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Spuffy with Angel in the mix

Author Jenah
#1 | Posted: 21 Sep 2012 19:15 
Really in the mood to read a Spuffy fic but with a lot of Angel in the mix. I'd like it if he didn't come off as the bad guy even if he disproves/has issues with B/S.

Bonus points if Spike and Angel clearly love/care for each other even if they don't admit it/seem to hate each other.

Any time/setting, any length (longer the better though!), happy, sad, emotional, angsty, any other characters or pairings thrown in... anything goes! .... except 'All Human' which i don't read.


Author SMac
#2 | Posted: 21 Sep 2012 21:32 
This is a platonic Angel in the mix?

Author Jenah
#3 | Posted: 22 Sep 2012 08:04 
Either way! Happy to read any combination of them; Friendship, Angel in a relationship/sleeping with either or both, threesome, het, slash, anything goes!

Author SMac
#4 | Posted: 22 Sep 2012 08:22 
Three Hearts Entwined by Mrs. Muir

Summary: An Angel/Buffy/Spike romance. The three are thrown into a relationship by mutual needs but end up deciding this is the best relationship for them when they realize they are in love with the other two. Set after season 3 with canon rearranged to suit the story.

Menage a Trois by MrsMuir

Sequel to Three Hearts Entwined

Summary: Life changes for the threesome. They have to learn to work together, and love together, as they start a new business and Angel's curse is lifted.

Dreams and Nightmares By Abbyland

Summary: Believe it or not this is Spuffy in the LONG run. Buffy is raped by Spike and Angel but it's not as straight forward as it sounds. There are sinister forces behind it and it is all a part of a bigger, diabolical plan to fulfill a prophecy.

Author SMac
#5 | Posted: 22 Sep 2012 08:32 
Oedipus Calling by Addie Logan

Summary: Buffy Summers is sure she's found Prince Charming in her new husband, Liam Angelus. However, when a surprise house guest changes everything, Buffy learns how quickly a dream can become a nightmare

Breaking a Slayer by Dark Rhiannon

Summary: This is loosely based on BtVS "Who Are You" and "This Year's Girl" with lines from those and from Ats "Sanctuary," and other eps, however, I would call it AU because I've played bloody hell with the timelines. Dawn doesn't exist, Buffy hasn't slept with Riley yet, Spike's feelings are more pronounced, and events happen quite a bit differently than they did in either series. Buffy/Spike/Angel.

Author Noelle
#6 | Posted: 23 Sep 2012 21:26 
The Bittersweet Series by Herself has Angel/Spike in it in the last installment Where They Have to Take You In.

Author ladymirth
#7 | Posted: 24 Sep 2012 09:36 
Dreams and Nightmares seemed promising, despite the rather rushed style of writing, but then the Xander-bashing started and I had to stop reading. Sigh.

Author SMac
#8 | Posted: 24 Sep 2012 09:47 
I am very opposed to character bashing and I don't recall that in that story. Was it 'bashing' or was it just Xander being against Spike and Angel (which was his character's attitude the entire series pretty much)?

Author ladymirth
#9 | Posted: 15 Oct 2012 03:44 
No, Xander was being portrayed as an almost psychopathically insensitive git who is pissed off because he wants Buffy for himself and is looked down upon by the Scoobies to the point that they barely tolerate him.

Author ladymirth
#10 | Posted: 17 Oct 2012 08:23 
Just HAD to rec these:

The Vampires in Question by Europanya

An alternate ending to The Girl In Question in which Spike and Angel just can't seem to leave Buffy's Rome apartment.

Buffy, Angel and Spike have a threesome - and Spike is given the dubious honour of making sure Angel doesn't get TOO happy. Hot as hell and hilarious at the same time!

Vampire Winter by deborahmm

Post-NFA, Angel and Spike meet up with Buffy in Rome. Spangel, Spuffy and Bangel.

I love this writer's work. Her Spuffy fic "Heroes in Hell" is one of my favourites.

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 Spuffy with Angel in the mix

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