posted: 24 Jul 2012 23:17 
Not sure if this counts but they are in the Wishverse.

This fic is complete.

Freedom by icemink

Summary: Set in the world of the The Wish. Instead of snapping Buffy's neck, the Master keeps her imprisoned so that another Slayer can't be called, and so that he will be free to carry out his plans. In the mean time he's called the last of the Aurelius line, Drusilla and Spike, to help him run his new kingdom in Sunnydale.

Author ScoobyDawn
#12 | Posted: 25 Jul 2012 07:01 
No offense taken at all SMac, I take you points. I just have to remember to check before I start reading them!

Author SMac
#13 | Posted: 25 Jul 2012 07:30 
Thanks, because I really wasn't trying to be difficult or hurt anyone's feelings I just wanted to explain myself and why incomplete recs wind up in threads that otherwise might have complete fics in them. There are so many great fics out there that are very long and juicy but still WIPs and I can't bring myself to just ignore them when someone might not realize they are out there to be enjoyed.

There are some fics where Spike is abducted and Buffy and crew go out in search of him. Are you interested in those too? I mean the interdimensional ones.

Author ScoobyDawn
#14 | Posted: 25 Jul 2012 12:49 
I know what you mean, Manifest Destiny is brilliant, I just wish it was going to be finished.

As for the Spike abducted ones - I am most definitely interested, they would be great!!


Author tera
#15 | Posted: 25 Jul 2012 18:50 
Have you read The Prophecy of Two by Amanda K? It's on sinister attraction

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 Alternative dimension/reality

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