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Vamp!Buffy is Spike's Sire, crazy reputation

Author tylerann
#1 | Posted: 13 Jun 2012 12:41 
Hey all,
Looking for a fic that I thought would be easy to find in previous searches but no such luck. Buffy is a vampire, I was thinking she went by Elizabeth the Bloody but that could've been from other fics. Main point I remember, Buffy comes into the library and makes a truce with the slayer/scoobs, I think Cordelia is the slayer. Vamps love her, happily stake themselves for her. Slayers I think try to kill her so she's known as the slayer of slayers? Anything else I could add is prob mixed with other fics.
I thought I could find it myself, but I'm thinking maybe its part of a larger fic or series or something? Either way, thanks for your help!

Author tylerann
#2 | Posted: 30 Jun 2012 19:53 
Okay, so I see this is more difficult to find than I expected! I'm gonna try to add some more info. Angel is still in love with her, has been since they were all together back in the day. She's had Spike by her side either since then or they were apart for a while but are back together now. Either way, they're definitely together when she shows up in Sunnydale. To clarify what I mentioned in the original post, she has a reputation for going after slayers but really it's slayers that always go after her. I think she might have been a turned slayer? And Vampires dusting themselves out of love for her is definitely mentioned, I think in the same library scene. I'll try to remember more!

Author Guest
#3 | Posted: 11 Aug 2012 22:07 
I think this might be a fic by revello1620 that I read a couple of years ago. Buffy's a vampire and she's with Spike. Similar to Dru, Buffy's been weakened but by the Immortal who wants to possess her. Cordelia is the slayer and she wants Angel but Angel still wants Buffy. Vampires worship Buffy and the weaker she gets physically, the more powerful she is mentally. There are also humans who offer to give their blood to her because they're so entranced by her. Does this sound right?

I can't remember the exact name but I think the title is Carnival of Fools?

Hope this helps some. As far as I know, revello1620's site has been down for months now, maybe even years.

Author Guest
#4 | Posted: 11 Aug 2012 22:21 
Back again, I think Carnival of Fools is definitely it. Unfortunately, I can't post links since I'm not a member but if you google revello1620 Carnival of Fools and click on the result with Seeking Spike (2nd result for me), you can scroll down to CordyKitten's response and she provides links to Carnival of Fools. The links should work, I just tried them.

Also, if you haven't read it already, Curiosity by Palerider is a great read too and links in that forum are included for that story as well. Curiosity is all human.

Author tylerann
#5 | Posted: 12 Aug 2012 07:30 
Thank you so much! That's definitely it, I thought I'd never find it again! I'm already re-reading, the seeking-spike links you mentioned worked just fine.
I'll also look into the other fic you mentioned after this.
Thanks again

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 Vamp!Buffy is Spike's Sire, crazy reputation

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