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Buffy as Tooth Fairy

Author Guest
#1 | Posted: 11 Sep 2012 17:35 
I can't remember the title or the author but the story involved Buffy as a new Tooth Fairy who was assigned to William but gets Spike instead. It is all a plot by the evil head of her Tooth Fairy Department (Riley) in order to discredit and then control Buffy. It was a really funny story, completing tongue and cheek, and I'd love to read it again.

Can anyone help?

Author gopher101
#2 | Posted: 11 Sep 2012 17:51 
It is The Tooth Fairy by Sotia but she took it down. we are not allowed to exchange it. for more details see click link above.

Author Guest
#3 | Posted: 11 Sep 2012 18:39 
Thank you, that explains why I couldn't find it under the "Tooth Fairy" title.

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 Buffy as Tooth Fairy

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