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Spuffy Twilight Crossover?

Author Guest
#1 | Posted: 22 Oct 2012 21:21 

This is a really bizarre request but since I haven't read a particular fic like this, I think it's safe to say it's a rec.

There's so much blogging media out there along the lines of If Buffy Met Edward... Or if Spike did, etc. But I was curious if there was a spuffy* Twilight crossover (I'm not looking for cross-verse shipping) where one actually does get those speculated reactions?

Hopefully I've communicated this well, typing one handed on my phone has kind of made this a bit difficult. Thank you all for taking a glance at this!


Author girlie_mel
#2 | Posted: 22 Oct 2012 22:06 
I read one over at E.F (Elysian Fields) unfortunately I cannot remember the name however if I describe it hopefully someone else may.

So it's after the big battle for Buffy and Spike, Alice has a vision of what has happened between Buffy and Spike and sees that they are to help them and in turn need help from them./ Acceptance.
Buffy and Spike end up in Forks. Spike can be in the sun here.
Turns out this is where vampires or pure blood vampire came from.

Edward, Alice and Bella go meet Spike and Buffy to bring them home.
Buffy's mission is to train Bella...she is a slayer
She has to do this before the Volturi come for her as they know what she is.
There hasn't been a slayer for many years as they always captured and killed them.
Buffy brings out her slayer side by (play) fighting Edward and Bella thinks it's real and the slayer in her appears.

Oz turns up and joins Jacobs pack.
There's a funny scene where Buffy takes Alice to a club drinking she returns drunk, Rosile is a little off with Buffy to start but when she hears about Buffy and Alice putting boys in there place at the club she starts warming up and wants to go next time.
Someone rings the boys and they hear about this thinking it's really funny...mostly Spike.
Oh and they gift Spike a Desoto.(car)

That's all I remember hopefully someone knows this fics name and hopefully it is completed.
I'll keep looking in the mean time for it.
It was a good fic hope my info helps someone remember the name

It was a W.I.P when I was reading it so I do not know if anymore has been done or if it was abandoned

Author Guest
#3 | Posted: 22 Oct 2012 22:38 
I know of a few mostly comedies that spoof Twilight. The first two can be found at EF archive and the last one can be found at Just Rewards archive.

Once More With Twilight by Puddinhead Rated: PG-13 [Reviews - 27]
What would happen if Buffy and Spike were able to school characters from a certain unnamed franchise.

This is a parody I wrote after attending my first comicon. Going to the Buffy Sing Along was awesome, but hearing "Twilight" related questions in every panel was horrible. And so this little story came to mind. It's meant in fun.

Twinkle No More by wolffan200 Rated: R [Reviews - 10]
Summary: Twilight fans TURN BACK NOW! Someone arrives in Sunnydale. Join us as he is introduced to the locals.

Staking out the Trash by UncagedMuse [All Ages]

Pairing: Gen, S/B implied
Genre: Humor, ficlet
Word Count: 652
Rating: PG for mentions of shagging and minor curse words.
Disclaimer: All belongs to respective owners and writers. I's just having a hell of a time bashing Twilight.
Summary: Spike meets Edward passing through Forks.
WARNING: TWILIGHT BASHING! DON'T READ IF YOU LIKE TWILIGHT! Flames because I made fun of Twilight will be mocked as I tell you to go away since I already warned you.

Author magnus374
#4 | Posted: 23 Oct 2012 03:08 
The one girlie_mel talked about could be Second Chances by Angelinasway. The last update was in 2011 though.

Author girlie_mel
#5 | Posted: 23 Oct 2012 08:53 
You wonderful fantastic darling this is in fact the story I was talking of.

Author Guest
#6 | Posted: 23 Oct 2012 21:09 
Thank you all! I was expecting, maybe, one rec. You guys are outstanding! Thank you!

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 Spuffy Twilight Crossover?

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