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Super Possessive/Protective Spike

Author Linnae13
#1 | Posted: 11 Mar 2012 05:33 
so I read fics like "In the ARMY Now" and "Blood and Fire" and "Dreamscape" where Spike was really possessive/protective of Buffy and for some reason i just LOVE THAT. So any really SUPER possessive Spike fics anybody can recommend???

(Please only: NC-17 or AO rated; and completed fics)

Author girlie_mel
#2 | Posted: 11 Mar 2012 07:26 
There is;
In Omne Tempus by Holly

Summary: For a hundred years, William the Bloody has led a trail of bloodshed and chaos across Europe and the Americas. That all comes to an end when the woman he's devoted his existence to brings his mate to him in the guise of a late-night snack. A small girl with eyes of green and blonde hair. And suddenly, Spike is thrown into a world of color beyond the black and white, and his life is never the same.
Or on

I'm not sure if this qualifies, but I think it does. It's an awesome story, I just wish there was a sequel


Author Linnae13
#3 | Posted: 11 Mar 2012 08:55 
Aw thank you so much! I actually already read that one too and you're right, it was amazing! I should have listed it! Thank you for the offer !

Author Guest
#4 | Posted: 11 Mar 2012 10:55 
Blood of My Blood by Blood Faerie
Summary: Set at the very end of Season 2 with an alternate ending to the last episode. After Drusilla dies, Spike goes feral over the loss of his sire and drags off the injured Slayer. His demon decides it wants to keep her, make her his. He nurses her back to health, but she has no idea what he has planned for her once she gets healthy enough.

You can find it here at SR

Author Linnae13
#5 | Posted: 11 Mar 2012 11:59 
hey, i looked it up and it sounded PERFECT but i only like to read completed ones. I know, I'm bad, i just need the ending, but thanks anyways!!

Author girlie_mel
#6 | Posted: 12 Mar 2012 06:14 
It really is excellent 'Blood of My Blood by Blood Faerie'
Funny too - especially 'Tarzan' and although I am very much like you and want an ending, I still think it is worth reading, however saying that I've read it twice and am always disappointed that it didn't get finished because I'm desperate for more.
Still I love it though,


Even though this may not be exactly what you are after I have to mention one of my most favorite stories which is Crave by Nautibitz

Summary: Devilish billionaire Spike Pratt is accustomed to getting what he wants -- and what he wants is his beguiling, headstrong new daughter-in-law. Buffy refuses to give in to his relentless advances -- at first. As she learns about the amazing man behind the armor, she can't help but shed her own... But what will happen when she finally digs up his family's buried secrets -- and when her husband discovers hers?

You have most likely read it seeing as we seem to have very similar taste in stories, but thought I would mention it anyway. Anyone seeing this who hasn't read it, Trust me it is phenomenal. One of the best stories around - very smutty though.

Oh I must mention it isn't finished either, but leaves off at a part where you can still be happy with the story. Hopefully she is still going to finish it

Beloved in Blood by Ameeya

Summary: Spike returns to Sunnydale to kill the Slayer. He's just too drunk to do it properly, and ends up getting himself into the deep without even realizing it. Perhaps worst of all, he has no memory of his actions the next day.

Author Linnae13
#7 | Posted: 13 Mar 2012 05:49 
Thanks so so much!! I have read Beloved in Blood and I totally enjoyed it!\
I have not yet read Crave but I've heard great things about it and I will probably check it out, thanks!

Author TheElegantFaerie
#8 | Posted: 17 Oct 2012 18:52 
What are the authors of In the ARMY Now, Blood and Fire and Dreamscape? I was interested in reading them. And if possible could you include links to the fics? Thanks.

Author SMac
#9 | Posted: 17 Oct 2012 19:46 
In the Army Now by Im_Bloody_English

Summary: Buffy joins the military and heads off to Basic Training. The Boot Camp experience can be rough enough to endure, but there's something, or rather someone that will make her time spent becoming a soldier ten times worse... a Drill Sergeant sent straight from the bowels of hell that takes an instant dislike to her mere presence, Spike. He's evil, he's mean, he hates her but even worse... he lusts for her..

Blood and Fire by Addie Logan

Summary: A young woman goes looking for revenge and finds more than she bargained for... (Set in an alternate Season 2)

Dreamscape by HollyDB

Summary: While her nights are occupied fighting evil, her dreams are haunted by a devastatingly sexy, not to mention thoroughly evil vampire. The sort of vampire that embodies the definition of forbidden fruit; the sort of vampire Buffy can only have in fantasy. But how thin is the line between dreams and reality? More importantly: how thin does she want it to be?

Author Linnae13
#10 | Posted: 18 Oct 2012 03:53 

SMac answered your question as i can see, and trust me, they are all great reads!

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 Super Possessive/Protective Spike

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