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Catching the Dream TaniTKD

Author Guest
#1 | Posted: 26 May 2012 19:19 
Hi I wanted to know first if this fic is complete and second if someone had a copy? Also I'm a big fan of TaniTKD/Bloodshedbaby and was wondering if anyone knew how many fics she completed?

Author SMac
#2 | Posted: 26 May 2012 20:42 
Is this the story you mean?

Catching the Night By Bloodshedbaby (TaniTKD)

Summary: Buffy in LA after Becoming, alternate ending of Anne with a Spike/Buffy twist. Warning-unbeta'd fic ahead! ONE OF MY FIRST FICS so be prepared for mucho errors, poor characterization, etc. You've been warned (and warned and warned) Set in beginning season 3, I think everything is the same up until Anne. Goes AU from there.

I have a copy through chapter 23 which was posted at bloodshedverse in 2008. I am not aware of any more of the story but I wasn't looking for it either. If this is the one you are looking for I can send you what I have if you contact me through my contact here at TSR.

Author SMac
#3 | Posted: 26 May 2012 20:44 
Oh, and she indicated that she fixed up some of the editing on it at that last chapter posting too so apparently the version I copied from Aug 2008 had less errors in it than earlier versions. Just for the record, I guess.

Author SMac
#4 | Posted: 26 May 2012 22:39 
Requester contacted me and said it was indeed Catching the Night being sought. So...solved?

Author Guest
#5 | Posted: 26 May 2012 23:23 
Solved, Thanks again.

Author SMac
#6 | Posted: 26 May 2012 23:31 

Author DeepBlueJoy
#7 | Posted: 3 Feb 2013 00:17 
I'm trying to find the same story... I've read the first 8 chapters, but I would like to read whatever else is available. I've send an email to BSB via the BSV but don't know if there will be a reply (the story's not up there or anywhere else that I've been able to find... the Wayback machine was only able to give me the first 8 chaps.)

Anyone who can send it to me, please post here or PM me at twisting the hellmouth, author deepbluejoy - I tried posting the url for my author page, but not sure if it will post or not b/c apparently, still fewer than 10 messages... gotta get busy. sigh.

thank you gratefully!


Author SMac
#8 | Posted: 3 Feb 2013 00:26 
I have a copy.
If you contact me through my contact here at TSR I will send you a copy. Click on the little envelope next to my name for PM'g me here in the forum or click on my name to email me through the contact on my author page. Be sure to include your email address so I can send it.

Author rlm
#9 | Posted: 3 Feb 2013 13:56 
Bloodshedbaby completed several fics and I have all of the complete and incomplete saved to my computer if anyone would like them. PM me if anyone would like a copy.

List of completed fics:
Blood Warms the Heart
Claiming the Heart
Double Order of Toast
Dreams and Desotos
Halloween Trick or Freak
Karma Chameleon
Lonely in Your Nightmare
Lover's Walk Don't Run
Teacher's Pet
What's My Line

Unfinished but I still enjoy reading over again are:
Catching the Night
Damaged Goods
Some Cold Lovin'

Author Talaxi
#10 | Posted: 3 Feb 2013 20:29 
Where can I find Damaged Goods please?

Author Spuffygirl
#11 | Posted: 4 Feb 2013 06:05 
This is the only working link I could find to is this one. I don't know if there is more to the fic than this. I haven't read it.

Damaged Goods by Bloodshedbaby WIP tm

Catching The Night by Bloodshedbaby WIP

Blood Warms The Heart by Bloodshedbaby Complete m

Some Cold Lovin, Las Vegas Style by Bloodshedbaby WIP

With a Rebel Yell by Bloodshedbaby WIP

More stories at these links. You can find the ones that are complete. dverse/authors/bloodshedbaby.htm

It's amazing what you can find on google.

Author luvmyfirefly
#12 | Posted: 5 Jun 2013 14:12 

I would love to have copies of those stories if you don't mind. For some reason the board is not letting me pm you. Could you pm me so I can reply and give you my email address?

Thanks! It's so nice to find a new author that I like so much!

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 Catching the Dream TaniTKD

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