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Buffy comes back from hell

Author Aly
#1 | Posted: 20 May 2010 15:02 
Hi guys,
does anyone of you know some stories where Buffy comes back in season 6 but instead of heaven she actually was in some kind of hell dimension?
I vaguely remember one where she's like Cave-Buffy when she came back and I think the Scoobies had to tie her up in the basement and only Spike could get through to her. I think she spend a hundred years or something in a hell dimension alone and had to hunt demons to survive, maybe it was even Spike who got her out of it or she just came through a portal, i don't really remember. I also remember her drawing Spike and the others (?) either on the walls of her basement or the walls of the cave she lived in in this other dimension. She also couldn't speak anymore because she hadn't had someone to talk to for over a century.
It would be awesome if someone remembers the story or/ and if you can think of some others that are similar.

Author JolieAngelina137
#2 | Posted: 20 May 2010 15:44 
It's called "Writing on the Wall" by HollyDB if we are thinking of the same fic. Hope that helps!

Author Melly
#3 | Posted: 20 May 2010 15:47 
You may be thinking of Longer, Then Forever by Demonica Mills.

Author cordykitten

#4 | Posted: 20 May 2010 17:09 
I thinks it's Demonica Mills' story, too.

Longer, Then Forever by Demonica Mills
What if Buffy had gone to hell when she jumped in Glory's portal?

(The story is still up at EF, that's the link for it, she took it down here.)

(In Writing on the Wall she was writing, not painting pics if I remember right but it's a similar one, you won't be sorry to read it.)

Author Spikelissa

#5 | Posted: 20 May 2010 17:11 
Longer, Then Forever by Demonica Mills Rated: R

What if Buffy had gone to hell when she jumped in Glory's portal?

That's one of my fave 'Buffy goes to hell' fics!

In The Writing on the Wall it's different. She doesn't talk until much later, and no Scoobs, yet...Love this story but I'm patiently waiting for this story to finish .

I was trying to remember this story recently too! Yeah reading material before I go to dinner! Sweet!

Author Spikelissa

#6 | Posted: 20 May 2010 17:13 
I give up lmao...what cordykitten posted

Author Aly
#7 | Posted: 21 May 2010 06:24 
Thanks so much guys,
you're awesome. The story I was looking for is "Longer, than forever" but I will definitely check out "Writing on the wall" too

Author Pari

#8 | Posted: 21 May 2010 07:07 

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 Buffy comes back from hell

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