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All Human; Bad Boy Spike and innocent Buffy

Author Linnae13
#1 | Posted: 5 Sep 2012 02:02 
hi! Im looking for some all human Spuffy with bad boy Spike and innocent Buffy. I've read many of these, but there's gotta be more i haven't seen!
I just finished "Boys Like Him" by BTVSLOVER82 and loved it! But it was a quick read and i want MORE

Completed and NC-17 or R ratings only please

Author basket_case1880
#2 | Posted: 5 Sep 2012 18:12 
Have you read any of Tammyash666's stories. She has a few good ones like Dangerous, Father Knows Best and Lost and Found.

Author Linnae13
#3 | Posted: 5 Sep 2012 23:44 
i appreciate it thank you!

Author SMac
#4 | Posted: 6 Sep 2012 03:44 
You can try these:

Milkshakes and Motorcycles by dampersandspoons

Summary: In the perfect 1950's All-American Christian Suburban community of Sunnydale, California, Buffy Summers lived without any troubles. She's in college, a typical American girl stuck in the monotony of suburban life and repression. But what happens when single, bad boy greaser "Spike" moves to town and turns the uptight Leave it to Beaver community upside down? (This will be light-hearted, funny, totally 50's in slang and references, and WAY sexy. If you like "Grease", "Shag" and "Hairspray", then this is the fic for you.)

Pride and Prejudice By Ripewicked Plum

Summary: AU Fiction. Everyone's human. Not sure how to describe this fic, exactly...I guess I'd have to start a new category called Fluffer Angst. It's a take-off of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, but it's not completely canon.

Sanctuary by MrsMuir

Summary: William Nagle and Alexander Harris have been best friends since the first day they met at Hyperion Preparatory School. Through the years they have always been there for each other. But one of them holds a deadly secret that will affect William's future with Buffy, the woman he loves. Will Buffy be able to hold onto the man she loves or will the secret rip them apart?

Too Close for Comfort by Echidna

Summary: Buffy is a freshman in college. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to sign up for college dorms in time so she has no other choice but to rent an apartment for the duration of the year. Since she doesn't have enough money to rent one all by herself she has to put up with a roommate. Guess who? No, not Spike but the over-cheerful, bubble-gum, pop-princess - Harmony! She's sloppy, she's loud and basically the 'Roommate from Hell'. Just when Buffy thought things couldn't get worse, she brings home her boyfriend - Spike! And guess what? They're LOUD!

Author Linnae13
#5 | Posted: 6 Sep 2012 04:02 
Thank you! (i did just see from other readers that Pride and Prejudice by RWP had a sad ending and im a happy ending kinda girl, but still thank you!) And i'll check out the others

Author SMac
#6 | Posted: 6 Sep 2012 04:17 
Sanctuary's kind of angsty too, so you may not like it. It's a great story though.

Author Bojangles
#7 | Posted: 7 Sep 2012 11:17 
There's The Way To A Man's Heart by Dorian's Kitten.

What's a good girl to do when she's set her sights on a bad boy? One word answer: Bake.

It is a WIP unfortunately, but I'm hoping she'll come back to it soon. It's awesome

Author Linnae13
#8 | Posted: 7 Nov 2012 00:45 

Author Guest
#9 | Posted: 7 Nov 2012 08:19 
Beware with Pride and Prejudice because it has a very unhappy ending that usually shocks and disappoints readers.

Fic Recs Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Fic Recs /
 All Human; Bad Boy Spike and innocent Buffy

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